How is fat bad for you when babies drink breast milk which is mostly fat?


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How is something that I need at an early stage of my life in an adecuate quantity bad in large amount in my adult sedentary life?

Thats right,kill yourself.

>buying the sugarcuck myth.

It isn't bad for you. Excess calories are bad for you. Shitty fats are bad for you.
Decent fats help hormone production, joint health, and probably brain function.

fat isn't bad at all, it just

a: isn't protein

b: has more calories per gram than protein or carbs, so you get a lower volume of food for the same amount of calories, which is undesirable for people trying to lose weight

Baby formula is not as good for development as breast milk.

>but muh animal fat is bad

Nigger please. What is next the American hear association is going to tell people that breast feeding kids will hill them. Honestly what kind of fucked up logic

>American hear association


>will hill them


How is a calorie a calorie when not all food elicits the same hormone response?

Who the fuck is talking about formula what the fuck is your point read my post retarded nigger the answer is there.

I'm not saying fat is evil,it is not but like everything when you abuse you suffer the consecuences

>when you abuse you suffer the consecuences

So if I breath in to much air at a natural rate I die? Just like breast make high fat milk for babies naturally it is natures evil plot to undermined the "science" saying fat is bad.

oh u so smurt

I can't stop laughing. Send help ecks dee

Because Veeky Forums doesn't know shit

you can't be serious can you? you've been messing with us this whole thread haven't you?

yes too much air is bad for you, it can cause dizziness and lesion on your lung, and if you're breathing too much it isn't considered a normal rate

A calorie is a calorie in the same sense that a pound is a pound; it's just a unit of energy as pound is a unit of weight. However, that's where the similarity ends, you body has vastly different responses and pathways for fats, proteins, and carbs, and those who would tell you otherwise are fools

>Because Veeky Forums doesn't know shit

This desu senpai

Because babies need it to grow.

because its not?

>which is mostly fat?

You don't even know what breast milk is at all....

Are you a baby?


>How is fat bad for you
It's NOT, moron. TOO MUCH FAT is bad for you (sometimes!) because it's TOO MANY CALORIES and you become a FATASS. Otherwise dietary fat is BENEFICIAL as your body uses it for all sorts of important things, like neurological health, and hormonal health.

How can you not know these basic things? Are you Underage B&?

Most of the fat is used for cell membrane biogenesis. You have orders of magnitude less of that happening when past infancy.

Actually the majority (2/3) of breast milk is indigestible. The reason this came about is that the indigestible material is intended for the bacteria growing in the gut of the infant. This offers a host of benefits including building immune system and beneficial nutrients produced as waste product by the bacteria.

Cow milk is intended for baby cows... and after separation, pasterurization, and homogenization all of the beneficial enzymes and aminos are destroyed leaving you with literally nothing but small globules of fat suspended in watered down white liquid. None of this material assists the growth of beneficial human gut bacteria, because we are not fucking cows and not all milk is the same. Milk is a fucking low quality fat meme. Enjoy hunting for your "pro-biotic" yogurt and taking your "pre-biotic" supplements to rebuild beneficial gut bacteria.

>totally ignorning the macronutrients in cow milk
You are dumb.

>totally ignoring the subtle yet immensely important existence of micronutrients.
>advocates drinking your calories
You're basically eating a bland block of generic "macro-nutrient" fat. It has so little benefit, and there are so many better food options.

>acting like cow milk is the only way to get micronutrients
You are dumb

You are a moron OP,kys now. Get rid of that picture also you fucking autistic shitbag.

You are dumb

So let me guess where this is going:
About now, you start telling us how wonderful veganism is, right?

Oh and by the way I'm sitting here right now eating some delicious greek yogurt; you mad? xD

You didn't read what I wrote.

Veganism, not even once.

My only points were that processed milk isn't as beneficial as breast milk (or Raw cows milk, enzymes and micros intact)... and that breast milk really isn't "mostly fat." Don't project.

I didn't bother reading what you wrote because it was clearly evident that it was dumb. People all over the world have been eating dairy products for tens of thousands of years and thriving because of it, so saying dairy products are nutritionally pointless is dumb, and you're dumb for believing it -- and if you don't believe it yourself and are just trolling, then you're still dumb because it's dumb bait to be using.

Therefore: You are dumb.

>eating dairy products for tens of thousands of years
Pasteurization is not tens of thousands of years old. Dumb dumb.