Time Travel

Let's say my brain was transported back into a younger version of myself, with all the knowledge I have today.

Do I now have a responsibility to prevent disasters? Like, do I have a responsibility to now stop things like 9/11 or Sandy Hook? Or are disasters something that should be allowed to remain? Do I have the right to change that part of history?

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If responsibility means that you should be ashamed for not preventing something awful from happening when it's in your power, then yes.

If something even worse happens as a result of your good deed, you wouldn't be responsible for that. You can only be held responsible for what is in your power to know.

I think butterfly effect pretty much guarantees you'd only be able to stop one. Better off quietly buying up stock for whatever tech giants were publicly trading at the time and cashing in on those superb owl bets.

>go back to September 10, 2001
>go on /b/ and post "you guys are alright, don't go to downtown Manhattan tomorrow"
>make sure you're on like 10 layers of proxies because CIA
>enjoy being the author of the single most epic and spoopy shitpost in the history of mankind

>superb owl
I have only ever heard of great ones

>/b/ existed in 2001

>Sandy Hook

Some events simply shitted up the world so much it's your obligation to stop them from occurring, even if it occurs at the price of your own existence

For example, if you have the opportunity to set the timer on George Elser's bomb back another 30 minutes so it blows Hitler & Co. sky high and stops WWII from occurring, your existence is more than a fair trade for saving millions of lives and Western Civilization.

I ave a 'sponsibilty to tel myself to put 200 quid on lestah winnin the prem in 15/16 duni?

He's a paragon of the board. Doesn't even know anything more recent than 25 years.

buy bitcoin famalam

But aren't there good things that must have come from the tragedy, small as they may have been? Do I have the right to wipe those from existence?


They don't exist yet. There's nothing to "wipe."

How could one go about stoping 9/11?

Call in a bomb threat the day before, then run into airport and fake an attempted hijacking while armed to the teeth. Say I have partners who will strike tommorow.

Probably less trying to prevent huge things from happening, buy bitcoins, be able to play old online mmorpg games and see the old internet, pay no attention to bullies in my school, cook my own food, save money, read books and draw more too in my spare time since kids have free time apart from homework, talk to my teachers instead of being shy, use my youth to do stupid silly things and get away with it.

Politely ask the perpetrators not to do it

It's easy, all you got to do is locate and dig up the detonators.

But destroying the WTC before the plane hits and blame someone else

You only have the responsibility to make a ridiculous amount of money on the stock market

In order to avoid the grandfather paradox, more likely you'd be in an alternate timeline so events may play out differently to what you know.

I actually considered this recently and came to the conclusion that any large scale change I made to history would result in untold numbers of people failing to be conceived and that I had a greater responsibility to minimize my effect on the past.


Go back in time to 2004 before the normalfag invasion and the destruction of Veeky Forums culture brought on by /pol/

>Inb4 being called a cuck

/pol/ didn't fuck up 4chin till gamergate happened. Veeky Forums in 2008 was still good. The thing that killed Veeky Forums was the influx of lazy fucks who don't contribute and just samefag/shitpost. Small boards are good boards and /b/ was the first to go only because it was always the most popular.

not only you don't but you also can't
you already live in an era where every data is recorded and the authorities are capable to come after you whenever they want
in the future the travel devices will be monitoring every aspect of the user all the time including cognition patterns so the time-police will come have a word with you the moment the device show you are plotting something

Tell Reagan not to fund Islamic militants under the guise of fighting Communism.

9/11 seems like a pretty minor thing to try and prevent. More Americans are killed from drowning than terrorism.

SA then, which is where old /b/ originally came from anyway.

But you don't have knowledge of all the drownings. Knowing about one event with a high death rate would be more useful here than knowing every single person who was going to drown in 2001. What would you do, anyway? Call them all? What if they're not home? And what do you tell them? "Don't drown today." "Whatever fag, I drink and dive all the time!"

I think this is one of those situations where you can't be expected to make the 'right' decision. Personally I would probably let it happen (except maybe a few one or two people if I could) because it would lead to the timeline we know.

If one thing science fiction has taught me is that you can't mess with the timeline if you travel back in the past because you might alter events that would have great repercussions and would have even worse consequences.
Better to just let it happen and invest your money in shit like stocks or sports bets that actually would give you personal gain.
Just imagine how much money you'd get if you put crazy bets in World Cup games (infamous 7:1 for example)

>Guy claims X will happen
>Hey look, ANOTHER doomsayer

No one would believe you, if it's for movie memes, you would simply have Cassandra's syndrome, so your better off caring for your own and the life of someone you cared.

Call in a tip to the FBI from a payphone two days in advance with the names of the hijackers and the flights they intend to board.

Underrated post.

I would travel back to the time when first humans were created and kill G-d for all his future crimes against humanity such as creating Germans and Turks