Why are the Chinese so good at weightlifting while places like the US suck dick?

Why are the Chinese so good at weightlifting while places like the US suck dick?

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she's more of a man than those manlets ever will be

Because they're short.
Short ROM

Chinese dont care about life in general so they take enough steroids from 8 years old on that would turn a house cat into a lion

in america if you have genetics to be a world class lifter you get recruited by the likes of nike, the nfl major colleges, etc to play sports. many of them don't have the time or energy to be the best at lifting when they're getting paid millions to play football.

Also children in countties like russia and china are chosen ftom a very early age at school due to genetic factors and are basicslly given no choice of sport.

There is no other correct answer than they are on average, shorter than most. The shorter you are, the easier it is to pack on muscle.


>Also children in countties like russia and china are chosen ftom a very early age at school due to genetic factors and are basicslly given no choice of sport.
bullshit, at least for russia. why most people do this in russia is because they get paid by the goverment a pretty decent amount. so naturally people who are gifted will prefer to do sports instead of slave away at a job with shittier pay

>slave away at a job with shittier pay
Keep in mind, in russia a job that pays about as much as cleaning toilets for minimum wage is considered pretty good. People here will fucking kill their relatives and sacrifice them to Satan to earn 10$/hour
Generally here in russia you can get into certain sports as easily as you get into football or baseball in america while attending high school.

Why are all those lifters obese?

she's not obese, she's of healthy size. real men want meat

show milk

>lifts 1/2 of what they do on 3x their bodyweight

>what are weight classes
>what are the Chinese are non existent in higher weight classes
>I am retarded
>I know nothing about WL/lifting/sports in general
Kill yourself

Soviet training
Government has an interest in weight lifting, so more funding
According to my sister they have better proportion as well

The US funnel all their talented and motivated athletes towards other sports, like the big 3. It's more extreme in that regard, but that's the reason why there are only americans teams in, well, american football at a competition level. It's just not popular enough elsewhere to let enough people ,train enough to compete.

look how short those midgets are wtf

it's not height, but other body proportions in general. It seems like the short-limbed mongol DNA build found in chinese and eurasians (kazhaks, uzbeks, up to iran and georgia) is favourable

The chinese take their top athletes and force them to breed, creating super soldiers. Current chinese athletes are the dropouts from the super soldier program.

superior barbells folded 1000 times

I understand your position and it makes sense.

Whst i meant is that instead of in the west where a child will play several sports; football, soccer, track ect. Until they find one they enjoy or are good at, they find out what the child will be good at early in these countries.

Sorry if i caused offence.

most of the chinese lifters are from poor backgrounds which makes sense. xiaojun was poor and sick and started lifting at like 12 or 13 because it was the only way to move out of poverty

chinese are brutal at picking their athletes though. if coaches see that you don't have potential they won't coach you regardless of how strong you are for your age

Are those Anta shoes any good? They look aesthetic as fuck

something something steroids and bribes

If rugby wasn't so popular then Pacific islanders would dominate weightlifting

Manlets try the hardest

Weight classes. At a certain class, there is no limit anymore, so lifters gain the most weight they can to have maximum strength.

That's a man alright

>population of 1.3 billion
>government which has a ruthless, extremely well-funded programme for winning gold medals

Gee, I wonder.

The US won twice as many medals overall as China did at Rio so population size has fuck all to do with it

>population size has fuck all to do with it

Does not follow on from

>the US won twice as many medals overall as China did at Rio

Just because it's not the only factor, doesn't mean it's not a factor. Larger population = larger base to draw talent from etc.

It's a factor so small that it's barely worth mentioning

Americans are under the impression that being fat and benching is a good way to measure strength

>According to my sister they have better proportion as well


it's pure statistics you retard

Bullshit. I'm from USSR and was picked by a professional trainer for oly when I was 15yo just because I wanted

>Pure statistics
India, the second biggest population of any country on the planet, won a grand total of one silver and one bronze medal at Rio. There's absolutely no correlation between medals won and population size.

it is when you compare countries that aren't living below the poverty line

>Moving the goalposts

>this is Eric Weddle's cousin

im not moving goalposts just stating facts retard

asians do olympic weightlifting, blacks do body building, whites do powerlifting

Yeah, stating facts one at a time, but there's still no correlation because even the UK has more medals than China does, and the US has twice as many medals with a population 10 times smaller


>Why are the Chinese so good at weightlifting
Long torsos, short femurs, and exemplary work ethic.


>Panzer does nothing
Becuase he is a virgin bitchface

am i wrong? look at any event for any of those three sports, tripfag.

>underated kek


Why are the Nordic overhwhelmingly the best at weightlifting? Why are you talking about the Chinese when they're not that great compared to the Nordic?

They are? Cool. Who are your top medalists?

most of the greatest weightlifters are white, specifically russian/eastern european

>what are confounding variables
do you even 100-level statistics brah?

Can someone post that slow mo webm of the fat dude with the pony tail?

What are you talking about


>russians, eastern europeans

Lot of the big names are slav and anglo too

The Russians are the best, but the US is still second place. China is still quite behind.

Fuck off Shlomo

>short limbed mongols

holy shit is this bait? people can't be this stupid

what says is correct. larger population to draw from is an obvious factor, but 5 seconds of google searching will show you that it turns out to be negligible.

ok, are they black?

slavs are niggers at heart

Mirin that bulge
Will weightlifting lead to penor gains?