Ever since i started lifting i'm horny 24/7. and i mean that as raging puberty boner horny...

ever since i started lifting i'm horny 24/7. and i mean that as raging puberty boner horny. i'm hard almost entire day and i want to fuck anything that moves

please help i can't live like that

t. 27 khv

just have lots of sex.
unless you've made it, many women are too much effort
i suggest grindr

1. start shaving balls and keeping the area clean, trim the bush - BUY CONDOMS (BIG PACK) AND HAVE ONE PACKage IN YOUR POCKET (JACKET OR whatever)
2. shower every day
3. throw out all the bad clothes you dont wear
4. buy something you enjoy wearing
5. buy good perfume (fragrantica.com, but best go try them out with female friend)
6. describe your ideal life on a piece of paper in present tense, go into details, if women are all u want - describe their looks and their attitude with you - only the most ideal version of events. Describe ideal situations with women from hi to bye
7. read it every morning and evening, get into it.
8. wait

Thats what I did, and I lost the v at 27. Gotta emphasize - I tried many things before - approaching etc, but only this method - law of attraction actually worked and I didnt have to literally do shit except say yes and put my dick in.

Sex is easy and Im an uninhibited God since I got that done.
I was fairly confident before. Now that I know the deal its like I SEE THE MATRIX.

Most of all you gotta get off the shitty sites since ppl here often dont say wise but stupid things trying to undermine one another. I said this once and wont repeat. Use or dont at your own risk.

I'm in the same boat. 28 here, I made a thread yesterday asking for advice but Veeky Forums just told me to get castrated. Lotta sad cunts here with ED apparently.

That's shit.
Rule 1 : dont be ugly
There's no rule 2.

You're deluded

hahaha lo thats Veeky Forums 4 you mate. Lotsa fools.

^ like this guy
v and this one

I'll take my results in life over your uneducated knee jerk reaction.

ok who is this

Same. I literally can't stop thinking about sex every few seconds of every moment I'm awake.

Why aren't you dropping your virile cum into pussies? Literally the purpose of your existance.

I'd love to but rape is illegal.

>mfw I'm actually a guy


even better

shit like this makes me wish my ex never had that kid. If she never would of had that kid we would have stayed together and i would have helped her build the nicest ass we both dreamed up together.

Ali Ludwig

What happened?

tyrone's bbc

LOL is this copypasta? you can't be real

3. don't wear bad clothes
4. wear good clothes!

holy shit guys it's neo


Hahahaha i have used these machines every once in awhile for years and i ALWAYS think of this joke. I am glad someone has recorded it for the annals of history. F'real milkshake machines fyi.

>those disgusting fatty fingers
