Is this board capable of having a rational discussion about the Holocaust...

Is this board capable of having a rational discussion about the Holocaust, and whether massive parts of its true history have been altered and made into lies?

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And not one of them ever made a good argument for the holocaust being a conspiracy

What are their arguments?

A better question would be is /pol/ capable of having a rational discussion about the Holocaust?

Be that as it may, I asked this board. Every individual is different. Some there may, some here may.

Is this true anons?

Yes, however we always see the same stupid arguments over and over again, with the same assumptions being made. They always assume that people who don't deny the Holocaust think that all 6 million Jews were gassed, they assume that the Germans were the embodiment of efficiency and thus wasting resources on exterminating Jews would be unthinkable, and then they use the outlandish claims of a few people to then try to discredit the eyewitness testimonies of millions of people. And then when you start proving their conspiracy theories wrong they call you a kike instead of putting forth an argument.

Yes, brother user. Truth is truth despite consensus view.

> How can we know?

All we know for sure is the UK and US felt the need to bring back completely bogus evidence from this overwhelmingly evidenced genocide.


Oskar Groening was jailed for being acessory to the the Holocaust, actually.

He doesn't deny the holocaust, he spoke up on his past because he was against holocaust denial.

What you say is partly true, but not entirely. You must admit that there may be more to the story than what you present it as, and perhaps more than you know of.

If we agree that the truth always stands up to scrutiny, then why should questioning the consensus narrative of the Holocaust be different from anything else, even punishable with imprisonment?

>I don't think this part of the Holocaust happened like the common view holds it did. Here is my proof for this assertion.
This is okay. This kind of debate has been going on since 1945, and is part-and-parcel to academic discussion of the Holocaust. This is not Holocaust denial.

>The 6 Gorillion was a lie made up by (((Them)))! There is no evidence that he Holohoax happened, and Mein Opa told me the camps were humane and that all the people died of Typhus not being intentionally killed. Your (((sources))) that say otherwise are all lies!
This is not okay. This is the sort of shit that can get you arrested in Europe. It is not an academic discussion, it's a flat-out attempt to deny the Holocaust.
>but why is that illegal?!?!?MUH FREE SPEECH
Because in Europe, where the Holocaust fucking happened, has decided that they are very much against it happening again. Europe, which surprisingly enough is not subject to the US Constitution, feels that attempts to minimize the Holocaust's scope or attempts to deny it happened at all are merely the first step to the second go-round.

Can non-/pol/ have a rational discussion about the Holocaust? If indeed it is a lie, it is such a monstrous lie with such monstrous implications that at this point in History only a "radical" minds can discuss it with an open mind.

Just found this on /pol/...

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” - Voltaire

I don't know why they think only people who deny the Holocaust get in shit, just about every country with denial laws includes denying Katyn and other Soviet atrocities under the same law

user please what’s the source of that image

The problem is that to suppose that it's a lie is to deny literal mountains of evidence. You're literally saying the equivalent of

>Can non-Veeky Forums have a rational discussion about Flat Earth? If indeed it is a lie, it is such a monstrous lie with such monstrous implications that at this point in Science only a "radical" minds can discuss it with an open mind.


>If we agree that the truth always stands up to scrutiny, then why should questioning the consensus narrative of the Holocaust be different from anything else, even punishable with imprisonment?
In most countries it's not. See pic related.

I don't know the sauce, and frankly I don't even remember saving the image. Try reverse search.

“When one or two false statements have been discovered in a history, and they have been shown to be willful, it is clear that nothing which such an historian may say can be regarded as certain or trustworthy.” (Histories, 12.25)

Really with quotes it doesn’t matter who said it it just matters whether it works

Apparently it was a torture chamber (or maybe experimental gas chamber?). I don't think anyone used it as evidence.

then why lie and attribute it to someone well known and regarded in history like Voltaire rather than the literally who retard who actually said it?


What the fuck did they even bother jailing him at all? He's got one foot out the door already. Unless they were planning on publicly executing him for his crimes, there's no point to having a trial.

If holocaust denial is as silly as flat earth how come there are people being put in jail for it?

If it is so silly let the silly people be silly right?

As the ex President of Iran said...the fact that they arrest people for it is everything you need to know.


What are those monstrous implications that you speak of, user?

Because flat eathers don't go to seminars attended by people advocating genocide

Flat earthers don't have much history on encouraging violence towards NASA.

Because these people are always neo-Nazis. And propagating neo-Nazism is penalized in many European countries.

What pieces of evidence are you referring to specifically, and what do you suppose is being questioned about the Holocaust, user?

>If holocaust denial is as silly as flat earth how come there are people being put in jail for it?
Because Holocaust deniers are typically the kind of people like the Holocaust, agree with its aims, and would cheerfully attempt it themselves if they thought they could.

Minimizing the Holocaust is just a step in trying to do it again.

>And then when you start proving their conspiracy theories wrong they call you a kike instead of putting forth an argument.
More like they start asking you a million questions on every single detail.

Translation:How dare those goyim not mindlessly follow our narrative to leech money from them!

Because people that say "the Holocaust never happened" usually follow it up with "but it should have"

Yet to say that questioning the narrative of the Holocaust is forbidden in every aspect otherwise, in the rest of the world, is an understatement.

>questioning the narrative of the Holocaust is forbidden in every aspect otherwise
Oh no, people find your stupid conspiracy theory to be stupid, how oppressed you truly are.

This is bullshit and you know it. They're censoring the truth in the most blatant way possible and you're eating their narrative like a fly stuck on shit.

>then why should questioning the consensus narrative of the Holocaust be different from anything else, even punishable with imprisonment?
It isn't "different from anything else". You have people who are imprisoned for denying Armenian and Rwandan genocides, and for denying of Soviet atrocities. I guess none of those happened?

Who is censoring the truth?


So yeah, I guess according to neo-nazi logic they must have never happened.

What part of "You can academically challenge aspects of the Holocaust all you want as long as you don't try to pretend it didn't happen at all and actually provide sources beyond infographs you found on de.metapedia" is unclear to you? There's been scholarly discussion about how many people actually died in the Holocaust for fucking decades. Nobody who takes part in those gets arrested for Holocaust denial.

Nope. If you thinks it's less than 6 million jews or more than 200,000 then you're just a shill from Stormfront or leddit.

What exactly are you expecting? People to line up to suck your dick? Besides I thought this was about "the truth, personal concerns like people thinking you're retarded shouldn't matter

The answer to your question has many levels, but put simply, people are being put in jail because they are questioning the authenticity of a narrative, and the survival of this narrative is a crucial piece to many other erroneous narratives. They start falling like dominoes.

Goddamnit you know what happens when Anne Frank gets posted anywhere on this website.

And now read this. It explains why your picture is full of shit.


You rang?

Well what do you know, they completely ignore people telling them that you can have scholarly discussion about the what happened during the Holocaust as long as you provide good sources.

I wonder why they would ever choose to ignore this fact?

Stupid link. Read the PDF.

I mean it definitely should happen again
But that’s not to say it didn’t happen the first time they just didn’t finish the job

No, because it always descends into shit flinging and the posting of literally fame quotes.

If the Confederates had won the Civil War, she'd still be alive (and pregnant).

>it's yet another holocaust thread where someone is unable to tell the difference between denial and questioning

It’s everyone who speaks out, not just myself and a few others. The topic is forbidden because that is how society has been engineered thus far.

>People bully me when I say it didn't happen
What are you fucking gay? Grow a pair

>says retarded shit
>"WTF why is everybody treating me like I'm retarded?"

As soon as /pol/ is capable of having a rational discussion on the Holodomor and as soon as they begin to question whether or not you can easily starve 7.5 million to death in one year and yet it's impossible to 6 million in only a few years according to these geniuses on /pol/.


Who are you not allowed to criticize?

fucking kek, based Veeky Forums

And yet you are using a Holocaust survivor, Hajo Meyer to argue against Zionism but you still deny the Holocaust? WTF?

Stupid or not, it shouldn't be against the law, because that infringes on free speech. It's like punishing people for being a flat earther. Just keep that shit out of educational institutions, then say whatever you want.


Not every society recognizes an American style right to free speech. Why are you dictating what their laws should be?

False. The books that your image sources for data are themselves a product of an artificial narrative. Think of it like a script that they write, then release to the masses to curate their realities.

I agree that people shouldn't go to jail for it, I support the 1st Amendment and no one should go to jail for questioning a narrative. However, most nations do not have a 1st Amendment, and are willing to ban and arrest people for offensive speech. Holocaust denial is not unique among this, and while I don't think they should go to jail for it, it's not like they are being uniquely targeted for it.


She'd most likely be dead by now though.

Of course I'm not talking about the law on free speech, but on the idea itself, or the right if you prefer.

Literally all the sources on his image are from the tribe, completely reliable stuff.

>everything that prices me wrong is fake

This is the answer to your question OP.

There are reasons why they did this, and they don't teach it in schools. Remember, there is a bigger picture.

>believing the Jews

See the picture in

>people write differently in cursive than they do in print

Wow. What a shocking revelation.

Again, who died and made you arbiter of what rights a society should recognize?

What's the big picture user, enlighten me

>muh bolshevik jews


also the "antisemitism act" only outlawed pogroms, nor was it the first thing they passed

why do you have to lie so much




They literally do.
Yet they don't go to prison.
Try again.
>we don't like what they say so let's put them into prison for having a retro-active opinion on something (retroactive meaning it is not a threat)
try again
>the holocaust is akin to a scientific fact
Why is this?












>Index of Published Evidence on Mass Extermination in Auschwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau
>Contemporary German Documents on Homicidal Gas Vans
>Contemporary German Documents on Carbon Monoxide Gas and Bottles Employed for the Nazi Euthanasia

>Cremation process