Old health freak hag near me eating smoothie that smells disgustingly of eggs and some weird plant shit

>old health freak hag near me eating smoothie that smells disgustingly of eggs and some weird plant shit
>smell is distracting me from work

Why are vegans such vile creatures? I've never met one vegan that I've liked in my life.

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they are mentally ill

>giant fat slob that costs millions of tax payer money because he just can't stop eating meat and diary

Why are meat eaters such vile creatures? I've NEVER met one meat eater that I've liked in my entire life.

the person who created your pc ate meat.
be thankful bitch

and the biggest cost of health care are the obese people (aka meat eaters)

I've never met an obese vegan but literally all meat eaters I know are at least overweight.

be thankful that we vegans cost health care so little money that there is enough for disgusting fat slobs like you meat eaters

Don't eat the bait

I have a feeling its not the meat and dairy thats doing it, rather all the sugary carb filled desserts and drinks.

oh well, you can disprove me by showing just a single my 600 lbs life participant who is a vegan

but you can't

100% of all fat slobs are meat eaters

Can you show me one single participant on that show that is a carnivore?

Do you see any fatass lions, motherfucker?

I see fatass gorillas everywhere and they are vegans.

All I want is for vegans to post body pics

I have never seen anyone post anything besides green man

You're probably just smelling yourself you filthy shitskin.

>meat doesn't give you brain cance-
oh nevermind

I just need to remind myself that talking to meat eaters is like talking to autistic children.

Maybe if you ate some more meat you wouldn't be an angry vegan virgin?

Why do vegans think people care that they're vegans?

Once you realized that your pic shows the corpse of a raped, tortured and killed being, you can't see anything desirable in it.

But by all means, eat the meat and become an even fatter piece of shit.

>implying plants aren't living creatures as well

>lmao let me make a thread about insulting vegans
>REEEEEEEEEE how dare do vegans start to insult me?!

Meat really lowers your IQ.

>How do I convince people to sympathize with or ultimately join my cause?
So this... is veganism...

Meat eaters have proven themselves to be dumb, austistic manchildren. You are NOT allowed to answer any of my posts again.

t. vegan

Can you prove to me that it is the meat and not the sugary bullshit? I'm sure they typically eat a well rounded diet of literally fucking everything, vegetables included. You act like these things are mutually exclusive.
>French fries are vegan right?
While it may be more difficult to get fat off of a vegan diet because of the typically low calorie foods it is not impossible. Calories in, calories out still applies.

I was falling for your bait up until this lmao

>implying I live somewhere with socialized healthcare

I didn't buy insurance either and they never fined me lmao

>Calories in, calories out still applies.
Not if you're vegan.

Animals are not sentient, so it doesn't matter

>vegetarian master race
>vegans use meat eater as an insult
>trying to lump us in with them

Stop. I fucking hate vegans more than anyone else. I hate how people always mix us up with you fanatic cultists.

The only way a vegan can cope with its boring diet is to constantly annoy the rest of the world about how great veganism is. They get crazy and obnoxious in the same way as people who don't jack off or get laid.

>aka I don't mind torturing and raping animals as long as they aren't killed


I know one real vegan, she's anorexic and spends half her life being forcefully fed in a mental institute.

What are you waiting for you bunch of DYEL skinny faggots? Post your fucking bodies already.

Here's me, proud meat eater and you'll never be as buff as me.

>meat eater

Yeah right

Holy shit I didn't even know it was possible for men to have pepperoni nips. What a poor bastard.