What do I do if I am too anxious to be in a gym?

What do I do if I am too anxious to be in a gym?
I'm not fat and I know what I am doing , I am not some amateur
It didnt used to be like this
Some guy asked me to spot him yesterday and I just walked out of the gym and cried in my car

home gym.
How do you do anything if someone asks you to spot him and you cry? Go to a doctor if this isn't b8

go get anti-anxiety meds from a (((psychiatrist))), not even kidding. It's not normal to cry because someone asked you to spot them

Too anxious to see doctor, too expensive
No space for a home gym
I dont do anything, I have to pay extra to have groceries brought out so I dont have to go in, other than that I stay home


Not allowed, former benzo abuser
The only other thing they can offer me is antidepressants which are poison

You have a serious disorder my man, find a way to get professional help. Cognitive behavioral therapy if you can.

Just kill yourself at this poin m9

I ordered a shirt similar to this and I think Im just going to wear it and hopefully nobody will try and talk to me
I am also slowly learning sign language in case I run into an actual deaf person

You're a fucking pussy go outside you disgusting little worm

You're a failure as a human being, you are literally a waste of space, kys

People like you will never understand
I used to be like you, it can happen to anybody.

>Some guy asked me to spot him yesterday and I just walked out of the gym and cried in my car
no way

Let this be a warning
One day you are a happy college kid going to parties
Fast forward and youre slipping the pizza guy money through the mail slot so you dont have to open the door

Still go to the gym, add something amphatemine based like DMAA or AMP-HCL to your preworkout along with phenibut. Do this for a while until you feel confident enough to gym without phenibut

Quit looking at porn. Most anxiety issues can be solved this way.

Why though? Break it down for me logically. Were you afraid of the guy? Was the weight too much for you to spot?

I said I had to go to the bathroom then left. My crying was not a result of him asking, but out of the shame for what I have become
I could lift double what he was benching

op the sort of person that if he fell over in his house and broke his leg hed be to anxious to call an ambulance

fuck the (((psychiatrists))) you can get that shit from your GP. Shrinks are fucking worthless.

>My crying was not a result of him asking, but out of the shame for what I have become

This hit way too close to home for my liking.

Benzo withdrawal can last for years man. If this is really the case and not a troll you need to do lots of work to fix yourself. Just take babby steps like seeing family and getting them to go places with you until you can start to reintigrate. Let some people close to you know so youre not going in alone. People can be a lot more understanding than hou realize, unless you live in new jersey.

If you live in new jersey youre fucked.

that is fucking hardcore.
how many people would literally fake a disability, something generally agreed upon to be a pretty scummy thing to do, because they're so utterly terrified of the world around them?
it's like that one copypasta where the guy destroys the classroom and hurts several people because somebody brought a bee to show and tell and he was scared of bees.
it's okay man. minimize as much as you can the self-hatred and guilt. everyone's fucked up to some extent. seek help somewhere, by any means. take up meditating.

just wear some headphones and pretend other people don't exist

>american """""""""""""healthcare""""""""""""""

pathetic, someone with a serious mental disorder cant go to the doctor because its too expensive

This. I'm nowhere near as anxious as OP, but I never used to experience anxiety like I do now.

Exercise and eating healthy help a lot, but when I have a job interview or a party or something, I'll sometimes slip right back into high anxiety mode and go full retard. Like I can barely converse without saying something autistic or I just get visibly nervous and shaky. It's a mental issue but I'm not sure if it's serious enough for a doc to prescribe me medication for it.

This is me. I started a low dose of paxil 5 weeks ago. I haven't had any full blown attacks since but I still get nervous as fuck about meetings, parties, going out to dinner, etc.

Do people really get anxious being asked for a spot? I hope I don't trigger anyone into a autismo panic attack by asking them to spot my weak ass bench

>but out of the shame for what I have become
So you get anxiety because you feel ashamed that you have become a person with anxiety? That makes zero sense, please seek help from a professional.

It doesn't make sense. You have problem much more severe than anyone can understand. So severe that you can't get it fixed?

What sort of advice did you expect?

I don't, if the guy is jacked and handsome I feel flattered honestly.

Just wear headphones, its the international sign for fuck off I'm working out.