Does Veeky Forums think they could take on a real life nigger...

Does Veeky Forums think they could take on a real life nigger? Do you honestly think your pathetic squats and deadlifts can prepare you for THIS?

What would happen if I started giving a healthy male gorilla steroids?
(Dosage measured of course to their standards)

The second you try to pin it, he would likely turn around and rip your head from your shoulders. Good luck, though.

Is this the video where the woman starts pleading with the zookeepers to go in and break it up?

I'd seditate him of course before injecting it.

This is the best thread on Veeky Forums today



whats the martial arts term for this? dive tackle? seemed very human-like of a move

>Niggerz r monkeyz xDDD

Its like you're proud to be underage

>posts uncivilized animals fighting over nothing
Wait a minute

Double leg he should stayed on his feet while he did it tho and drove with his head

hello tyrone

Bless you bro. I needed a good laugh

shit nigga i think its more impressive the other gorilla sprawled on him and defended the dive

`Wow Tyson was right... I always knew that gorillas are shit but that was just so pathetic! Christ that absolute lack of technique.

>inb4 Gorilla fanboys jump me by the dozens mouthing off about gorillas lifting two cars or two tons or whatever

What do you think would win ? A pair of silverbacks trained by a gorilla joyce gracie vs 10 ufc niggers.

The silverbacks.
They would forget all their training and just go berserk and kill them like they would untrained.

>gorillas are monkeys

Good luck. They won't even try to guard. They'll eat one swift kick in the teeth each and sleep through the rest of the evening.

I don't think you realize how resilient gorillas are

If you actually think a human could defeat a gorilla in hand to hand combat you might be retarded.

So what if we had 4 chimps vs 4 alistair overeems which are all retarded, giving them retard strength bonus power?

Is she ok?

it would turn into a brock lesnar

that's called a shoot. you shoot for the legs to pick the other guy up and dump him on his ass

achievable natty?