Can't shoulder press heavier than 35lb dumbbells

>Can't shoulder press heavier than 35lb dumbbells
>been lifting for 8 months now

Post height, weight, dick size

>dick size

show me your routine

ss with some other shit

what other shit

lol i was dyel
and was one hand shoulder pressing for 55lbs.

Progressing with dumbbells is tricky because the weight goes up in relatively large proportions. You can try and OHP a 75 pound barbell, but you'll never find a pair of dumbbells that are 37.5 pounds each.

do slow and controlled lateral raises

ah yes and i was deadlifting 400 lbs for reps

keep going strong m8 give it your best this is not a race

you'll make it

thank you

Don't listen to him it is a race against time.

If you had started two years earlier think where you would be today. How much more confidence you would have, better relationship, better opportunities in general.

Don't get complacent and go work your fucking ass off. This is your one life and time keeps moving especially when you don't.

Maybe quit shit posting all day fagof


You are weak and your genes are weak, do not procreate.


That is all.

yeah okay rippetoe

>my goal is to be stronger, better, more efficient in this one exercise

Rippetoe is a retard and so are you. I'm not telling you to do no more than 4 and a half sets of 5 per week to move your OHP up like he is. I'm telling you to do 20 if that's what you need to PR weekly. If 3x5 isn't cutting it do 5x5, 6x3, 8x2 , 10x1, push PRs out consistently by any means necessary. You're not gonna overtrain pushing 30lb dumbbells around. You don't even have the work capacity built up to lift often enough to overtrain. You'll have to progressively get stronger and increase volume for years before you can accidentally push yourself so hard that you overtrain.

oh okay what shouild i do then

shit like 10x10 to "grease the groove"?

If you're not baiting, you have to maintain absolute intensity to see consistent, sustainable strength gains without gaining shit tons of muscle and you simply cannot do 10x10 with 80% of your 1rm. If you are baiting, every single one of those rep schemes can be found in programs that have trained world champions before your dyel ass was born and I can name them for you if you'd like.

Make sure your diet is clean and protein-rich. Take a preworkout if you get stuck at a plateau. Take time off and use you gym gains for gina gains.

I'm not baiting anything I'm asking for advice as my shoulders are by far my weakest part of my body. My squat, deadlift, bench press, row are pretty good but my overhead press is absolutely horrible

What's your bench and what's your OHP? If your bench is going up but your OHP isn't, either you have a very unlikely weakness like lateral delts, or you simply have garbage technique because you're a beginner. You probably don't even need the volume to progress, if you go into the gym and attempt to warm up to a new 1rm you'll most likely hit it. If you don't just try again a few times and use your discretion as to whether it's too hard or not. Make sure to squeeze glutes and lock your knees so your back is tight.

it was the same for me, then suddenly i went up to like 55x12 in a month

bench like 145x5

DB shoulder press has little carryover to bench and doesn't really serve the purpose OHP does. You should be able to OHP at least 60% of your bench weight with a barbell though, even if you don't train OHP. If you're doing SS with shoulder press instead of OHP you should just do bench 3 times a week and shoulder press every day, since you can easily recover from the DB work. OHP is in the program to progress your bench, if you replace it with something that doesn't have carryover to bench, you should also do something that does have carryover to bench.

Also obviously this means that bench has little carryover to DB shoulder press, and that's why one of them isn't progressing.