What's in your fridge/freezer Veeky Forums?

What's in your fridge/freezer Veeky Forums?

normies out....

Right now all I've got is some chicken breasts and corn. I've got a bag of brown jasmine rice on top of it though.



OP you should try standing your fridge right side up so you don't have to bend down to get your food.

I've got 10 packs of frozen chicken breast, 2 thawing in the fridge. I've got brussels sprouts, broccoli, carrots, spinach, greek yogurt, almond butter, hummus, tupperware full of whole grain pasta and quinoa for dat dere clean bulk, frozen berries nigga and 2 dozen eggs.

>Thinking 3 gallons of milk +1 I drank today is normie tier
Are you who they call MADMILK?

>Not getting passive gainz from squatting with perfect form to get food out of the fridge
It's like you don't want to make it

Also, all of my veggies are frozen because if I buy fresh they spoil because I'm a lazy fuck.

> vertcal photo
> country crock

Ya blew it

>refrigerating eggs

look at the guys fridge

Only a normie who lives with over 3 people will have a fridge like that...

>literally drinking estrogen

Introduce me to a better butter plz friend. I normally get the great value enriched with calcium because no big deal but if you have a butter secret that I dont know please share.

Only other person I live with is my wife and she's foreign so she doesn't eat most of what I do and vice versa. She doesnt refrigerate her stuff besides ice cream and pizza rolls.

Grass fed butter my dude.

how do you keep everything from falling out when you open the door?

Supposed to refrigerate eggs in America. Something about the way they're harvested and the outer cuticle is destroyed in a wash or some shit like that. Google has the answer why America is different in that aspect.

How do you feed grass to butter when butter is an inanimate object

Differences? I don't buy into the whole
>Muh organic

Higher Omega 3 content than regular butter, more micros, less processing, better in general

I have magnets glued inside of my fridge and every time I buy something new I pop it open and drop a magnet inside so it just stays standing there looking as if I have a normal fridge

Good enough for me. Will Wal Mart have this stuff or will I have to look somewhere specific like Aldi?

walmart should have it.
it's not even that much more expensive.