Why did the Iraqis get BTFO'd in the Gulf War that badly? It was inevitable they would have lost in the end...

Why did the Iraqis get BTFO'd in the Gulf War that badly? It was inevitable they would have lost in the end, but why were they so assblasted by the Coalition?

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Troops didn’t want to for some faggot’s territorial ambitions

they were lone 4th rate power against the single greatest military force the planet has ever seen, fully motivated for the fight.

The US spent the entirety of the 1980s preparing for a war against an enemy that would be using the same equipment and similar doctrine to the Iraqis, but which would be much better armed, more numerous, and competent.

So you take the force, which was expecting to be desperately outnumbered and outgunned and fighting for their lives, and then put them in a fight against an enemy that they outnumber.

The end result is an absolute ass-blasting the likes of which the world had never been seen before.

Their military was literally WWI-tier in the Iran-Iraq war, and it barely improved in the interim years.

This is a pretty good explanation. However,
>>force that they outnumber
Maybe if you count the shittier parts of the coalition assembled to invade Iraq in Gulf War 1, but did the US, UK and French armies for example, really outnumber the Iraqi army?
If so, lol man that war was even more of a curbstomp then I thought it would be.

Poor morale. Who wants to die in a war that your side can't possibly hope to win?

Poor training, poor morale after the air campaign.
Why we didn't steamroll right on through to Bahgdad is beyond me.

Because regime change wasn't on the agenda, the whole point of the 1990 gulf war was to return to the status quo ante bellum. And it was a complete success, so why bite of more than you can chew?

Wikipedia tells me there were 750,000 US troops in theater compared with 650,000 Iraqis.

Now in Iraq 2003, the US beat the shit out of an Iraqi force that outnumbered them, because they didn't want to do a big buildup and lose the element of surprise.

>Why did the Iraqis get BTFO'd in the Gulf War that badly?
1'th generation active night vision vs 3'th generation passive night vision

Also, google "why arabs loose wars".

Made a pastebin for you guys - some things from /k/ I once saved.


Some of that was pretty good, reminded me of generation kill. Thanks user

Im not buying the "Its was all just the CIA going after him!" meme since basically everyone on earth fought against this nigga

This. Saddam's Iraq was like the Poor Man's Soviet Union. It's like Mario preparing to fight Koopa only to end up fighting his retarded kid with the spiky hair instead.

>>Mario preparing to fight Koopa only to end up fighting his retarded kid with the spiky hair instead.
Try going back in time and telling 5 year old me that. Those obnoxious little bastards were the worst part of Mario 3 for me.

I heard somewhere that the US told Saddam that there would not be an intervention if he invaded Kuwait. Saddam wasn't expecting retaliation of that magnitude and was under prepare. Regrettably I can't provide sauce, if you want to dig thou the ambassador of the US and main contact with Saddam at the time was April Glaspie.


What the fuck was their beef

Generally speaking, nobody wants anyone else to try and fuck with the international oil trade. Petroleum is kinda the backbone of modern economies still.

Argentina became a Major Non-NATO Ally of the US in the 1990s, we had a President who was a huge Ameriboo and basically helped USA play world police in Iraq, Haiti, Cyprus, Bosnia, Croatia, etc.

Most of the countries in the Gulf War had no direct stake in it, what was Australia's interest?

Saddam was too brazen in invading and had terrible timing. The Cold War had just ended (America was the most popular country on Earth) and nobody wants the world oim supply to be messed with as the other user pointed out.

No morale, shit equipment, didn't implement what the Soviets had taught them.

>oh yeah, those guys give us a shitload of money
>may as well send some cooks or something

You have to keep in mind that this was the absolute zenith of US influence in the world.

>Their military was literally WWI-tier in the Iran-Iraq war
That's not true, they were getting the best weapons from foreign states. It's just that Arabs are shit at warfare.