Any girl who is not fat is automatically atleast 7/10. Why is that Veeky Forums?

Any girl who is not fat is automatically atleast 7/10. Why is that Veeky Forums?

Cause men are horny as shit, they want to fuck everything that moves, even the most hideous woman.
Woman see this and think they are "pretty" but in reality is that men just want something to fuck.

Any guy who is socially savvy and can make me laugh is automatically 7/10.
Why is this, /femfit/?

men are sexual pigs and women can use makeup to mask any insecurities


Because it's much harder to be socially savvy and funny than just not stuffing your face until you're sick every day

Jesus. I'd take her out. This shit makes me sad.

I guess I'm a pussy


this cant be real

She's not that ugly man, wtf, I'd take her out in public.

someone make a tinder profile with a chunky finster and see how many matches it can get in a day

If she wore glasses she would look better.

>"Hi there, I'm Chad."
No. Fucking. Way.

perhaps you're a facelet

>dont eat too much youll look good

>make me laugh, be socially acceptable and then youll look good t. Women

See how they dont equate?

If i was single id take her out no lie. Shes probably really neat

Shit i deleted half my post for pic related.
See pic. That woman is fit and cant be more than 5/10. Looks matter

me, 9 years ago.

Why are we so pathetic?

She's partially deformed and hiding her neck in the pic, probably fetal alcohol syndrome or some shit.

It's sad, because usually people who are deformed like that are mentally deficient and don't really notice when they aren't beautiful, but she's all too aware that she'll never be the princess disney made her fantasize about.

I bet she'll do everything sexual you ask. Anal? Sure. Facial? Okillydokilly. Water sports? Absolutely

Of course she would, but even then I'm not sure I could fuck the thing from 300.

Those type of girls are crazy

She will proudly serve you and fight to death for you. Or do her dirty and shell go to the filthy Persians

But she can't raise her shield


>Going from fat to fit
You are not fit, your grease shaped as muscles. The same as being skinny and having abs.

Kill yourselves

Id give her the disney movie makeover and have her go to the gym and get her fit. Then shell think shes too good for me and leave me for a chad.

When I was 14 some retarded skinny kid in my year said the same shit about Daniel Craig being a fat guy who did some crunches.

You have surpassed that idiotic child in terms of sheer retardation.

Because everyone thinks that they would only fuck good looking people and therefore everyone you want to fuck would have to be at least a 7, or a 6 on a bad day. But at least above average. The truth is that most people would fuck and/or settle for an average male/female and also that some average looking person still looks 'good'. This is one major problem with the 1-10 scale. It's more like:
>no way
>wow (World of Warcraft)

muh high test maymay