A random reminder that this is how you train your rear delts without wasting your time

a random reminder that this is how you train your rear delts without wasting your time

Face Pulls?

this is one of those exercises where people will look at me funny if I do this. I'm 6'7 so I would just spaghetti all over a bench thats too short for me.

Nobody fucking cares, your 6'7, what are they going to do? bully you?.

do them laying on the side of a cliff so you have enough space to lie down

a random reminder that your rear delts are worked in rowing mvements, and to some degree by pull-ups and chin-ups

it clearly says abdominal board!

maybe they won't but I will.

look at that lanky faggot he can't even lay down on lmao (1) bench!!!!

in the same way, your dick is worked when fapping and to some degree you're not a virgin

Fucking kek

>muscle is worked in compound movements
>no need to do isolations then
Found the dyel with a shit body

>Band pull aparts
>Face pulls
>High rows

Looks like someone is new in the gym and recently read Arnolds bodybuilding guide.

Reminder that unless your a steroid user like arnold, his bodybuilding book is a meme.

can confirm, I've literally unmemed the book by injecting 1 testosterone

Except the rear delts are a part of the main movers in rowing. Look up the attachments of the rear delts and youll realise what theyre used for.

rows alone are not sufficient for training the rear delts

if you're doing high rows but you still need isolation or your front delts are gonna be too dominant an you will walk around with terrible shoulder posture, looking like neanderthal fucking cave man

heavy ass barbell rows besides pressing days are good enough for me

Rows and chins are enough, but if you want maximal potential growth for a muscle then you have to try to isolate it. This applies to all muscles.

Rows and chins may hit rear delts slightly, but unless you go full pussy mode on ohp then it will not be close to "enough" for full shoulder development

some people respond greatly to just rows

Lmao I don't even know if this made sense but I keked hard

Unless you roid, your body is a meme

Can you externally rotate instead of internally as suggested?
To avoid impingement