Does it not bother you knowing that a high calorie diet...

Does it not bother you knowing that a high calorie diet, lifting weights and fast metabolism contribute to far lower life expectancy, much earlier aging and organ degradation?

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No because I'd rather be a short-lived but bright burning flame than a smoldering ember.

>high calorie diet
>lifting weights
>fast metabolism
>far lower life expectancy

I'm not seeing a problem here

so what? i don't want to live past 70 and be bed bound and in diapers with no clue what's going on around me.

i'd rather live active life until i'm 60 and die then live to 100 and spend 40% of that time sucking on juice through a straw in some nursing home


>i don't want to live past 70 and be bed bound and in diapers with no clue what's going on around me.
That's what happens to lift weighters though.
Don't you ever see those 100+ year old Japs, extremely healthy and lively, and ask, "how did they make it so far if they've been on a 800 calories a day diet their whole lives"? Because I do.

Did you know death is inevitable and we should enjoy ourselves while we're here? If you add 5-10 years to your life but are miserable you've just increased your misery by 10%.


No. I always see the ones that say they smoked a pack a day and downed a bottle of whiskey.

You know if you shorten your life by 10-20 years, those are probably your 70s and 80s, if not later
Numale faggots forget that it's not your prime years that are deducted


The fuck are you going to do in your 70s-100s. I hope to have traveled by then while my dick still works.

Wait, I thought longer life expectancy and ageing population was a problem. Make up your mind, Schlomo

>Does it not bother you

who gives a crap we're freaks baby!!

Hey man, you never know. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for clinical immortality.

>being so afraid of death, he can't imagine that someone would sacrifice a few years of their total life to really live in their youth

Don't be such a pussy, you're going to die no matter what.

did you mean to say "speciul snoflaek"?
thats at least what it sounds like.

My vegan teacher died of stomach cancer at 40. He followed a low calorie diet. Left 4 children and a grieving widow behind.

yeah and your sitting behind PC 24/7 is extending your life span

you'll die way before any person who exercises does

Not at this point (27).
There will be time for regrets later.

> lifting weights contribute to far lower life expectancy, much earlier aging and organ degradation

Source please.

Isn't it having a continuously high blood sugar that's the biggest problem with a high calorie intake (apart from obesity)?

Someone who dies from natural/lifestyle induced causes at age 70 will be in much worse shape at age 50 or 60 than someone who lives healthy and dies at age 90.

>all these people agreeing with op

Wtf bros? I thought lifting was healthier than being fat, if it's the other way around then see you faggots

obviously steroids abuse or being over 250 lb is gonna shorten your lifespan.

Don't be a fucking extremist about stuff. Vegan hippie autists are also stupid. Keto fags are even more retarded. Just have stuff in moderation. You'll live a decently long life, and maybe even enjoy it too.

I want to reach my peak physique at some point in my life. I'll stop lifting when I'm around 50~ and switch to a low calorie diet and just swimming and cardio for exercises. Not that hard mang.

Being fit feels better than being fat, plus to still get to eat tons of food. No better way to live.

Yes, kind of. Also because lifting already takes away so much time while lifting and while recovering and eating and planning.

Considering that I am an author of a paper on certain caloric restriction mimetic I have begun to hold a water-based fast for one day a week. Best I can do.

To this whole line of thought about not wanting your 70s and 80s anyway because you would be old and sickly, the research so far points towards an extension of "healthspan" as well as lifespan through caloric restriction.

He gets it

Legit scared right now. Not gonna stop lifting even if it makes me die at 60 tho.

Can someone confirm this?

It's not the years in the life.
It's the life in the years.

It's completely true. If you want to understand why, think about this. What is metabolism? The rate at which your body works. That includes growing muscle, burning calories, along other Veeky Forumsness related things, yes, but it also includes cell replication. Every time your cell replicates, part of the DNA gets a little bit shorter. That makes you age much earlier than you normally would and much, much worse than just aging, your organs start malfunctioning far earlier, so you'll be more likely to get cancer, Alzheimer's, seizures, etc than most people. Think of the tip of a shoelace, the more you use the shoelace the more wasted it gets.

I fail to see how me wanting to get to 90kg workout squats, about 80-90 kg bench and a few other excercises, all with good form, decent amount of reps and a small warmup will cause me to die earlier. And besides, I'd rather be fit my entire youth and into my late fourties and die at 79 than to be unfit and scrawny my whole life and die at 85

Lifting is better for long live expectancy

what is worse is bulking with gomad for years and then blowing up your discs, hips and knees at 40 because you deadlifted and squatted with shitty form, making you completely sedentary at that age with shitty diet included

If you lean bulk and do a normal lifting routine there is no problem and probably you will live longer seeing all the nutrients you get from a good diet

Most elder people die from a hip replacement surgery or something like that that forces them to be completely immobile

You're right. I'm pretty sure the ones that live the longer (assuming no unfortunate diseases that couldn't be avoided) are the ones that stay decently fit, maybe with an FFMI of like 20-22 with decently low bodyfat, a healthy diet, and such.

Workout may "up your metabolism bro!" but it also incudes lots of good habits like eating healthy, not overeating and becoming fat, getting enough sleep, etc. Overall, even if it ends up taking 5 years (not that I would know once I were dead anyway, right?) it'd still be worth it to me.

I'm MUCH, MUCH more scared of destroying joints, blowing up discs, and such. That's why I'm never gonna get "HUGE AND JACKED", but rather stay at aesthetic, be very careful with my excercises and make sure I never cause damage to my joints and discs.

I used to be scared about losing progress but recently i had to stop lifting for 2 months for various reasons, ate like shit (like 1 meal per day and coffee, no protein), and didn't loss that much of muscle mass, and after 2 weeks of lean bulking I had a decent body again

That made me quit body dismorphia instantly, honestly one gets so attached to progress but now i realize it's better to take a week or two off if you are having joint problems that fucking your joints for the rest of your life

Surgery for joint problems are costly as shit too

Quality of life > Length of life

Can someone post actual sources that bodybuilding (cleanly, safely) reduces life expectancy? This thread so far is mostly just a load of 'beautiful corpse' shit and pretty vague talk of metabolism.

Also, let's face it - the average person's lifestyle isn't geared towards extending lifespan/healthy years. It's not like we're lifting while everyone else is practising intermittent fasting or whatever. The question is whether the potential negative effects of bodybuilding for lifespan outweigh the potential positives, and how the results compare to what we could be doing otherwise.

No one needs to list any 'actual sources' to prove anything so basic.

Sitting on your ass, moving as little as possible, and eating as little as possible? LOL, you waste away because your body has no purpose other than to die.

Using your body, encouraging it to grow and improve, fueling it adequately for your efforts? It has nothing but a positive effect.

t. Zyzz

I don't particularly want to live a particularly long life.

>implying I wouldn't want to shorten this fucking life

If you really think that, please go on and kill yourself. You're already halfway down there so why bother wasting any more resources?

Same here user, don't listen to those other faggots

>Does it not bother you knowing...contribute to far lower life expectancy, much earlier aging and organ degradation?
No because that's bullshit.
>a high calorie diet
>fast metabolism
>lifting weights
>I thought lifting was healthier than being fat
It is.
>Can someone confirm this?
It's bullshit.
>It's completely true.
No, it isn't.

There's some video games I want to play before I die, I'll wait till their released and I beat them until I kill myself.

Do you really want to live until you're 75? Old and can't take care of yourself, your mental faculties depleting and everyone you love and invested time/money has left you? No, better to die between 60-65 when you can still take care of yourself and let those who you love know how much they mean to you!!!FACT!!

Because I don't give a shit how many resources the people who actually enjoy their lives get. Fuck them.

Although you're probably trolling, I do agree on the concept of planning your life for your 20's through your 50's. Too often do you hear advice like "well I heard 90 year old men regret X the most...", like who gives a fuck what an old man regrets. Take the words of a great man in his prime over the words of a dying man any day.

My great grandma was still cleaning out her own gutters in her 90s

Why would I want to kill myself you faggot. I'll go out swinging at 45 thank you very much.

Shouldnt stop at fifty. Lifting is real good for older dudes. Helps preserve muscle mass, testosterone levels, and bone density.