Let's be honest for a second

Let's be honest for a second.

Most of you hate fat people for the sake of hating fat people, not because you want to shame them into losing weight for their own good. People genuinely concerned about the health of others don't jump at the first opportunity to slander them.

>Thus, we suggest that few individuals ever truly recover from obesity; individuals who formerly had obesity but are able to re-attain a healthy bodyweight via diet and exercise still have ‘obesity in remission’ and are biologically very different from individuals of the same age, sex, and bodyweight who never had obesity...The mere recommendation to avoid calorically dense foods might be no more effective for the typical patient seeking weight reduction than would be a recommendation to avoid sharp objects for someone bleeding profusely.


I am not advocating fat acceptance, but realize that shaming almost never leads to long-term behavioural changes. Chances are, fat shaming will only worsen the situation by making the obese fall back on the one thing that makes them feel good -- food.

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yes, they're garbage and I do hate them.

Yeah, that's bullshit. I wouldn't have developed enough self-hatred to bear with the hunger if I wasn't rejected and shamed for being fat consistently.

k still hate them tho

>Most of you hate fat people for the sake of hating fat people, not because you want to shame them into losing weight for their own good.

>I wouldn't have developed...

Just because it worked for you doesn't mean it will work for most.

>Unfortunately, as mentioned above, feeling shame neither encourages nor motivates positive behavior change. In fact, Dr. Brown’s extensive research into the issue has revealed an inverse relationship between shame and the belief that one is capable of changing for the better. Her research also found that shame-based people often behave in ways that reinforce their shame. In other words, shameful feelings lead not to connection and reaching out for support, but to ill-advised behaviors that bolster feelings of shame. This creates a downward spiral of bad behavior, shame, more bad behavior, more shame, etc. So when people behave in ways that go against their values, feel badly about it, and work to behave differently in the future, shame is not the motivation. Guilt is. So, once again, guilt is potentially a very useful and socially informed emotion, while shame is not.


In other words, the desire to change must be internal.

For those whom shame doesn't work as a motivator, they should just kill themselves. There is no point in living life as an obese person.

Let's try to keep the autism at a minimum ITT.

So we shame them until they decide to change for themselves. Easy peasy.

You've clearly never been on Veeky Forums for more than a week. We don't shame those who try.

Who is this semen daemon?

The idea that bullying or offending someone into self-improvement is a viable strategy or that such an aggressively ignorant way to see life in general could ever be a front to something positive about you rather than displaying your own laziness regarding self-improvement (which is itself ironic) is laughable.

It is an escape from seeing the truth that you, much like fat people, still have a lot to work on, and are not any better than them

I hate fat people because I got bullied by them during middle school. No shame.

I hate fat people not actively seeking to be not-fat people (powerlifters or farmer-types who eat a lot and do hard labor/lift-heavy not included.) It has nothing to do with shaming them into being thin, though that is the preferred result.

>Its entirely their own inability to keep their own gluttony/laziness in check that leads them to be terrible versions of themselves.
>Absolute drain on public healthcare, taking resources that could be spent elsewhere
>Inefficient in a lot of ways that don't matter individually, but collectively hurt shit (example, use up more fuel in cars due to increased weight)
>Also pretty inconvenient in that enough of them in a crowd (or even one in a closed space) leads to less room to move around for everyone
>Tend to be incredibly weak (both in terms of will and physically,) which leads to some deplorable behavior. For example, I was walking somewhere with a group, and two fatties decided to call an uber rather than walk LITERALLY one mile.
>I feel as though the rise of the fatties has brought the burgerland attractiveness average down at least 3/10 points, which means increased rates of settling from everyone involved
>If burgerland is ever threatened (be it disease, war, whatever,) I feel as though fit people will have undue pressure on them to rise to the occasion, considering people who can't even run a mile without keeling over would be shit in any sort of emergency.

The list goes on, but the fact is that they are entirely contemptible.

>the one thing that makes them feel good -- food.
good, then they can die and stop making my health insurance go up at an exuberant rate.

>Chances are, fat shaming will only worsen the situation by making the obese fall back on the one thing that makes them feel good -- food.
Which will lead to a quicker death for them, which will in turn reduce the fatty population both directly and indirectly, by acting as yet another example of what happens when you have no impulse control.
In a word: good.

it isn't about convincing any particular fat person to stop being fat, it is to reinforce social norms. most people want to go with the flow/be told what to do/put in the minimum needed to be on a particular rung of the ladder

if they actually want to be fat, that's their business. but it should be shameful

So? They are trash human beings. They are ugly both inside and out.

>posting magazines and glorified blogs as sources

Kek. Fat people will find any excuse to blame others for being fat.

I hate fat ppl bc my step mom treated me poorly and she was a fat fuck so i project my hatred of her onto all fatties

>Most of you hate fat people for the sake of hating fat people

Yes, sure. As a former fatty I know how pathetic fat people are. If they don't try to better themselves they deserve to be mocked.

>Most of you hate fat people for the sake of hating fat people, not because you want to shame them into losing weight for their own good.
Yes, so?

As i was formally overweight (not a hamplanet) and became fit after a year of working out and eating well. its wasn't even that hard to do. Just some dedication and not stuffing your face and you'll be fine.

>date] [Auto]
I try to give fat people the benefit of the doubt, I really do but see without fail what happens every time is they somehow turn out to be narcissistic egotistical delusional loser AKA mentally ill because no reasonable person lets themselves get to that condition

It always happens -- I just don't associate with fat people or get up in the false reality or constant mental gymnastics in which an overweight person continues to justify their life day in and day out

You are correct

>wah wah wah my feewings! :'(

Get on that treadmill, fatty.

>But, b-but...
Either do it or go kill yourself with food and accept that you're visually disgusting and that only a razor thin margin of people will fuck you.

You can either accept it or change it but expecting to coerce people's thoughts is just insane. People mold themselves to deal with the universe around them, not the other way around.

> fat people
> people

Maybe you shouldn't have gotten so fat if your feefees get hurt by the big meanies on fit.


it's the lancet though. the same guys who propagated the whole vaccines cause autism

also, there's an author's reply after somebody took offense to the initial post:

note at the bottom the whole team took grants from manufacturers of diabetic medications, insulin, and weight watchers.

literally all of them benefit from the results of the study. if it were up to big pharma, every fat person should be on 500mg BD of metformin for life.

it also explains how the study got into the lancet, which traditionally had a very high standard. probably they paid them off.

tl;dr the study is biased because the researchers took money from pharmaceutical companies and weight watchers

Life is genraly worse when you are overweight. You feel worse, people treat you worse. The fact that alot of these people don't care or don't even want to make the effort to improve makes the people trying hate them. And thus Fat hate is born

People around me for years saying "I'm not that fat" made me think I was ok as I piled on the pounds. One day I got in a fight at a bar and the guy called me a fat cunt with man tits. What happened after that is irrelevant, but when I got home and looked in the mirror I truly realised that's this bulk looking back at me is what everyone has been seeing. And I acted to change this.

also they look disgusting and people don't enjoy feeling disgusted when they look at them

I hate fat fucks. they're lazy pieces of shit who m make nothing but excuses for their state. They refuse to accept any shred of responsibility while shoveling thousands of calories of refined and processed foods down their throat after downing two big macs and an extra large fry and four refills of a diet coke.

They deserve scorn and admonishment for their behavior and the stress they are putting on the health systems.

That being said. If one of them decides to lose weight, then I'll fucking help them. if they don't know how to cook I'll leave my house an hour early in the morning to go over and teach them how to cook breakfast and I'll go over after work to teach them how to cook dinner. I'll go shopping with them to teach them how to build a healthy menu. And I'll even pay for their gym membership if they can't afford it.

Until they make that decision they're worthless fucking scum who deserve everything coming their way.

I think most people here just hate the concept of being fat. Maybe because they used to be fat themselves or because the fear they might become fat in the future. So basically they hate the fat version of themselves and project that onto all fat people.

Not necessarily a bad thing if it helps you stay in shape.

Of course there are also people who just like to hate people and fat people just happened to be an easy target, plus the justification that being fat is self-inflicted, unlike intelligence, race or sexuality. So being hateful towards fat people is less bigoted.

Let's be honest for a second.

Most of you hate CRACK ADDICTS for the sake of hating CRACK ADDICTS, not because you want to shame them into STOP USING CRACK for their own good. People genuinely concerned about the health of others don't jump at the first opportunity to slander them.

>Thus, we suggest that few individuals ever truly recover from CRACK ADDICTION; individuals who formerly had CRACK ADDICTION but are able to re-attain a healthy LIFESTYLE via REHAB still have ‘CRACK ADDICTion in remission’ and are PSYCHOlogically very different from individuals of the same age, sex, and bodyweight who never had CRACK ADDICTION...The mere recommendation to avoid FUCKING CRACK might be no more effective for the typical patient seeking CRACK reduction than would be a recommendation to avoid sharp objects for someone bleeding profusely.


I am not advocating CRACK ADDICT acceptance, but realize that shaming almost never leads to long-term behavioural changes. Chances are, CRACK ADDICT shaming will only worsen the situation by making the CRACK ADDICTS fall back on the one thing that makes them feel good -- CRACK.

Fat people are fucking disgusting
>fat guy

oh come on did you win? and did you keep the weight off?

For most of the weirdos on Veeky Forums, hating a fat person is a nice change of focus from the self loathing they usually feel.

Same general reason why anyone professes to hate anyone really

No one on Veeky Forums shames fat people

They shame fat deniers, who claim being fat is healthy

Yeah, fuck fat people. I hate them because I was fat and hated myself enough to change that. I now use that hate on the fatties because I see what I was in them

I used to be 300lbs at 6'2". I lost 120lbs and then bulked back up to 203. Minus the loose skin around my tummy and ass, I feel like a normal person and I have 0 issues controlling cravings. My metabolism shot through the roof and I actually eat more now than I did back then.

Fuck off you stupid retard Liberal cunt. As a man formerly thin, now chubby down from quite big, I want to fucking kill you for trying dissuade losing bodyweight.

Fat people are absolutely disgusting and should be shamed into losing weight. Who gives a fuck if my biological make up is different now than people who were never fat, I'm much happier being thin and don't care if my lifestyle has to be different to maintain that weight SO FUCK OFF WITH YOUR GIVE UP ACCEPTANCE ATTITUDE YOU RETARD.

Shame is one of the best motivators... for people with pride and a sense of self-respect, and the sort of moral strength that makes them want to avoid doing shameful things. The sort of people who aspire to virtus and excellence.

If shame doesn't work on you...

underrated post

Fat people are fucking disgusting. Ever fat fuck I see ruins a part of my day.

Fat people should be gassed then, literally inferior genetics.

I hate fat people because they remind me of what I could become.

Are you saying fat is a genetic trait?

I don't hate fat people. I hate people who preach the fat acceptance bullshit.

gassed and rendered down into biodiesel, obesity is a laziness and a total lack of ownership of your own health, nothing more

Worked on me, worked on a few people i know. Now stop talking and start running, fatso.

I only know one fat person out of like 20 that is worth the flesh he is made of. This country needs a eugenic program badly. We need to sterilize all the fat, impatient, ignorant, retarded, petulant subhumans, so we can breed them out of the population. That way, when we figure out genetics completely, we have less work to do. I of course would recommend myself for sterilization too, as every loser who uses this site should. FOR THE GREATER GOOD.

Yeah I hate them because they're ugly and have no discipline. Why is this a thread?

I hate fat people because I think they are terrible for the country and the world. Sure maybe 1% of them contribute with some research or tech, but that's the rule for the gneral population where only 1% will do anything remarkable to begin with. If there is some serrious shit that goes down in the future I want to be able to work with people around me to fix it (be it war or famine or any other catastrophe) AND I want my family to be capable of working as well. It's not about the looking good shit, it's about how obesity is a sign of true laziness and lack of care for survival, no obese person is going to survive if there is ever any real challenge in the world and so in my eyes they are worthless.

I respect fat people actively making a difference, I hate people who relish in their laziness and insist I embrace it as well.

Mostly though, I hate it because I used to be fat and I hated what I had become. Being fat and become Veeky Forums gives you a newfound hatred for lazy, disgusting fats.

Lad, they do it because they're insecure. Most of Veeky Forums isn't about developing a healthy body and mind, but rather feeding dysphoric power fantasies.

You want to know what really doesn't work? Not shaming them at all, you fucking retard.

>Hurr it's impossible to stop being obese
Maybe so, but this doesn't change my opinion on obese people. You knew exactly what those cakes, steaks, and shakes would do to your body. Asking me to not judge you is like asking me to not shake my head at a smoker with throat or lung cancer, a daredevil with a shattered bone, a lazy person who can't get a good job, and so on. Sure people can have stress that leads to these things, and I'm sure plenty of them have had more stress than I have had or will have. This doesn't take the responsibility away from your actions, if there's one thing you learn as a child it's that they have consequences. The other day I realised I had a monthly subscription to Audible I didn't know I had, sure I was pissed at myself and at Amazon because I wasted at least £50, but if I paid more attention to my money that wouldn't have happened. That's life, sometimes consequences are little like my example, sometimes you gain 250lb and act like it's not your fault.

Yeah right. I felt shame for throwing a chair out of a hotel window when I was 14. I never would do something like that again.

I also felt shame for being skinny a couple years ago. I went to the gym to change that. Now, I'm considered pretty muscular. I also get bitches.

>Most of you hate fat people for the sake of hating fat people, not because you want to shame them into losing weight for their own good.
What part of hatred don't you understand?

Fat people disgust me. I have no problem admitting this. It's a normal human reaction.

i just don't take fat people seriously really i don't hate them they are just goofy like children. they don't take there health seriously but they take many other stupid things seriously which i never understood. things like marvel, fashion, the type of car you drive,the amount of money you make or an office job are seen as serious things rather than dumb or fun but things like health, values or traditions are seen as dumb, arbitrary or useless when really they are important. it seems to me that most people take seriously what they shouldn't and take lightly what they shouldn't

Yes you do

>Be truly free to eat whatever, cook whatever, buy whatever, and live whatever on even the lowest of trade job salaries
>Eat shitty food because you can't cook
>Get fat

I'm sorry, if you fail on your own dime it isn't my fault. Fuck off and kill yourself, unless you slim down and fix yourself.

I don't shame fat people to try and get them to change their ways. I couldn't care less if it does or doesn't help them. Being obese isn't normal and they should feel bad for that.

>fat people
>literally more "person" per person
>not people

That's due to the american slant of 4chins in general. If you don't punch down at someone worse off then you might risk looking up into the mirror.

I originally lost weight because I was ashamed of my body.

I care more about OP ever being not a faggot.

Who is this grill?

i wanna see this girl's poop. i mean, what is its consistency yanno?
