Does the ketogenic diet cure diabetes?

Does the ketogenic diet cure diabetes?

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It can back you away from pre-diabetes.

I don't think it can CURE actual, full blown diabetes but it can definitely help you manage it.

>keto treats autism

>keto cures autism
if only

Do you have an actual scientific paper to back this claim? Generally interested, not being a dick

honestly i don't give a shit what it does or doesn't cure, it's ripping the fat off my body like a kid with christmas wrapping paper.

Very interesting. Thank you for actually delivering.

I am on a weight loss program at the moment and that usually results in low carb intake. I do struggle to get my fats in. I eat a lot of lean proteins and greek yoghurt so I'm not hungry and my protein intake is good, but I do worry about my fat intake. Any suggestions?

Same, and if it cures autism then I will finally be a human.

What a bullshit image. Keto is a meme.


I went Keto for a while after a bad MS attack. Was half paralyzed for a couple months. Keto brought he inflammation down and doctor's were amazed at the lack of scar tissue apparent in my next MRI.

Anecdotal I know but just sharing. Also good for focus.

t. redditor trying to false flag

>T. Dietician

No. But it will get you shredded and control your mood swings.

Very true. After the Keto flu wears off, that is.

Avocados and avocado oil with foods gets me across the line.

Cures with death

Cute you have a bachelors degree

I never get keto flu. I'd imagine it's worth persevering through.

It's got nothing to do with the fact the diet is ketogenic, any low carb diet will work, so will fasting.

no carbs = baseline insulin -> mobilisation of fatty stores on liver + no shuttling of glucose by insulin = return to normal beta cell insulin production + normalised insulin sensitivity = managed or reversed diabetes.

keto IS autism

Was saturated fat high or low?

I'd say medium. I cook my eggs with a pat of butter, all eggs. Not much pork. Ate a steak on weekends. But mostly fish and chicken.

That's probably low relative to the normal butgerland diet, now that I think about it.

Oh and my guilty please, every few weeks or so, is a low carb burger from hardees or Wendy's. So there's your saturated fat.

Once you're shooting up insulin, there's no getting off it.

Bump for pre-diabetics on this board. Everyone should see this.

Some people say that too much fat and no carbs will make you pre diabetic if you ar enot already.

I think that does depend on the fats though. Healthier keto fats are probably better for you.

Remind them they regularly get their feet and legs amputated as well.

Dr Neal Bernard's plant based , low fat , high starch diet can cure diabetes. It eliminates the intracellular lipids and cholesterol that promote insulin resistance and starch and o sugar help control blood sugar levels.

Intermittent fasting works also

He's a quack, vegan propaganda. Look at pajeet country, highest amount of vegans anywhere, highest rates of beetus too.

Keto is perfect for autoimmune disease. I'm in remission from Crohn's disease, keto for five years. Unlike my fellow sufferers, I will never need an artificial butthole.

If you fast every other day, you can lower and eliminate the deteriorating effects of diabetes and lower the amount of supplemental insulin you need to take over time - sometimes to none.

The reason why is that by regularly fasting, you experience extended periods of low insulin levels that reverses the effects of insulin insensitivity.

Keto works similarly because insulin is activated in response to carbohydrates.

His stuff is peer reviewed though. He is vegan but he's far from a quack.

Many of the Indians with beetus are those who eat american processed foods like sugar laden sodas and candy.
Diabetus was rare in India until convenience foods.

Peer review means jack when the people reviewing your shit are also quacks

Keto can effectively roll back pre-diabetes, even early diabetes. It also starves cancer cells because they can't metabolize ketone bodies. Keto has neuroprotective qualities, which is why it works so well with epileptics.

Can someone provide me with a keto-noob diet link ?

Not true

Is there any reason not to do this diet as your default diet? I've read a few arguments about how it is the superior all around diet and that it can contribute to brain function, sleep quality and consistent energy levels

I've been doing it for a 3 weeks and I have had nothing but a positive experience.

Someone tell me why its bad so I can keep getting lost in life

and protein

The big worry is heart disease and cholesterol.
A lot of people on Ketogenic diet see their cholestorol shoot up and the blood pressure rise.
Some low carbers say we should ignore cholesterol numbers , but that's just because they need to keep selling books and the doctors know what they're doing.

Processed meat has been shown through the scientific literature to be linked to cancer as well as the heme iron in red meat.
So definitely cut back on the bacon and beef if you're on it.

Keto tend to deplete the glycogen stores in muscle , so you might experience reduced performance .

If you're into lifting heavy you should take a small amount of carbs pre-workout. Ignore the post above about heart disease.

how i felt on keto

>always energy
>mood is good
>reduced inflammation
>reduced anxiety
>better sleep
>just everything feels better

>less speed in lifts
>muscles appear depleted
>hard to bulk on keto

>The big worry is heart disease

>Ignore the post above about heart disease.


Is this true?

Its carbs that causes cancer. Cancer is found in patients with a scan which shows where your body has most glucosis because cancer cells can only feed on sugar.

Red meat only causes cancer because cows are fed with cancerous hormones

It tends to stabilize mood swings, so it should be effective for those who have highs of energy/motivation and lows of depression. I don't know how it would work on chronic depression.
Keep in mind that this is mostly anecdotal. There are very few studies that looked into psychotherapy and ketosis. See this review from 2017 for details:

Also there is this overview from 2012:
"Mood stabilizing properties of the KD have been hypothesized (El-Mallakh and Paskitti, 2001), but no clinical studies have been conducted as of this writing. The potential role of the KD in depression has been studied in the forced choice model of depression in rats, which led to a beneficial effect similar to that afforded by conventional antidepressants (Murphy et al., 2004; Murphy and Burnham, 2006)."

So from a scientific point of view, we don't know yet if keto helps with depression.

What's the best way to get started on keto these days?

>After 12 months, the LCD group showed a significant decrease in weight compared with baseline (P

High fat diets cause diabetes.

>Its carbs that cause cancer

Berries, sweet potatoes, carrots, and peas are carcinogens?

>2680 calories
holy fuck

Any diet where you don't stuff yourself with sugar will back you away from pre diabetes

Where is that graph from? Most likely from Greger and his camp, I guess.
Those values only make sense if the subjects were not keto adapted, meaning they were within the two to three weeks of a ketogenic diet. If the body isn't used to burning fats for energy, the liver will produce extra glucose for fuel. The low fat diets would show lower blood glucose, since there is a lot of insulin that quickly reduces blood sugar by shuttling the sugars into the fat cells. This doesn't happen in the fat heavy diet, since there's barely any insulin. Also this condition should be reversed after about a month of ketosis.

Reminder that cholesterol is good for you.
Reminder that elevated LDL has not been shown to cause significant absolute risk increases for heart disease.
Reminder that, actually, low overall cholesterol has been shown to increase absolute risk for cancer and heart disease.
Reminder that it is stress and inflammation that causes cumulative damage to arteries (which cholesterol then has to repair) that eventually causes blockage and heart attacks.
Reminder that inflammation is a result of sedentary lifestyles and high carb diets (also smoking).

Reminder that statin drugs prescribed to combat heart disease are almost completely ineffective in reducing absolute risk of heart attack.
Reminder that studies linking LDL to heart disease always use relative risk calculations which are worthless.


also statins have some pretty nasty side effects

>identity politics and non sequitur
Typical ketard desu

Fucking manlets, 2680 is below my maintenance

>non sequitur
Just admit you don't have the faintest idea about the basics of endocrinology. That was an explanation of those figures based on the charitable assumption that the graph isn't pure propaganda.

>This doesn't happen in the fat heavy diet, since there's barely any insulin.

Animal protein in meat and dairy leads to an insulin response. Beef is as insulinoemic as sugar.

The data in that study was collected literally by telephone asking people to self report their dietary intake and then estimate average nutrient intake from that data.

Their physical activity was also likewise estimated based on very loose terminology and categorisation.

These studies are fucking useless because there is no outright control because it's fucking impossible to do so.

All that ever gets shown is that people who eat a lot of meat (who also eat a fuck ton of processed crap and are typically sedentary) are unhealthy. It's weak correlation at best.

Lazy bait

We already know that protein raise insulin more than fats and less than carbs. This is why people on keto avoid high protein ratios, since the extra protein is turned into glucose and raises insulin, thus kicking them out of ketosis.
>Beef is as insulinoemic as sugar.
This is a lie. This is the kind of data you get from following only a closed loop of blogs around that Greger fellow. You're behaving like a cultist, to be frank.
And about that study you posted: It's about protein, not fat. You have no idea what ketosis is, obviously (hint: it's not high protein), so your arguments will fall flat with anyone who is aware of the basics of ketogenic diets. Also, it's an observational study. It can only establish correlations or lack of correlations. It can only be used to formulate hypotheses which would then need to be tested in clinical studies.

If you want actual clinical studies that explore various hypotheses about fat and diabetes:
"The LCKD improved glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes such that diabetes medications were discontinued or reduced in most participants. Because the LCKD can be very effective at lowering blood glucose, patients on diabetes medication who use this diet should be under close medical supervision or capable of adjusting their medication."

Yes. Also fasting can cure it. You need to keep the diet up for a long time, the body WILL recover. Most metabolic syndromes are curable.

if your autism is being caused by some undiagnosed allergy or digestive issue
Then yea changing your diet can effect it

You know what keto is lacking most of the time?

Bone broth. Why dont you keto fags eat more of that? We didnt only used to eat muscle tissue.

He actually didn't say anything incorrect, friend

No, but it can prevent it and cure pre-diabetes. But so will fat loss and working out.

I would take the findings of a group of Atkins Foundation researchers published in their own science journal with a grain of salt.

>patients with an average BMI of 41 who claimed to eat 2k calories per day (and the scientists accepted this data), cut down to 1500 calories, lost weight, diabetes got better
>fat and protein intake stayed the same, only diet change was cutting down on carbs (calories)

Just looking at that pic I don't see high protein foods raising insulin very much. Only baked beans is listed there and that is made with a lot of sugar. The foods high in carbohydrates that don't raise the insulin level much, have a high percentage of their carbs as indigestible fiber, which obviously doesn't get digested despite being listed as carb.

I honestly dont know what to think anymore, im just a /fat/ trying to lose weight, and now im reading about meat causing cancer, this causes heart disease, no this causes it. And you can literally find "world famous doctors" that support any of these theories.

Does it? I've always been under the impression that keto was ineffective. How does the diet itself work?

Whatever you don't want to be true is probably the most likely thing.

The most important thing is cutting to a healthy weight and being active regularly rather than sedentary.

That makes the biggest difference.

Cutting out refined sugars and simple carbs is also a good bet.

After that it's up to you but I would recommend a low carb diet. Try it for a good few months, get your blood work done and adjust from there.

It's red meat and processed meat (sausage, ham, salami) that are supposed to cause cancer. Not all meat in general. This is linked to reactions that happen in your stomach when digesting chemicals contained in these meat products, which in turn can lead to stomach cancer. This relates to red meat cooked at temperatures higher than 150°C (300°F) in particular.
Researchers suggest that people who eat a lot of meat might also be missing out on protective foods like fruit and vegetables or wholegrain cereals, which in turn prevent stomach cancer.

>This is linked to reactions that happen in your stomach when digesting chemicals contained in these meat products, which in turn can lead to stomach cancer.

The main thing is colon cancer, which in processed meats are mainly related to carcinogenic nitrosamines that form in the curing process, while for plain red meat a number of other things including even the type of iron are implicated in carcinogenesis when passing through the colon.

People need to eat more beans. Like every bad thing meat is linked to, beans are the opposite.

>How does the diet itself work?
It keeps insulin down. There is no fat burning while insulin is high. In a way, it simulates fasting, as you can get a similar internal environment and similar results with intermittent fasting and water fasting.
Why people use it, is because it helps regulate hunger, and once you get used to it, after a few weeks, hunger is no longer an issue, and you will naturally eat less than the daily expenditure. Keep in mind that calories in calories out still applies, it's just that people eating high fat low carb diets will feel full very fast, as the ghrelin/leptin balance is no longer disrupted by insulin.
For a more in depth explanation read this article:

> There is no fat burning while insulin is high

That's pretty vague. Whatever high insulin is supposed to be, it prevents you from burning any fat? How does that work with calories-in-calories-out that you say still applies? I don't even see anything about that in the article you linked

What the fuck do I eat on Keto other than chicken and beef?

all other meats

carbs tho?

>Autism is caused by allergies

what about them?

you also don't really need to worry about carbs from (non-starchy) vegetables.

High and low insulin is relative. The higher it is, the more its effects are felt:
"The major effects of insulin on muscle and adipose tissue are: (1) Carbohydrate metabolism: (a) it increases the rate of glucose transport across the cell membrane, (b) it increases the rate of glycolysis by increasing hexokinase and 6-phosphofructokinase activity, (c) it stimulates the rate of glycogen synthesis and decreases the rate of glycogen breakdown. (2) Lipid metabolism: (a) it decreases the rate of lipolysis in adipose tissue and hence lowers the plasma fatty acid level, (b) it stimulates fatty acid and triacylglycerol synthesis in tissues, (c) it increases the uptake of triglycerides from the blood into adipose tissue and muscle, (d) it decreases the rate of fatty acid oxidation in muscle and liver. (3) Protein metabolism: (a) it increases the rate of transport of some amino acids into tissues, (b) it increases the rate of protein synthesis in muscle, adipose tissue, liver, and other tissues, (c) it decreases the rate of protein degradation in muscle (and perhaps other tissues). These insulin effects serve to encourage the synthesis of carbohydrate, fat and protein, therefore, insulin can be considered to be an anabolic hormone."

Note the effects on fats:
-decreases lipolysis, which is the breakdown of lipids
-it stimulates fatty acid synthesis, so new fat is formed
-increases the uptake of triglycerides from the blood into adipose tissue and muscle, meaning it encourages fat storage
-decreases the rate of fatty acid oxidation, so less fat burning over all

It's all about absorption rates. Carbs that break down easy spike insulin levels. Carbs in a lot of veg aren't broken down or absorbed.

>How does that work with calories-in-calories-out that you say still applies?
You can't break the laws of physics, obviously.
What happens when you eat less calories than maintenance levels for the day, but your insulin is continuously high, is that your body can't access the stored fats for the remaining energy needed. The result is that you'll feel sluggish and hungry. So your calories out will be reduced by your body forcing you to not move very much, not do any difficult mental work, and not raise the workload for the heart.
With low insulin throughout the day, you should not have these issues, as the calorie deficit should be covered by the body fat without much issue.

Does it cure animated caramel pasta addiction?

No, you'll have to switch to Gagh.

Remember, it's best when served live.

beyond and wonder at it.


meant, well whatever.

>Ketogenic diet shows promise for treating Autism
AHAHAHAHA how fucking dumb are people?



This is mainly what im going for. Trying to undo the years of shitty eating/activity habits that ive established. I'll def keep low carb in mind, but for now i guess its one thing at a time.

>one thing at a time

That's it man, just keep improving bit by bit. Trying to take it all on at once, without strict guidance and help can be too much.

That's why I think that basically the quickest, most positive and most noticeable change you can make is dropping sugar and considerably reducing carbs.
A few days/weeks of adjustment to it and you will feel incredibly better and you will eviscerate the fat on your body. It will melt off you and you will be satiated the entire time.

That's why a lot of people struggle to lose weight simply by dropping calories. If you're used to eating carbs for sustenance, reducing your overall caloric intake just leaves you hungry and miserable. When you take you nutrients primarily from fat and protein you will find that you get satisfactorily full much easier and consume lower calories naturally without even intending to.

I would say keto is a more of a diet to cut fat on, not to bulk up on.

Definitely would decrease the fats and increase protein consumption to get that edge

>bachelor's degree

If my experience helps, I just cut out sugar to get from 450 to 380, then did myfitnesspal + 10,000 steps a day to get down to 275 but then I got stuck even though i was doing the recommended calories. I decided to try keto and went from 275 down to 210 (current) and I lost weight so fucking fast on keto I wish I had started from my maximum doing this.

But honestly I was so /fat/ back then that even the smallest changes seemed impossible. I did a lot of "replacement" stuff back when I did 380-275 like instead of chocolate bars I'd eat those sugary gatorade protein bars, and light beer instead of soda. But if you aren't as fat as that maybe starting keto would be easier for you. I learned discipline very slowly...

What was your daily keto eating like? I'm around 308 now and want to get to 200-220.


Rheumatoid Arthritis sufferer here. I went on an auto-immune paleo protocol last year after I was diagnosed. Not quite keto but much higher in fat and lower in carbs than I was eating. After months my flare ups have disappeared and I've been symptom free for almost a year now. Still able to lift pretty fucking heavy with no apparent damage to my joints.