What The Health

What is Veeky Forums's opinion on this documentary?

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lol its gay i watched the first 5 minutes and it said proccesed meat was wrose than sugar. fuckign vegans man

It truly exposes meat for the devil that it is


>everything is bad for your health if it's not vegan
>everything is bad for animal welfare if not vegan
>only the rich corporations benefit from exploiting animals
>you will die a horrible death of vegan
>the illuminati have crafted an intricate Web of lies to make you buy animal products
>all animal products WILL give you cancer

The worst "documentary" I've ever had the displeasure of watching.

Now shoo shoo vegan shills, this thread is giving me cancer.

I've watched plenty of movies/documentaries/series on this stuff and never got grossed out. Something about the pus streaming out of animals in this one got me nauseous.

>What is Veeky Forums's opinion on this documentary?
It's highly biased bullshit and as such is to be ignored.

The only good documentaries are ones that present both sides of an argument and let the viewer decide for themselves or even better encourage the viewer to do their own further research.

Anything else is just propaganda.

It's great and anyone who says otherwise is butthurt because it points out the flaws in everything they've believed for so long. Anyone who is truly unbiased enjoys the documentary. It has a lot of great and accurate information.


You think that a documentary on the dangers of standing on a train track is propaganda if they don't also explore the benefits of working out on train tracks?

You're fucking retarded user but you make me lol so I forgive you.

vegans themselves said the doc sucks ass.
so no

Um, what vegans and why?

Everything in the film is pretty damned accurate so I don't see how they could have a problem with it unless they got some misinformation that the film corrected and they didn't bother to research if they were wrong and just assumed it was the film.

I think it's great.
I hope many people watch it and become vegan.
More meat for me.



But she's an idiot and not even a real vegan.... I don't even want to watch desu.

It's basically vegan /pol/ hybrid.

shes vegan....

Meat and dairy are bad for you. That is a fact. That being said, people can do what they like with their own bodies and I will continue to consume them.

>didn't even watch the whole thing
>still comments


>0 testosterone betas who are trying to turn other people into 0 testosterone betas

Pretty sure she's a shill because she deliberately ignores facts if they're pro-veganism and cherry picks anti-vegan nonsense as if she isn't biased. Either a shill or she's trying to pander to defensive non-vegans because they wont believe anyone who doesn't shit on veganism. She acts like she's more of an expert than the PhD holding doctors who have published peer-reviewed studies who were interviewed in the film. She isn't. All she's doing is picking a couple studies that show contradictory results and pretending to be well-rounded despite not actually having all the facts. Basically, an attention whore trying to pretend to be smart.

>Basically, an attention whore trying to pretend to be smart.
sounds like every vegan

>he hasn't known the pleasures of making hard fucking gains in the presence of oncoming trains
why do you post when you're so obviously new?

>PhD holding
you're really making me scratch my head there, bucko

>Protein + iron and protein + calcium are bad for you. That is a fact.

I haven't slept in two days give me a break.

you sure it's not your brain's lack of proper functioning due to meat deficiency?

You're not old enough to discuss this with, boy.

>meat is now exclusively protein, iron, and calcium completely isolated from all the countless compounds that will literally kill you

Carnist logic, everyone.

>meat deficiency
Like how you didn't name any specific nutrients because you knew I'd be able to say I was tested for it and I'm not even borderline deficient.

>being so weak that eating meat will literally kill you
if you're allergic to lactose they make lactose-intolerant milk for your non-white faggot ass

is your irrational ire due to cravings caused by not eating enough meat?

>doesn't know that the key to perpetual youth is four handfuls of meat per day
discuss this with who, pops?

I'm 99.9% white and I'm talking about over time (generally), you fucking genius.

And cashew and soy milk tastes way better and I'm not a degenerate who drinks from cow titties tyvm.

I just ate spaghetti with wheatballs from Trader Joe's. I'm as satisfied as one can be. I haven't craved animal products in 7 years.

Actually according to a study on telomere length, a vegan diet is associated with increased length, meaning greater chance of perpetual youth.

>I just ate spaghetti with wheatballs from Trader Joe's.
explains it all
only privilege white ppl do this vegan crap

>That being said, people can do what they like with their own bodies and I will continue to consume them.


I was physically abused pretty much daily for over a decade of my life, and was voluntarily homeless the other days. All while dealing with a then untreated disease. I'm still recovering from PTSD and nearly have a heart attack every time someone opens a door too loudly near me because it's an unconscious biological reaction left from my brother bursting through my door to beat me all those years. I lived in poverty all my life, but yes call me privileged because I got a job and can afford some $3 vegan meatballs.

t.privileged whitey

I just know layne norton sounds annoying as fuck complaining about it.

Nobody gives a fuck, you queer cunt.

She's a realer vegan than you. She's vegan because she cares about animals. She doesn't need to lie to herself about her diet being good for her to commit to it.

I am saving this image

>Assuming I'm not vegan for the animals

I'm vegan for the animals too but she's deliberately trying to make veganism look bad to either shill or attempt to get meat eaters to listen to her. I went vegan for the animals but I also read studies as a hobby so I know how many she's deliberately ignoring that prove her "points" to be absolutely irrelevant and retarded.

Vegan propaganda

No, being fat is bad for you. If you're lean, meat and dairy are fine.

lol people actually believe this.

It's true. Nutritionists are retards and their whole field is based on shitty surveys and mouse models

I've been watching her videos for some time and I would sincerely appreciate if you could show the points she is making. I agree with most of what she says and some stuff I don't agree on, but her plans for vegan advocacy seem to be in order.

>being 0.01% nonwhite
No wonder you're a disgusting vegan with shit taste
You're probably a leftist too

>claiming you don't have a craving because you tricked your body with a cheap and poor excuse for a substitute
truly vegans are smarter than us all woah incredible
I'll just claim I don't crave black cock by shoving a plunger up my ass

>emotionally and physically abused
makes sense since you'd have to have some sort of brain damage to be a vegan

i bet you rated amy schumer's stand up as well.


I think you're the one that is fucking retarded. There isn't two sides of an argument for standing on a train track, cause its obviously not a good idea.
Whereas meat vs no meat is an entirely different issue.
Calling others a retard after sounding like one yourself..

Just like the rubbish in the documentary you create false parallels then proceed to ridicule them. It demonstrates a lack of intellectuality and thinking skills in general - the type of idiot that documentary is aimed at.

It's shit full of bad dietary pseudoscience
>Meat and dairy are bad for you. That is a fact.
That's a meme
>deniseminger.com/2010/07/07/the-china-study-fact-or-fallac/ >foodrenegade.com/the-china-study-discredited/

Also highly doubt the"milk=prostate cancer" entirely especially when in the article it says:
>Estrone and prostate cancer risk in men: As far as the estrone levels Maruyama et al. measured in their 2010 study are concerned it is very difficult to tell, whether or not the 26% increase in E2 levels is or isn't a problem.
>The estrone values in the Maruyama study are unrealistic. With a normal range of difficult to tell
>What remains to be seen, though, is whether future epidemiological evidence will support or refute the currently heralded hypothesis that dairy consumption increases prostate cancer risk and whether we will be able to identify more feasible explanations for this relations than those that are implicated by the results Maruyama et al. present in their 2010 study.

Do you think I'm twelve and am dumb enough to take a 20 something year old community college student's blogs seriously enough to click even one of those links? For your sake I hope you're trolling.

>Do you think I'm twelve and am dumb enough to take a 20 something year old community college student's blogs
what college do u go to?

>Do you think I'm twelve and am dumb

>I'm too dumb and insecure to actually read about something I have super strong convictions about despite being fucking spoonfed
>oh I know, I'll say he goes to community college, even though I didn't graduate high school

>epidem studies
>aready high baseline cholesterol levels


Can you actually explain the links.

but how can she be a vegan if she's not an idiot?

do you not eat meat cause you ate too much in the homeless shelter showers?

Came off as "doomsday everything will kill you're doomed'' kinda bad.

I tried vegan diet and always ended up weak as fuck and malnourished


also any movie made by a brains and gains deficient vegan is pure hyperbole

So what's the consensus Veeky Forums, is What The Health bullshit or not from an unbiased standpoint

>Can you actually explain the links.
>Literally not reading

>Not understanding that current cultures prevalent in america and some parts of europe, like Germany, have a tendency to eat meat way out of proportion to benefit from the benefits meat could provide in balanced meals.

Like, nigga, we knew milk and red meat was bad in enormous amount but I dont eat or drink meat/milk everyday like you Amerifats.

I went vegan for two weeks. Turned into a hungry skelly.

It's got facts but mentioned are bullshit and bias.

>hurt our teeth aren't fangs so that means we aren't supposed to eat meat
>even though our stomachs match what carnivorous animals have

These two bozos have never heard of Greg Plitt or Achilles Williams.
Working out on train tracks is a thing, dipshits. Pretending it's not shows a lack of intellectual integrity or just plain mental retardation.

Vegan propaganda

Strawman: the film.