Did getting fit make you more confident and assertive?

did getting fit make you more confident and assertive?

Yes, a lot.

Yeah. When you look more attractive, more people start trying to engage you in conversation. You're almost forced to try to develop social skills in a way.

To a certain degree. Being more attractive causes the halo effect, basically means that your looks cause people to think you are a better person. The Greeks even took it as far as saying that beauty was a gift of the gods, and beautiful people were more virtuous and brave, etc.
If you start to obsess over your looks or grow freakishly large, then people will probably see you as a freak. Dysmorphia isn't attractive, and this will reflect on your interactions with people.
Just keep healthy, don't obsess over your muscles and you should be fine.

no, before I was skelly manlet and somehow i was more confident than now. Now i'm self conscious about everything.

Bullshit. Anyone, shy or confident gains confidence from being muscular (muscular not roider)

People instantly look at you differently, i work in retail clothing for 2 years, so ive noticed customers and random ppl look/interact differently.

Women smile more, stare much more and want sex more. Men smile less, stare more and respect/feel intimidated more.

This all due to gaining about 10kg of muscle in a year while being under 14% bf

Dyel giving advice
Never change Veeky Forums

Because your mentality is of a beta.
Your body progressed but your mind didnt, so you feel weirf being muscular.

You need to assume your body IS A GREEK STATUE OF THE GODS and you're just finalising finishing touches which takes time.

Once you have this mentality make sure its internal and youre humble socially.

Confidence will SKY ROCKET. as mine did

Call me dyel all you want but im top 10% of population in strength wise. Allyou need for confidence/women is 1/2/3/4 at 15% bf

>tfw have 1/2/3/4 but still look like shit

That's some nice projecting, but wrong. I feel this way because my body is weak I basically the same way as I did before. I won't be satisfied unless I squat world record.

Yes i wa projecting my experience with muscle gain, which is what all answers to tgis question will be.

That mentality is good if you want to become strong but not so much for confidence/happiness.

My goals are hitting 2/3/4/5 reps once i hit that i wont go any further and will just maintain at low bf while focusing on another sport. Prob hiking or rock climbing. But the confidence/happiness of looking like a statue will stay :)

>My goals are hitting 2/3/4/5 reps
Yeah those were my goals like a year ago now I'm aiming high. And lifting heavy makes me really happy, probably the only thing that does in my miserable life.

See thats your problem, all you do is lift. Lifting should be only PART of the foundation of your life (even if its your career).

Do you watch film? Read books? Join social clubs? Go hiking? Travel anywhere?? Etc etc.

Ive always been depressed and ive used lifting to help me feel happy enough to go out, experience life and enjoy it.

If i ever feel shit i just look in the mirror and physically see a statue looking back at me and it reminds me i can achieve what i want and i am the proof.

I hope you ignite the flmae which makes you enjoy life.

>Do you watch film? Read books?
If anime counts and I started reading dune recently, I don't really have that much free time and lifting comes first always then my gf, everything else is secondary.

>my body is weak
Getting some cardio in made me feel much fitter

Watch films that have a great story being told, not anime. Watch Seven Samurai.

You said your life is miserable, if you dont switch things up it will stay that way. Maybe dump gf to free time?

btw, you're a fucking idiot if you think the solution to depression is watching "film"

watch fight club dude it made me want to kill myself

>Maybe dump gf to free time?
Nah I'll never do that. Shes too good for me I doubt I could find better person accepting me the way I am, supporting me in my eternal struggle for greatness, always there for me.

How much time are you spending on internets per day? I find the more time I waste on internets like Veeky Forums and porn, the more depressed and anxious I feel.

jesus christ, did you totally miss the entire point of the movie if you wanted to kill yourself?

i said lifting weights cured my depression. Filma are an example of a hobby that shows stories.

I dnno why you assumed film meant cure depressiin lol...

Mix in some martial arts training with it too.

Yes. I was always assertive but not confident and never felt comfortable about my body.
Got fit and when you look attractive and people openly tell you that, you behave more attractive and you become more confident. I tell myself that nothing changed in my behaviour since i got fit, but it did. But its a positive change.

If she is too good for you dump her. Date her when you're both equals. Dont rely on ur gf.

definitely, but not directly.
its the way people and particularly women looked at me when i got fit that made me more confident.

call me a a weak faggot but thats how it was.

It's mostly in my work like right now at home it's only a bit before going to sleep.

What about getting fit and checking it for yourself, you piece of insecure shit?


But not just because of looks, more because it got me out of the whole 'staying up all night playing games and watching porn, sleeping all day and getting no sunlight or social interaction' bullshit I was in for a while.

this. bjj, boxing, and muay thai

Unfortunately not a single bit. I don't even know why, but I am insecure with low self esteem as always.

Is charisma something you have or don't? or is it something you can improve upon? I am in great need of some charisma.

No, it hasn't.

I'm still shy as fuck and everyone can tell.

I also have days where I feel like a god (but don't act on it) and days where I feel like I look like shit (which is most of the time).

If your case isn't pathological then everything you can do helps you, but you could probably also convince yourself to be all that without lifting.

If your case is pathological, then no amount of lifting will cure autism.

charisma comes from confidence, knowledge, and intelligence.

>have days were i feel like a god
reminds me of my high school years.
man, i felt so strong, so powerful.
i was the fittest guy in school and all the Stacies were after me.

dunnon if i'll ever feel that feel again, but i'll try

No but it helped me realize that small incremental steps over a long period of time will let me do anything and change anything about myself.