Who was right for black people?

Who was right for black people?

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King obviously, Malcolm X was black supremacist, muslim and overall aggressive faggot
MLK is Veeky Forums and Malcolm X is /pol/

I'd say Malcolm was more of /leftypol/
Regardless, it is a fair comparison

>Malcolm X is /pol/
Spit my coffee out in laughter...

>wanting black people to be self sufficient and separated from non-blacks makes you a black supremacist

Malcom X

He was for separation, MLK for "integration", and everyone knows that "integration" is a meme.

>Wanting white people to be sekf sufficient and separated from non-whites makes you a white supremacist

It doesn’t make them a white supremacist tho

Plus MLK was an agent working for cummie, that sometimes wrote his speech.

Thing is, if they wanted to be separated from non-whites then they wouldn’t have bought and held another race as slaves or have gone on the whole colonizing thing

Malcolm X called himself communist in his letter to Truman

Atleast he is not a fake who let cummie wrote his speech.

Nation of Islam is a heresy, they are as muslims as mormons are christians.
Malcolm X eventually became a legit muslim and then he didn't hate whites anymore.

MLK is an heresy too! For him Jesus was not divine and modern christians should not hope for his return.

He also wrote a blasphematory paper where he explains how christianity has been influenced by mystic and pagan religion.

MLK and Post-MB Malcolm X

Trick question, the real answer is Dwight York.

Donald Trump

BOTH !!! Not every Chuck can peek through the blinds with a mini-14 because "PUT HIM IN THE GRAVE!"


who was more for black people? Malcolm X
who would make white people more butthurt? MLK

MLK. His solution was far more pragmatic.

>everyone knows that "integration" is a meme.

I've never understood this meme. Besides a few stupid things like forced busing and the like the vast majority of integration was simply giving blacks more opportunities to decide what they want to do.

If a black person wants to live in a wealthier white neighborhood and has the financial means to do so why should the state prevent him from doing so?

>He also wrote a blasphematory paper where he explains how christianity has been influenced by mystic and pagan religion.

This is true no matter how much christfag revisionists try to ignore it.

>He also wrote a blasphematory paper where he explains how christianity has been influenced by mystic and pagan religion.

But that's completely true.

Hurrr I don't have a girlfriend and I go out of my way to look up niggers banging blondes on pornhub and it triggers me.
Allowing people of different races to live together is literally force because muh feels. Why should a harder working Mexican have a job in this country when I'm a white NEET and thus automatically entitled to employment no matter how shit I am?

MLK because he was pro-integration and anti-racist. Malcolm X was a racist edgelord /pol/tard and would have been extremely dangerous for America.

Muslim Brotherhood
aka Malcolm X in the last few weeks/months before he died

It is true, but I don't think there is a way to reverse the influence, might as well leave it as it is to avoid further corruption, muslims also believe Christianity was cool at the started but was corrupted by the influence of neighboring religions, ironically the same thing is currently happening to islam.

He’s /pol/ in how he blames whites for making him do drugs like /pol/ blames Jews for being poor
>blacks couldn’t assimilate if they kept on fugging ‘white’ people

Black people should have the right to build their own wealth and form their own businesses to generate wealth in their community instead of giving their income to white hands

The question is better for black people, not America. and how was Malcolm racist exactly? He didn’t call for the execution of whites

See, the beauty of integration is that it gives black people the choice to do what they want. If they want to live in a largely black community and do what you're suggesting then they're completely able to do that. If they want to live elsewhere they can do that as well.

>hey, hows about we black people have equal rights under the law and are treated fairly?

>hey, hows about us black kangs create our own country out of scratch, yeah, we have no other real guiding principle for this new country other than bitter hatred, but lets do it! Also, we wuz emirs!

King. Malcom was pretty retarded

>I'd say Malcolm was more of /leftypol/
King was a christian and very conservative guy. He wasnt leftypol at all.

he became pretty socialistic toward the end of his life. he was socially conservative, sure, but in general he held a lot of beliefs in line with standard-tier left-wing socialism and even Marxism. he was a huge proponent of economic social justice shortly before he died.



I think user means that he was reactionary.

Almost as a rule, in order to make good money a black business has to sell to people with money, who are likely to be white. Perpetually serving a poor community may be good community spirit, and it may afford a decent and fulfilling career. But it doesn't really afford the opportunity to expand, employ more people, and reach new markets, which is what a business must do to change its environment.

I was laughing cause it's accurate.


The feds killed him for encouraging unity, typical

>Almost as a rule, in order to make good money a black business has to sell to people with money, who are likely to be white.
This is how anyone who is poor becomes rich dumbass. White black or otherwise, you need the support of someone willing to invest.

even then hes not leftypol at all. He wasnt a batshit crazy paranoid who thought trannys should receive free harmone therapy

Despite what you’re all going to say, King. Separatism is and always will be the path to at-best mediocrity and in most cases totally disfunction.

It’s just true, he’s just the mirror image (see: horseshoe)

Malcolm X was the Alex Jones of black people while MLK was based

white people today aren't the people who traded slaves, jamal

neither. niggers should be shipped back to apefrica

Malcolm X spoke of Afro-American solutions for Afro-American problems and Afro-American leaders for Afro-American communities. Post-hajj he realized what a fucking rube Elijah Muhammad and the NoI was and rescinded much of his racist claims. Had he never been assassinated, I've no doubt that the black American community would be in a much better place today.

this is bait

MLK eventually made them untouchable politically without racism accusations, so probably him. Malcolm X would’ve only furthered stereotypes. Though I personally don’t think that untouchability is a good thing for solving division, you have to admit MLK put blacks on the moral high ground.

America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.

And "nigger" have native American DNA.

So you agree with America belonging to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans? Great for ya.

Both of them actually

Malcom X after Mecca

They were both more successful due to the presence of the other. White people were more lenient and accepting of MLK due to knowing there was the angry, spiteful NOIggers wanting to fuck whitey up. NOI got a lot more attention and support because they were constantly being compared/contrasted to the mainstream peace groups. Not to mention the aggressive reaction by S*uth*rn*rs to praceful protest frustrated people who normally would’ve sat out and made a lot angry enough to join NOI.

Stokely Carmichael was the best tho

The Black ethnostate would fail because white people in power would want to see it fail even when the negroes moved away from the whites (a very large part of their labour that did the shitty jobs for shitty pay aka Nigger jobs).

There's the thing about the whites in power back then is that they had an obsession making sure Blacks would get fucked. That's why Booker T-Washington's compromise completely failed. It EXPECTED the whites to keep their side of the bargain that might I add COMPLETELY favored them yet they still bitched out and broke the compromise frequently. It's like a sheep negotiating with a hungry wolf.

What is preventing (assuming the Black state was treated as any other state in the U.S) surrounding states from being utter cunts and refusing to build roads connecting their state and said ethnostate. What's preventing them from bitching and crying at the federal level when the Feds give support to the ethnostate?


The white-black divide goes further than just superficial legal restrictions

The white cultural obsession with undermining blacks throughout history comes from a very powerful and very sinister psychological group "need" to have an out-group whom can be the target of all the pent-up, unconscious fears and anxieties that the members of the dominant in-group experience on a day-to-day basis.

"You know all this talk about communism leaves me deeply unsettled, Martha. What will happen to our American values if we change society so much? I blame the negros, to be perfectly honest. They want to take away from our social stability by listening to those Marxists." says the mildly anxious conservative woman of the 1930s.

This, this, this.

Let's not try to pretend in the event of a black ethniostate being created that it would ever actually be given anything more than table scraps of the nations wealth and resources.

Right, but that doesn't stop investing in black communities from being less lucrative than migrating towards upper-class white ones. It's a nicer thing to do, and probably the only way society could create sustained stability and opportunities for those that are now the most vulnerable, but it's not in the interests of anybody just looking to make wealth personally.



I'm not sure what you're getting at. This is more of a historical thread that a humanities thread.

>This, this, this.
Could you scream "I'm from reddit" any louder than this?

Those are both perfectly valid complaints.
Although whites should stop doing opiates and porn ffs. But Jews selling it to them and trying to make both available don't help.

Socially conservative, but fiscally liberal...

Just shows how ignorant you are. He was a racial nationalist critical of freemarket economics but from the point of view that it undermines the individual, and he was pro-community but via adherence to religion and pre-capitalist morality. He was also a semite-skeptic. All in all a pretty based person.
Marcus Garvey was even more /pol/, although less recent.

Never got the impression that he hated whites. I'd probably agree with him on about 80% of things and he seemed perfectly polite, in fact, patient, in the interviews I saw him do with journalists (who as a class are worthless people).

Oh my fuck that is not what integration has become. It's "take X amount of places away from whitey and guarantee them to myself and my coracials also if my people don't succeed it's entirely because of white people, and this is the axiom social science and social spending are going to be built around". It's also totally illegal to move away from diversity and form your own areas. Everywhere gets BLACKED it's just a matter of how deep.

Malcolm X also spoke the truth more, although the mountain speech by MLK was good.

The real horseshoe is capitalism and Marxism.

Yeah because Liberia really needed to be helped to fail

>take X amount of places away from whitey

How the hell do you prevent that? You can't prevent people from selling homes in a white neighborhood to black people.

Who was right for white people?

Yes you can, before segregation ended it was done pretty well desu

Malcolm X. Supported blacks learning how to operate their own businesses. After leaving the NoI he respected whites equally.

Malcolm also had been through poverty, joined the NoI and left the NoI. He had experienced more of the world.

King grew up sheltered. His father was a preacher; he became a preacher. King dreamed and was unrealistic.

King was a whoring conman who had all of his shit written for him by the guy he plagiarized. he had FBI on his tail for working with communists, he was a subversive that has contributed as a step in the road to the social disaster America is today

>King dreamed and was unrealistic.

How was King's vision of a black people being viewed as equal to whites under the eyes of the state unrealistic. It's far more realistic than anything X ever came up with.


He wasn’t grounded in reality. One of his speeches said, “murder doesnt murder murder”. He was too esoteric and also believed in the universal basic income (everyone gets free money because why care about inflation).

X had a real roadmap of self responsibility and coexistence with whites. The reality is that forcing groups to stay together does not work. With Malcolm they could have made a more productive separate culture.

>The reality is that forcing groups to stay together does not work.

Can you elaborate on this. What do you mean by forced?

Both were equally bad for blacks.

MLK was a soy-based alternative to Malcolm

MLK, and he was right for labour unions too.

>If a black person wants to live in a wealthier white neighborhood
>If a black person wants to live in a wealthier white neighborhood
>wealthier white neighborhood
>wealthier white neighborhood
>white neighborhood

This is the problem, niggers create violent shitholes then idiots like you convince these things to come to our territories then turn them into shitholes as well.

Integration is a meme, blacks in America mostly live in negro majority areas as they always have and show no indication that they like living around whites at all.

>idiots like you convince these things to come to our territories then turn them into shitholes as well

No, incorrect. My simple belief is that the state should have no say over where a citizen so chooses to live. I neither support or oppose a black person (or any ethnicity) choosing where to live.

While Sowell would certainly oppose MLKs more socialistic beliefs he certainly viewed them as necessary.


Sorry, he certainly viewed Civil Rights as necessary. My mistake.

Segregation was a cluster fuck, and Southern Whites weren't necessarily in the right. At the same time, the civil rights movement coincided with the growth of a lot of degeneracy (feminism, abortion, rampant consumerism, atheism, anti-Europeanism, watering down of Christian dogma, secularism) which hit Blacks pretty hard. Harder than they hit Whites.

MLK was a socialist. I support those policies myself, but you should know that both MLK and MX were socialists.

What does anything I said have to do with socialism? I don't deny he was a socialist, by the way.

Affirmative action is about MANDATING places be taken from white people and given to black people.

That’s the current situation in the US. It’s illegal to segregate.

In what way am I forced to stay with black people? I could completely fuck off and join a white supremacist organization and that would be completely legal for me to do so.

What would your solution be? If you'd suggest businesses should be allowed to have discriminatory hiring practices and the like then that's something I'd be fine with. There's not a major company in America that would be caught dead engaging in major discriminatory practices.

Realistically, you could strike down every anti-discriminatory law in the book and it would change almost nothing.

>(everyone gets free money because why care about inflation)
Please explain how you think UBI works

Quote a single piece of AA legislation that supports your dipshit assertion.

there's nothing degenerate about secularism

What is degenerate about any of those things? Those are almost all either just fighting against religious authority or a push for general human rights. The consumerism part is arguably bad, but bad in a way that our economy depends on.

he's a christcuck, ignore him

>Oh my fuck that is not what integration has become
yeah, it is different now from what MLK wanted