Boogie will never lose fat

>Boogie will never lose fat
>Boogie will never become healthier
>Boogie will never get the surgery

Why do you think fat people can't change?

Other urls found in this thread:

>takes blood pressure 100x per day
>statistically guaranteed to get a normal reading eventually

if fat people could change, they would have done so already and wouldn't be hundreds of lbs overweight

>getting diabetes wasn't a wake-up call for him to stop eating
What the fuck

Good thing he's completely healthy now.

ITT: We summon Boogie

Is Boogie even popular any more?

Boogie doesn't have diabetes anymore. He's made incredible strides. Especially with his clam chowder consumption. Boogie is in his prime, relatively speaking, for gastric bypass.

No, hence why he spams the fuck out of Veeky Forums in a desperate attempt for more views

Imagine, /v/, a board full of autistic teenagers willing and able to circle jerk over any faggot eceleb, completely lost interest in this fat waste of space that it is now more viable for him to scream for attention in Veeky Forums

When he can eat normal foods again he will just ruin his blood sugar progress with cookies and shit. His liquid diet or whatever he is doing now is just a bridge until he gets the surgery and can eat solids again. As soon as he's able to chew food again he won't have enough self control to not chew something sweet and bad for him.

He needs to fix his relationship with food. Everything else will fall into place (weight loss, health, mood).

Yesterday Boggie says he can't lose weight because of diabetes. Today he is cured. What's the next mental hurdle he is going to sit on?

We should ban boogie threads. That fat fuck has been spamming the fuck out of this board and it's tiresome, this used to be a semi decent place.

>effectively changed my diabetes
>one normal blood sugar test

literally not how that works boogie

I thought I saw a vide 3 years ago that he was swimming to help him lose weight.

Looks like he's maintained his heft

Stop paying attention to him.
He's an incompetent attention whore.

how can it be normal? he's still like 500lbs lmao

I kind of want Boogie to succeed just to see Veeky Forums btfo.

I unironically love Boogie threads. I can't wait for the shit-show that will be operation day.

Fuck off Boogie.

>implying that we weren't right all along
If he actually loses the weight, he'll btfo himself and every single fat fuck in the world because it proves that eating less works and that he was being a whiny faggot his whole life making excuses.
>It's not my fault I'm fat!

>Operation day

I bet this nigger hasn't even found a doctor, just taking his """fans""" for a ride for them views.

Fat people are stupid

Man, I have never been more hyped for something than this operation. Whatever the outcomes of it this board is going to fall appart.

>Fit unironically gives him views when actual health and self improvement channels are dyeing
Sad desu ne

This board will not care whatsoever. It's only like one guy making these threads day-in and day-out, you know that right?

one of his fat videos from last week he said he was having trouble sleeping because he lost so much weight(30lbs) his ribs were pressing into his bed..... fat people are fucked in the head.

>his ribs

This fat disgusting fuck eats bbq in bed?