Not taking creatine

>not taking creatine

Enjoy no gains

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I can confirm


My best friend officially wants to work out with me.

He refuses to take anything. No pre workout l... Creatine or even protien powder.

No gains.

How do i Redpill him?

>tfw no gym buddy

You're an idiot if you think you need any of that shit to make gains.

You can make gains without that stuff but it will take way longer

>gains without creatine


Thought I can make gains without creatine. I could, but creatine increased them by a lot.

Thought I would go bald if I started using creatine since I have always had a shitty hairline and weak hair - if anyone would start balding because of creatine, that would be me. But nah and I started taking it 5 months ago.

Though I'd never be able to cut without losing strength or at least stalling on my lifts. This is what I'm doing right now thanks to creatine tho.

I'm actually serious, there's literally no reason not to take creatine.

After 3 days of taking creatine my bench went from a max of 185 lbs to 225

Creatine noticeably improves my workouts. It's pretty shocking to be honest. I mean it's not like taking test or something, but if I go without it and then get back on I notice it.

Also I do a lot of endurance based cardio. It helps with recovery. For interval sessions I can usually bang out an extra 2 or 3 hill sprints without lactic acid building up.

The only 3 supps that I feel really make a difference are
Zinc picolinate
Magnesium oil

Does it really make a difference? What effects do you get from using creatine?

I'm already bald so that's no issue

After a week of taking creatine my bench went from 150lbs to 335.

Tomorrow I reckon I'll be up to 390. I'm becoming stronger.

How do you take your creatine? timing? what beverages or foods?

I sense bullshit

This. Went from benching the bar and after 1 week of SS+GOMAD and creatine I'm benching 4 plates.

More gains, simple as that. You might bloat a little bit (water retention) if u "cycle" it. You probably wont bloat at all if u don't. That's not very important though. No other effects other than an increased amount of gains. You gain strength noticeably faster with the biggest jump occuring a week after you start taking it. You gain muscle noticeably faster. Nothing crazy but it's the only legal thing with no side effects that you can take and really notice a difference.

Nice I also noticed it's pretty cheap

>not taking ethly ester creatine.

I'm scared of going bald, it does increase DHT by a lot so fuck that

Monohydrate is best

I've never used any supplements and doing good.
Just eat a lot of protein containing foods

Your making less gains



I thought it was just another fitness industry scam like most products but I can confirm that creatine works

I have tried creatine a few times, i have a weird reaction to it, like a little tingly shocking effect all over my body. Should i just give up on this? it gets to the point where i am uncomfortable and cannot perform my workouts, i am taking recommended amount, should i take less and see or is that useless?

>taking creatine
Enjoy shrunken dick and balls

I tried it once and it felt like I was losing hair.
Could be placebo though.


Naw shits real. Took started thinning. Stopped and my thinning held.

Does your particular brand of creatine have a bunch of other shit in it?

Just go musclebald grandpa mode. Add beard too

Enjoy your liver damage

>Does it really make a difference?
>What effects do you get from using creatine?
Pretty much just more strength. Creatine is what our body uses for energy purposes on heavy strength work and you can't get much of it through diet.
Drink more water, buddeh

This is the last one i bought and tried and still have that weird effect.

You need to buy pure creatine, that stuff has got a boatload of other shit in it.

My protein shake includes 3g Creatine per scoop, is that enough?

This is the 3rd one i have tried. Can you point me in the right direction as to what brand i should get?


Search for creapure on Google and you should find something thats 100% just that

Try taking magnesium, it helps a lot

Thanks for the helpful advice...

Will look into it, thanks

>heard about the wonders of creatine
>decide to buy and try some mono
>5g a day, every day
>all previously stalled/slow lifts were up 20 pounds after a couple weeks
>hair was thinning noticeably faster
>so much so that I could no longer chalk it up to my imagination
>immediately stop taking creatine
>hair stopped thinning as fast

I'm going to end up like a reverse Vegeta regardless because I have a genetic predisposition to hair loss, but losing my hair that quickly at 19 wasn't and still isn't worth it the extra weight on the bar.

It will accelerate balding, its accelerates balding, DHT all thet


It's the beta alanine in it that gives you the tingles. Buy the pure stuff by bulk supplements or another.

What if you geneticslly are not predisposed to balding (dad and grandpas on both sides with full head of hair)

there is no timing. you can do a loading phase with a slightly increased dose to get it in your system faster or just take the normal dose as recommended.

eat something with it, some people get a stomach ache with it. there's no reason not to, anyway. you can put it in your shake if you want

forgot to mention you should probably only take it for a few weeks at a time. the only drawback to it is that it can build up in the kidneys and lead to some issues, especially if you don't drink enough water. pretty easy just to take a week or two off now and then.

>but losing my hair that quickly at 19 wasn't and still isn't worth it the extra weight on the bar.
>I'm going to end up like a reverse Vegeta regardless because I have a genetic predisposition to hair loss
Than shave your fucking head already.

5 gramms per day. Drink more fucking water, if you don't drink enough water, your kidneys and liver get rekt.
Mr Eric Helms knows his shit, you should listen to him

i've been taking it post-workout for months now

do you guys really think it affects you if you take it pre-workout?

bumping this question

how much time before workout do you take it?

Take it every morning pre-workout mixed with black coffee. I call it the blacker the berry.

I'm already bald anyway so who gives a fuck really.

I want to take creatine but am 183 and the ceiling for my weight bracket is 185, i simply can't afford to gain the water weight.

im doubt if I start taking it consistently once I plateau or if I take couple weeks on, couple weeks off

Balding comes from the X chromosome you fucking retard. Jesus Christ fucking off yourself. People like you are the reason the world is such shit. Seriously, grab a glock and unload an entire fucking clip into your fucking cranium, maybe then your head won't be so empty you massive cunt.

men have an X too buddy

That x comes from your mother. It's impossible to get baldness from your father unless you are a girl and you'd have to have both x chromosomes have a the balding Gene. This is taught in fucking elementary school wtf.

You sir are retarded
None of them do actually anything to make you build more muscle, they just give you more energy so your lazy ass can actually do a workout.
About protein powder, it's just a substitute for actual protein, 100% not needed with proper eating.

It gives you ass cancer.

>creatine as a form of energy.
>what is atp

>eating 200g of protein a day is easy
>lifting heavier loads or greater reps doesn't aid in muscle gain

You're a dumb-dumb. Go do some research.

Creatine has repeatedly been shown to increase performance in weight training, allowing users to lift heavier weight or greater reps. This in turn will stimulate more growth in muscle tissue.

Whey powder is a low cost, effective way to hit daily protein targets while regulating calorie intake.

You should be drinking two scoops so yeah.

Can someone red pill me on the affects of creatine while I make way to a 200 pound goal? Is there a point in taking it while I'm eating at a deficit? What about pre-workouts?

All I do right now is have a nice fruit smoothy with protein in it as my supplement.

come on, you don't need that much protein unless you weight 200kg, and it is pretty easy hitting 100g protein daily without whey.

but nothing against it anyways, I don't use it because it is expensive in my country, but it is very convinient to take to work with a little snack instead of a whole damn meal

1g per pound of body weight is basically the golden rule for people looking to build muscle mass while strength training.

>expensive in my country
I use about $1 of whey powder a day. I get a 5lb tub is around $50usd here in NZ. How much could it possibly cost you? Are you poor or something?

Right, and he's the idiot.

Creatine has almost no downsides. Proven to improve power output, meaning you can push that little bit harder in you workouts, stimulating more growth. Produces greater hydration of muscles, giving them a fuller appearance.

Just throw 5g into your shake each day. There is no need to do a loading phase nor is there any need to cycle it. It is dirt cheap. My creatine is costing me about 25 cents per day. Just remember to hydrate (2+ litres of water per day).

As for preworkouts, good old caffeine is tried and true. Take in whatever form you most enjoy (home made cappuccino master race here).

Have the exact same shit. The strawberry is suicidal and vanilla is tolerable. 3-5g is enough every day. I take 1.5g of creatine HCl to get around 5

What if I were to start small, like 1 or 2 grams, would that still give me a boost?

>tfw to intelligent the post

Nah bro, you need at least half a gram per kg of bodyweight....

thanks my buddy

What this guy said. I got a kg of that stuff from my protein with discount ts for like 11 euro. That's a half years supply at minimum.

I already drink shit tons of water though, you should if you take it.

>that fuckin juicy creatine pump

Why can't I just look like this all the time bros?

Creatine may increase the rate of balding in men with Male Pattern Baldness, although the data needs to be replicated a bit to be more conclusive. This may only practically apply to persons with a family history or already present receding hairlines, since there is a significant genetic component for hair loss in male youth.[1]

The reasoning for the above is through the androgen and testosterone metabolite, dihydrotestosterone. Through the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, testosterone converts into the more potent androgen, DHT[2][3] and this enzyme's results are noted in the scalp as well.[4][5] Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) seems to be a main player in male pattern baldness,[6] and higher circulating DHT levels are correlated with a higher rate of hair loss in those susceptible to the effects of DHT.

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is connected to hair loss in people genetically susceptable to hair loss (if it runs in the family); due to this, anything that increases DHT may cause suspicion for accelerating hair loss
Creatine supplementation has been implicated in increasing DHT

Rathnayake D, Sinclair R. Male androgenetic alopecia . Expert Opin Pharmacother. (2010)
Wright AS, et al. Relative potency of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in preventing atrophy and apoptosis in the prostate of the castrated rat . J Clin Invest. (1996)
Bartsch G, Rittmaster RS, Klocker H. Dihydrotestosterone and the concept of 5alpha-reductase inhibition in human benign prostatic hyperplasia . World J Urol. (2002)
Ryu HK, et al. Evaluation of androgens in the scalp hair and plasma of patients with male-pattern baldness before and after finasteride administration . Br J Dermatol. (2006)

So basically creatine increases testosterone because that's what causes balding

make him suck your dick for the protein

its the only way!

If you have problems eating that much protein you need to reevaluate your diet.

I take zero supplements, aside from zinc and vitamin D and I guarantee I'm bigger and stronger than you.

You won't go bald at a faster rate because of creatine, just lol. Steroids, yes. Creatine, no.

I don't like my strength or fitness to be dependent on a supplement I take daily, which has potential downsides such as hair loss anyway.

Ultimately it doesn't matter if my lifts are 8% less than they would be if I was ingesting some chemical; who cares if you make gains slightly slower. It feels good to me to know that all the progress I make is down to me alone.

In short, unless I was competing I don't see any real reason to take this?

>just lol
Great source there mate

All it took was a just lol because the thought of a natural product making you go bald is a fucking joke that makes you facepalm

It's cheap as fuck there's no reason to not take it

>natural product can't possibly affect you in any single way

It isn't by any stretch of the imagination natural to spike Creatine levels in the body. If it was, people wouldn't have to take the supplement anyways to reach that concentration.

Stay weak

>taking creatine
Enjoy your temporary fake natty gains that'll disappear as soon as you stop juicing

Accelerates balding.

>Enjoy no gains

so lifting, diet, exercise and rest isn't needed, just creatine?

god you're a fucking dumb prick

>his jimmies were rustled over a post on a macedonese doll crafting forum

I'm already bald who gives a fuck I'm a guy

Can creatine help me achieve ottermode or should I look elsewhere?

Otter mode is skinny, creating makes you look big and bulky like an adult male, if you're under 24 don't take creatine

>the only whey