Redpill me on Snatch and Clean and Jerk, Veeky Forums

Redpill me on Snatch and Clean and Jerk, Veeky Forums.

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You'd get more advice about jerk & clean here.

Don't even consider trying without coaching.

well memed


Because you'll just fuck up and waste all your time.

Its a good exercise to develop some explosiveness. Thats it.

This is wrong and completely retarded. People need to stop putting these exercises on some god damn pedestal. They arent magic, and you use way less weight than on squats and deadlift.

Watch videoes and find good articles or books about it. Look up Greg Everett. And buy his book if you want to learn it properly.

The only way to injure yourself is to not keep your back straight/neutral, not tightning up before your pull hard, and not keeping your knees aligned with your toes.

>Look up Greg Everett. And buy his book if you want to learn it properly
thanks for the advice

>They arent magic, and you use way less weight than on squats and deadlift.
This is the problem, with a coach you could actually hit respectable weights within a years time instead of fucking around with sub-2pl8 for years.

it's a shitty meme exercise, only worth doing if you actually want to do powerlifting/oly competitions

it's shitty because it involves multiple different movements, and at some of them you'll be stronger, but the weight you can c&j is limited by the weakest part, so the stronger parts don't get a good workout. Rather split it up into deadlifts and OHP, then do those separately with different weights chosen to give you a good workout.

Finding a coach is obviously the best way to learn it, but it can be difficult to find in certain areas. but once you learn it properly, and know what the essence of the technique is then you can go by yourself.
Staying with the coach is only important if you want to compete in weightlifting.

Then you end up like the vast majority of /owg/ posters that have been weightlifting for like 2 years and can only jerk 80kg, while if you get a coach, you could be like Panzer and get a 2pl8 jerk in 6 months or so.

If you can only clean & jerk 80kg after 2 years then youre retarded. You can learn that by youself after 4-8 months, depending were you start at.

This is what happens to almost EVERYONE that tries to teach themselves, get fucking real. Either that or they build a very very impressive upright row and end up making their shoulders go snippetysnab.

they are a basic test of power, mobility, and balance. you don't have to be "good" at them, but you should be capable of performing the movement. people who spend hours each week in the gym but cant do a fucking overhead squat are an embarrassment to the human race

Then why was it easy for me, an uncoordinated person, to do it? I realised the normal split jerk would take lots of time to learn and instead do a squat jerk. Which is a lot easier to learn, but as i understand, more difficult to do in maximal lifts. Which doesnt matter unless youre a professional weightlifter.

These are truly awesome lifts. But make no mistake, they are the competitive pinnacle of weightlifting and not something for you to just start doing on a whim in your local gym.

If you want to start doing this you need to join an Olympic style weightlifting gym and also you must accept that if you do this for any extended period you will with 100% certainty experience serious injuries: injury is part of this sport.

A combination of a) being better coordinated than you think you are and b) likely not actually performing the movement very efficiently and using way more muscle than necessary.

I could """""jerk""""" 120kg when I started weightlifting, but then I had the pleasure of spending nearly 3 months deloaded to broomstick to unlearn my absolutely hideous form.

Injuries are a part of every sport or anything which make yoy push your boundries.
Weightlifting are one of the safest sports you can find.

And most of their injuries only make competitive lifters stay out of the gym for a day.

To be fair majority of owg are twinks hell almost all oly lifters I see refuse to put on weight so that explain their weakness

>eing better coordinated than you think you are
It took me 3 years to learn how to squat and deadlift, as i had no idea how to controll my lumbar spine and pelvis

And the form doesnt have to be perfect unless youre competitive. It only have to be good enough. Im not saying you shouldnt strive for good form, but it doesnt have to be perfect.

>weightlifting are one of the safest sports

on the other hand soccer is the most dangerous

trust me, i already see a lot of injuries

Dangerous oversimplification. Injury rate is not relevant. What is the severity and type of the injuries? You don't see basketball players wearing an inch thick leather belt when playing their sport.

Honestly, I think alpine skiing and competitive cycling are among the most hardcore sports in the world

yup, Any contact sport is dangerous. But somehow soccer is one of the most dangerous ones.
Almost everyone i know, who played it through their childhood, have fucked up knees.

> Injury rate is not relevant. What is the severity and type of the injuries?

Injury rate IS relevant.

By the way, Tendinitis doesnt last long.

I feel like it is because it's arguably the most commonly played sport in the world, and thus A LOT of uncoordinated, unathletic people will play it.

38, M, 105+ new competitor.
>Started lifting around 25
>Brosplit 3 years
>Bodybuilding 5 years
>Powerlifting 4 years

Best lifts (singles in kg):
The Press 100
Bench 151
Back squat 193
Front squat 156
Conventional Dead 227
Pendlay row 123

Got bored of the same movements day after day week after week year after year and decided to move into Oly for shits and giggles. Found a local oly club that lifts out of a decent gym and has a respectable coach. I'm currently six weeks in and my lifts are:

Clean and Jerk 110
Snatch 90

My form and technique still have a long way to go, but it's kept me from quitting and becoming fat as fatass.

It's because a soccer game is 2x45 minutes and you're pretty much running/sprinting for the whole time.
A Rugby game is 2x40 minutes, but it's much safer, because it's not constantly back and forth, you sprint for a short distance, get tackled, wait, repeat.

Every time you touch a barbell you should strive to make your form absolutely perfect. Anything less is to invite injury.