You have 10 seconds to give me ONE good reason why you aren't investing in this man

You have 10 seconds to give me ONE good reason why you aren't investing in this man.

Other urls found in this thread:

Space isn't real

I love the smell of guzzoline too much.

earnings report

space is lie perpetuated by lizard people from hollow earth. there are no stars or planets. anyone who says otherwise is fucking moron and that is a damn fact, yeah you heard me, fucking betabeard

tech and products offered are exclusive to a narrow market. compare toyota to tessla in terms of marketability, affordability, ease of acess. not enough global interest of normies, which is why in the last 3 months my mcdonals stock has been outperfroming tesla.

He married

he is a balding cuck who got hair implants

elon pls

He looks like a child molester

Doesnt run a real business, just a charity case disguised as 'eco-friendlyness' meanwhile producing batteries for his cars causes more pollution than almost anything else.

There you go OP. Plenty of reasons

Because his only project with real earnings was Paypal, everything else is just burn money.

This, but unironically

Bald, so not a real man

balding -> inferior genetics

Musk coin?

cos he is getting rekt by trump

just like anyone else who can afford it

I'm not going to invest in a man who blew up 7+ rockets

Nice logic retard.

USA blew over 400 before they got to the moon

Welfare Queen low-test numale.

I'm saving with BTC, I can either lose all my money or make enough that by summer I can go traveling.