Introduced my good friend to lifting

>introduced my good friend to lifting
>taught her everything I know
>she gets good at it after a while

Fast forward to a few months later

>she is now an instagram fitness whore

I have created a monster Veeky Forums. What have I done?

Introduce her to Veeky Forums and let the autism take over, it will balance out

Post her instagram


Are you upset that she gets attention after getting gud with all your coaching? What did you want to create, a powerlifter girl who only posts videos of diddly maxes? Sry bro it just sounds like you want to take too much power over her own decisions

OP sounds like a femanon to me.

You turned a normie in to a babe, you're doing the Lord's work

>bitter about someone else getting attention
Yeah, female.

You're projecting hard m8. I'm just tired of seeing her clog my feed.

Nope, a male

I can tell you exactly what you can do- post her handle now


Looks to me that she lost about 726 pounds since she began working out. Just be proud that you caused this change. Kys for not enjoying that you changed someone for the better.

OP didn't post that you mong

Well we had sex a couple of times but now she thinks she's too good for me.

She made fun on Steven universe last time I cosplayed it

I think you're the one projecting, I think you expected some kind of "loyalty" from
her after you sacrificed your time and knowledge on her, and now you're upset because you feel like she used you to get attention of instagram, but guess what she doesn't owe you anything, you voluntarily gave her advice, now you must live with the consequences

>She made fun on Steven universe last time I cosplayed it
that is an oddly specific situation

She owes me everything. I saved her life, in her savior and his owner.

Well I like that show. She told me I was too short and that I should take some medicine so I could look like her friends.

I'm 5'5 not short at all, just a little chubby. 120kg

that's absolutely disgusting if it actually is her

>nope, a male
alleged male*

Oh, you little jokster, you. You goofed me.

Bait thread confirmed

There's always one roleplaying autist to shit up a thread.

Kek, never change Veeky Forums

>5'5'' not short
>Steven universe

Do you lack reading comprehension? I'm happy for her, but she literally posts everyday about some arbitary lift she's doing. I don't feel "betrayed"

So unfollow her? Instead of complaining about it on a taiwanese horse racing forum like a faggot

Who cares. You're not her boss or husband. She can act how she wants. It's what your society keeps saying...

you, my creator, abhor me?

You brought it into this world, it's your responsibility to take it out.

Yeah Stephen universe is pretty annoying on here, but whatever, watch what you like.
Just don't tell girls about any shit like that cuz they 1. Don't care about vidya, anime, or whatever and 2. Will think your retarded because you are.

This cant possible be OP.

Or can it?

as i see it he just dislikes those instagram fitness whores and did not think she would become one and now that she became one he obviously does not like it
its no that hard to understand

>have gf
>check out her instagram
>see who she's following
>alphablack male

what the fuck

No. I'm OP. That's just some autistic larper

I just want her IG

If this is her you should've taught her no to eat so much.

>her instagram
>have gf
you mean rented