Starting the paleo diet

Starting the paleo diet..
are mangoes allowed or just blueberries I want max results and won't cheat thanks!
Any tips about success on the paleo diet is appreciated

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meme diet, for xfitters and beta cucks with beards

I really like this meme

Read the fucking sticky

We'll it worked for a friend of mine and I lost 8 pounds cutting out grains and rice wheat all that... if you know of a better diet please tell me

>if you know of a better diet please tell me

A normal diet that just also cuts out junk food/processed food. There's nothing magically fattening about oatmeal and peas.

>cave men ate cultured dairy products, extracted oils from coconuts, olives, and avocado (and had rendered animal fat to cook with) and didn't eat wild grains or legumes

Source on this?

You're not a fucking caveman.
Cavemen were not the pinnacle of human health.

T. leaky gut

T. 150lb crossfitter

Friend lost 40lbs on paleo, if you are strict it works. I'm pretty sure mangos are ok

Paleo is a meme. Too many carbs.

What you want is keto.

keto is a meme . Not enough energy .

What you want is a balanced diet .

Fat gives you more energy than carbs.

It gives you more energy by gram but it doesn't change the fact that your body beta oxidation rate will severely limit your ability to produce any long duration effort correctly .

And this video doesn't refute my point , unless you're a sedentary powerfater you won't have enough energy for a real sports .

You didn't watch the video? Not surprising.

Go on man , keep believing what the 5-6 alternative science outlet tells you about keto .

99 of all the follower of these cult are fat people/ recovering fatty , there is a reason they try to hype this as something specials , to sells their shitty book and hype up t one of the biggest industry in the food industry .
Keep fucking up your metabolism but tell yourself it's okay because 2 meme doctor and 4 studies told you it spare your metabolism despite dozen of dozen of studies telling the pollar opposite .
Keep chugging your bone broth or coffee butter of whatever those retarded community chug all day longs .
There is a reasy 95% of the ketard community is crazy about their meme coffee , without a potent stimulant most of them would be fucking zombie .

I did keto for 4 month and convinced myself I felt great , why ? Because I was literally eating food that was considered the unhealthiest on earth kek

Just add a side of veggie with your high fat meal , convince you it's healthy , tell yourself " wow i've been lied to , all that high fat junk is actually healthy for me" this is why people on keto fell greats , they convince themselves that pure junk + some veggie near it is health food , and then they chug their coffe / tea in dumb amount ( with butter / coco in it ofc)

And ALL of the studies done on it's " benefit" are done on obese / fat patient losing weight .

Even the ice cream diet would get you improved blood marker if you lost 30 kg .

hello there dude, did you notice me senpai in the veganism threads when I made pic related or just came to your own conclusion.

is quite good, but what I am leaning towards is a racially specific diet.

namely because of

What you call the paleo diet is actually a politically correct version of a "european white mans diet"

You know how other people see weakness in political correctness, for just trying to avoid the issue at hand, the core thing. Well that issue here that you perhaps may be avoiding is racial specific diets. Instead of jumping around the core issue you could just go with it head on and dispel most opposition easily.

the little yellow box on the bottom there tells you how much it's bullshit
if any of that resonates with you, you're borderline retarded

t. made up undefined diseases

Yea it needs to go, always remain 100% factual.

But low carb diets improve biomarkers more than most other diets do, even beyond the weight loss.

modified it a bit, probably should make my own chart around aromatase inhibiting things. Very useful with BPA plastics all around us.

How are eggs, organic milk and good cuts of meat 'junk'?

I did nothing to my diet besides take out grains, legumes and sugar.
That put me into keto without any other effort.

Lost bf, gained strength, skin looks the best it has ever looked... What exactly is bad about this?

Shit is stupid. Just hit your macros and avoid processed food (asides from supps.)

No reason to give up oats. Oats are nice.

Oats are indeed nice, not sure what the paleo argument is against those. Or even against most of the better quality breads of the complex carb variations.

>8 pounds

I lost 26lbs in 8 weeks.
high carb guy here (70%) track your shit, calories are the point in dieting, there's no need of following an anti-schizophrenia diet

>no processed food

im black and tried this diet. felt like shit
no wonder. its for nordic ppl only.

For you race, the diet probably would even be more guys have even more diverse nationalities than the nordics vs italians. Some of you hunt, eat lots of meat, and have been doing so also for very long times. While others forage more. If you truly want to get a good diet that makes you operate at your peak, you would investigate of which tribe you come from, which foods you eat and in which amounts and then try to replicate it.

Though the avoidance of processed foods, gmos and additives is universal.

i'm italian and this is bullshit.


you guys may be considered white, but you arent really white for foods. Fugging pasta, pizza, lots of wine. Too much really. That is why I have "nordic/white" to exclude you pasta eating niggers.

Why Spirits only rarely? And why should nordics avoid sugar and even potatoe? Are they considered generally unhealthy or is this chart implying nordics would die if they drink girly drinks and eat mashed potatoes?

>Why Spirits only rarely?


Because excesses of spirits are bad. I am not asking you to forgo your national, historic beverages, but you know...tone down on them a bit. The modern industry has brought the cost down of a great many things and that is why also a great many things have increased in consumption, dont avoid them, but do limit them. I think that red wine is also somewhat of an aromatase inhibitor through some very loose searching around.

And potatoes, god they are not european, starchy. Avoid them. The one good foreign food that was introduced to us recently is probably avocado's along with a couple of other veggies, but potatoes is not one of them. Fug potatoes. Fucking indian nigger food.

Nordic, not slav but alright I wasnt sure if you were implying pretty much never drink. I will continue to drink myself to death. Potatoes taste like ass tho so I think you are onto something. What about rice and pasta?

neutral/unknown on both. I hate all simple carbs, be they in traditional dishes or in processed foods. There are many times of rice that are of better quality than the simple white rice. Rice is also so lacking in so many nutrients, its ALMOST empty calories. Its just not very good food at all, for anyone I dare say. Would avoid.

As for pasta...well if you used whole grain and no factory stuff, then it wouldnt be evil, I am not a fan of the gluten hype, still think that the white man should have had enough time to get adjusted to breads in his agricultural phase so it could be okay. But still would limit it as it would impede upon the
"60% from animal sources"

Why is niger so white?

I have no fukcing idea why. Its a mystery to me, kinda wondered about that too but never investigated.

Milk drinking niggers, jesus what.

Cheers. Also what herbs are those in the chart? I cant make them out.


LOL, I never add those so I never bothered to look them up. Well one of them looks like peppermint. Not sure what the others are. Shitty paleo chart, even in its original form it didnt have that detail I think.

paleo diet as suggested in your attached pic debunked


wait it does.

how about you watch it and maybe learn something
you can decide for yourself argument by argument if it makes sense.

well thank god the second chart derived and adjusted from the keto crap I have modified to include old agriculture, much closer to the truth.

But from the first start already she goes "well we are not adapted to eating meat"

but we are. The answer is not herbivorism, its not carnivorism, for whites its 60% from animalism, omnivorism. iseeeeeeeeeeeem

kek, seeing the end of this video I think this woman is actually on the same mind as I am, with my white race compatible chart. Even included the little gut biome rant at the end.

The healthy bacteria around the foods, plant foods even are a bit of a bitch to deal with. A great unknown factor. And its part of evolution, one species could fuck over your crop with some simple adaptation even if you use the most environmentally friendly pesticide. A pesticide that does not spare any bacteria most likely.

The americans even bleach their foods to excessive amounts. The bacteria in the soil too are usually unhealthy and are fucked with, with too intense farming. That is why bio/organic.

I (re)maed tis