How do you do farmers walks? how many sets, how far, what weight...

how do you do farmers walks? how many sets, how far, what weight? I've just started doing these and I feel extreme burning in my forearms, but I'm not getting as severe DOMS as other muscles I started training (this is all after a vacation, which is why I have DOMS again)

tldr farmers walks tips?

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i want to start farmers walks too but have no idea where to start. hopefully this thread will help.

i have to poop

Did today with two 45s. At least now I know my gym is 18 steps wide from a dumbbell to squat rack. It was my first time and I'm fresh from the training so can't tell how hard my DOMS are yet.

I use kettlebells since my gym doesn't have proper farmers handles, and dumbbells just roll out of my hands. I can only go up to 20kg since that's the heaviest matching kettlebells my gym has
But really, there are no tips for doing them. Just pick up some weight and walk with it. You don't need to keep a slight shrug like some people say. I just make sure to keep good posture when doing them, thinking about keeping my chest up rather than pinching my shoulder blades together

I do shrugs with 70s or 75s and I did farmers walks with 60s, maybe 50-60 steps. Only done them twice but only got minor doms both times, but in the moment I was almost dropping them at the ends of the second and third sets. Also one arms is weaker than the other and is always closer to dropping

What's your starting position, right from the rack or you put then on the floor and then deadlift?

Start at the dumbell rack

floor then deadlift. you have to do it anyway any subsequent set because chances are you arent going to make it all the way back to reracking after the last couple sets


I do farmer walks with 44kg in each hand for 100 m.Farmer walks are a until fail type of exercise so you can do high weight low distance for strength and the opposite for endurance.

I do them with a >trap hex bar

What if my grip is weak as fuck?

It'll help strengthen your grip so you have even more reason to do them

put 90% of whatever your 1rm is on deadlift onto a trap bar and walk that shit around for as long as you can

congrats you are now huge

I do them on my lowerbody days as รค finisher. 40kgs dumbbells for ~30meters. 4 sets. I focus on breathing and tightening my core. My grip strength is the limiting factor

Doing them with dumbbells is basically a waste a of time. Unless your gym has dumbbells that go to 200 lbs, you will quickly plateau.

The farmer's walk isn't simply a grip exercise. It's meant to be heavy as fuck, and greatly stress your core, traps, and upper back. To do this effectively, you really need farmer's walk handles (or maybe a trap bar). Doing farmer's walks with dumbbells is like trying to use dumbbell deadlifts as a substitute for barbell deadlifts. I train farmer's walks with 225 lbs per hand, because that's a pretty common competition weight for my size. I absolutely could not mimic this using dumbbells or kettlebells.

If you want, read some more from this strong faggot:

Basically, dumbbells don't allow for an adequate intensity, unless you are a complete beginner or something.


garbage blog kys

did you really reply to all those people and not pick up that almost all of them are beginners, especially when it comes to farmers walks? thats the whole point of this thread son

I've seen people of all sorts of training and strength levels doing retard style farmer's walks. I see it literally every day in my gym. Adult, relatively muscular men being instructed by a trainer to carry 40 lb kettlebells around and do laps around the gym, while we have a nice pair of Strength Shop handles sitting there unused.

This is so common that beginners on lifting forums have a mistaken idea that this is how farmer's walks are SUPPOSED to be done. It's not.

Whether or not they are beginners, they need to know the proper way to reap benefits from this exercise.

well saying doing them with dumbbells is basically a waste of time unless you have 200 lb dumbbells is jumping to conclusions. it also doesnt help since a lot of people here dont have access to handles in their gyms, only dumbbells

Then use straps

Stealing dumbbells is not a farmer carry. Use a trap bar if you can't be bothered to use handles. It's a whole body exercise, and if you just want to improve grip, do heavy rack pulls held for time.


Pick up a light weight in each hand and walk really far with it.
>dumbbells just roll out of my hands
Then you're going too heavy, use a weight you can actually do and work your way up from there.
I prefer not to do them until fail, but I think that's just a personal preference. I can go longer and heavier if I have a certain goal in mind. Right now I can do 95lbs per hand for 38 paces.
But seriously, dumbbells are fine until you max out in them. I plan on switching to static deadlift holds when I max out on dumbbells, since my gym doesn't have a hex bar.

how long should each set be?

Keep your back straight. You should have good posture and not be hunched over. Walk tall and proud with your weights.

>use straps
>for farmers walks
What's the point? Farmers walks train grip, straps make it easier to hold weight. Why not just use a lighter weight.

>Pick up 150lb dumbells
>Walk to the nearest treadmill
>Start walking on treadmill for 10 minutes

There you go faggot.

I use the trap/hex bar, begin with 1 plate on each side. pick the bar up, then make a circle walking around my gym which takes about 90 seconds too complete. Then I add another plate and repeat, generally 3 plates is where I'll fail and have to rest mid set. can use fat gripz or towels around the bars to work more in.