Tfw you fail while bench pressing only 95 pounds

>tfw you fail while bench pressing only 95 pounds

What am I doing wrong, lads? All I know is I can't feel it in my chest.

Shut up and train

I am. I can usually progress on it but not today. What am I doing wrong?

not eating enough, not sleeping enough, not drinking enough water. make sure you're hitting your protein goal for each day.

deload and add more volume

Bench 3 times a week

Go up 5 lbs each each

Sleep 8 hours a day

Eat enough

*each week

I definitely did skimp on eating since my workout before this one. I just got done eating more or less my lean bodyweight in protein so I'll get back on track.

I'll keep water in mind. Usually I just drink milk.

This week's been bad for my sleep but I'm going to reset my sleep schedule as soon as possible.

widen your grip dumbass

youre calling him a dumbass and you have no idea how wide his grip is and that's meme advice anyway. Don't post on this board ever again.

Retract and depress your scapula, will put more emphasis on the chest

Good post. Came here to suggest that.

So is that pulling my shoulder blades back and arching my back a bit?

OP if this doesnt work, you are not eating/sleeping/benching enough.

Yes, but try to get the mind-muscle connection.
Don't think about anything else besides pushing with your chest.
Your grip on the barbell is important too.
Make sure that at the bottom of the movement your arms are perpendicular to the floor.
Also, the barbell shouldn't touch the middle of your chest at the bottom, it should be just under your lower pecs, or around that area.

>mostly milk
Please drink water

Yup. Only pointer I could add to that is that the bar should be balanced across the bottom portion of your hand, just above the thumb and the push should be through the outside side of your palms.

I'll keep that in mind. I think I focus too much on pushing with my arms.

Serious, what's the difference? Milk is mostly water but it's got nutrients too.

It's so frustrating how many people could just do this and see definite gains, but choose to do 16kg dumbbell press for 2 months straight instead. Do this OP.

>milk is mostly water
No it's not . your body needs water to carry out its functions. Muscles also need it. Milk won't keep you hydrated like water

plant your feet flat on the ground
arch your back
make sure your grip is wide
lower the bar to the nipple line, not higher on the sternum

you're probably feeling it in your triceps, right?

Man you guys are weak as fuck. I was lifting this when I was 12.

keep your core tighter
utilize leg drive
ignore retarded Veeky Forumsizens that repeat the eat more sleep more shit advice for literally any fitness question they find

Wow, you're super strong!

What's your 3RM now?

I had to OHP an empty bar when starting SL