Does it make sense to do a lot of volume work on a cut? I'm currently doing a powerlifting routine like I always do but I realised that I want to look more aesthetic

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heavy and little as possible when cutting not the other way around

I only get about 5-6 hours of sleep a night and feel like shit unless I get a full nights, will I be able to make gains or should I just not bother until I fix that?

I've got two questions.

1. How do I properly transition from a cut to a bulk? do I add 100kcals each week until maintenance, hold at maintenance for ~2weeks and then add 100kcals each week till desired surplus?

2. I want to bulk at a 300 surplus, how much weight am I supposed to gain per week/month?

That photo triggered me so hard. When you think you've got some decent shoulder width and you see that...

>How do I properly transition from a cut to a bulk

1. Go to McDonalds
2. Go buckwild

progress will be slower but progress is still progress. 8-10h is perfect so try to get that

3500 calories is 1 lbs so +300 is 0.6 lbs/week

Polish-German masterrace

yuro here, is 1lbs supposed to be 500grams?

The maintenance vs bulking research is minimal.

Recomp is possible though.

>TFW your cousin went to school with Amanda bucci in the states and took nursing together
>tfw your cousin tells you that Amanda finds you attractive when she comes to visit you in Toronto
LOL I taught them both how to use ecg's years ago when the two of them started nursing. Should have pulled the trigger I knew she was down for it but now she's a YouTuber and I ain't but that.

0.45kg to be more exact

With PPL should I always do my weakerlifts first? (ex. OHP before bench)
Would doing them in a circuit help or hurt strength gains?

1.8kg seems quite a bit monthly or am I just being retarded

I dirty bulked(never fucking again) and got really fat that now I'm scared, took me ages to get shredded and good looking

If I can pull up from a standing position several times, but can't even once from a dead hang, what muscles should I work on?


Safe to do both upper body days (chest/bis and back/tris) with a torn meniscus in my left knee? I have no problem skipping cardio or leg day but don't want to completely skip the gym for 4-6 weeks.

So I started off at 337, and now I am at 275. I originally set my goal at 250 and was gonna accept being a "big guy"(6'3, long limbs, big head) but now that I am approaching my goal weight im starting to realize that I will still be a fat fuck.

What do you think would be an appropriate weight for someone at my size? 210? Also been lifting a lot and have been avoiding cario, am I missing out on any benefits or no?

Better to make small gains than lose your gains by being lazy

what does volume mean? higher weight or higher reps?

serious question, does working out the same muscle group twice a day help with gains ? once in morning and again at night?

+300 comes to to around 0.3 kg/wk so around 1.2 kg/mo (4 weeks)

depends how long you have been training. yeah that's a lot if you are no longer early to mid intermediate but the problem with lower values like +200 calories it's very difficult to bulk like that because of variance in TDEE from day to day. +300 is good and can be hit more easily. just do cardio after lifting to minimize fat gain and never bulk past 15-17%.

bulk to 15-17% then cut back down to around 12% then repeat. read this for cutting ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21558571

Higher reps. Intensity is higher weight and less reps

all that matters is overload. muscle grows when you lift heavier either through volume or weight which basically destroys the muscle.

body then repairs it and puts a little extra (if you eat at a surplus) on it so this doesn't happen next time. this is why progressive overload is what makes you grow.

so basically for growing only the time you caused that is effective.

but strength has more to it than only muscles and lifting more = better motor pathway which will also make you stronger.

tl;dr: for growing muscles no, for getting stronger yes

Jesus Christ his chest is half his torso.

alright, thanks.

pic related is my current level, I'll aim for 1kg per month of weight gain hopefully I don't end up fat again after all this hard work

thanks, I guess I'll pull through somehow

just don't go over 17% bf and there is no way you can ever get fat. cycle between 10/12-15/17%. at 200-350 surplus and with enough cardio to minimize fat gain you can literally bulk year round before having to cut. if you don't do cardio then you will have to cut more often.

never dirty bulk because it's pointless unless you roid and even then the amount of muscle body can create is limited per day.

some good reads on bulking


but can't I just skip cardio? it will nullify the extra calories I'm putting above maintenance
I'll be doing cardio though so in those days i'll have to consume more than 200-300 surplus right? to compensate what I burned

nah it doesn't exactly work like that

eating 300 above TDEE and no cardio will make you gain weight faster because the radio between muscle and fat will be almost 1:1

if you eat 300 above TDEE (adjusted with cardio in mind) you will gain weight slower but the ratio will be more in favor of muscle which means that most of the weight gain will be muscle

always thought simply eat above maintenance to gain muscle, the less surplus being less fat gain but slower muscle gains and eating below maintenance the less deficit being slower fat loss but maintaining more muscle mass

what about water weight? this shit is what will really fuck me up since I track my weight daily and average the weight per week
yesterday I ate at a deficit but used a shit load of soy and salt in my food and today I had over 1kg gain which fucked up my weekly calculations

how many reps/sets should you do with a neck harness, and how do you pick the right weight?

Are bodyweight routines a meme or do they actually work? I've not lifted for a year and I'm in a position where bodyweight is all I have available. Are there any proven routines? How slow is the progress compared to a routine with many compound lifts?

>1.2-1.8g/kg protein
But that's garbage.

muscle gain happens when you damage the muscles. you can eat above maintenance but if you don't workout and constantly damage the muscles you will only be gaining fat. also you can't only gain muscle. there should be article on ncbi that goes in more detail and ratios fat:muscle gain rations when body is building new muscle.

as for water weight, that's why you go off your BF% (more exactly your waist measurement) instead of weight. also make sure that you weight yourself under the same conditions every day. in the morning after taking a piss and shit is perfect.

i'd also suggest you calculate your own TDEE since it will be much more accurate than those online calculators

avg calories per day - (+-lbs/days * 3500)

avg calories is just your calories averaged over x days
+- lbs is weight gained or lost; if gained just use positive value and negative if lost

you weight yourself and lets say that you weight 150 lbs. then you track calories for 5 days: on first day you eat 3000, on 2nd 3200, 3rd 2800, 4th 3000, 5th 2500. you add that up and average it so (3000+3200+2800+3000+2500) / 5 which averages to 2900 calories per day.

you then weight yourself again and this time you weight 151.5 lbs so you gained 1.5 lbs.

then you use that information in formula and you get

2900 - (1.5 lbs/5 days * 3500) = 2900 - (1050) = 1850 real TDEE

now lets say that you LOST 1.5 lbs in those 5 days.

2900 - (-1.5 lbs/5 days * 3500) = 2900 - (-1050) = 2900 + 1050 = 3950 TDEE

the more you recalculate the more accurate it gets. if you weight yourself more than once per day make sure you also average that out.

All I got access to are stupid machines dudes, don't ask why, it won't change anything.

To the point, can I still get sexy in my current situation with the right diet? And right lifting principles?

Pic related. What I believe is a realistic goal for machine only lifting

So, I just started lifting and the program I'm says to add 2kg for lower body and 1kg for upper but the lowest plate my gym has is 2.5 kg. What do?

Is injury more likely with strength training than with hypertrophy?

Or does the possibility of fatigue and form breakdown from high reps increase risk of injury?

From where is this information coming?

Muscle growth signalling is 24hrs. That's the intensity / volume to experience.

you sure you haven't converted? most programs increase the lowest weight by 2.5 kg/5 lbs because most gyms don't have fractional plates


Aren't you supposed to do them on different days? Are you doing GSLP?

Just grabbed myself a bargain, pairs of 10kg, 12,5kg and 17.5kg rubber hex dumbbells with storage rack for only £50 UK

So my question is why the odd shaped top on the top of the rack, does it have a specific purpose?

pic related

Your pull-up muscles. Do more pull-ups.

Alright, so I think I messed up doing deadlifts. Now my lower back feels really weird and if I stretch I feel slight pain. That was a few days ago, now it's pull day again. Do I do deadlifts? Maybe lighter this time?

my question is about form. I am a 6'4" lanklet and started out lifting a month ago. The staff at the fitness told me to start out with machines to get a basis first. Wenn i tried squats with him he told me to not go over my toes with my knees. however i don't get how to do this without weight on my shoulders because i will just fall backwards. How do i trick physics? as i cant go more than parallel to the floor with my upper body...

angle your feet out like 30-45 degrees and when you go down push your knees to the side and keep them in line with your toes. also keep every muscle tense. you should never relax during squats, especially not legs

how long lifting? if you never lifted before you might just pulled a muscle. try stretching out and going low weight and see how you feel

I'll check again. But if I wanted to add say 2.5kg to my squat would I add a 2.5 plate on both sides or just one?

2 years, I don't think it was me pulling a muscle, I've never felt this sensation anymore and at the time I avoided finishing the set cause it was so foreign to me to fail like that.

if it says 2.5 kg that's 1.25 per side

what is the regular/reasonable amount of protein a whey should provide in a shake? and also, if I was not to drink it every day at work, would it be better to drink it in rest days for better recovery or training days?
>excuse the dumb questions, I am a stupid when it comes to supplements

Gym doesn't have plates that small. Am I screwed?

Thanks for your help, I just tried your instructions however the angle and pushing the knees out came pretty natural to me. but still to reach proper depth like even breaking parallel my knees go over the toes. Otherwise i can feel my center of weight shift behind my heels and i fall over if i dont allow my knees to go forward more

then do one extra set with current weight before raising it with the lowest amount you can

buy some, take them with you.

Why are some exercises so much harder for some people?

Like, on a cut from fat-status I'm doing 190 lb squats, 235 lb deadlifts, 5 chinups in a row, but I can barely 3x5 120 lbs.

Whats the deal?

that's a meme. all oly lifters have their knees over their toes.when they squat

Why am I still fat?

At 212 pounds of a huge bulk, my waist was 40 inches.
At 185 pounds it was 34 inches. At 179 I am still 34 inches.

And my arms have lost an inch from 195 to 179. Hell my arms have lost almost half an inch from 185 to 179.

Mind you I haven't been working out, just doing long days of manual labor and eating less, but my stomach should be shrinking.

Thinking of quitting just so I can work out more.


do whatever feels natural to you. every persons squat will be different because of limb lengths, mobility, flexibility, etc. don't fight it or you WILL injure yourself. if it feels natural and good then it's fine.

I'm fat. Can push ups and sit ups alone get me to ottermode with perfect diet?

I have poor core strength, it affects my posture/hips, what should I do to strengthen them for posture and to have my hips stand out less? Should I just do basic ab work every so often (or everyday) or is there a program I should follow? been lifting for 5/6 months btw


see 0:38.

you can't spot reduce. in men belly fat is the last thing to go and first thing to appear. keep cutting and it will go away. do more cardio

I want to do a split 5 days a week before work everyday, full body takes up too much time and I don't get to do everything depending on how the morning commute is.
I'm planning on doing chest, back, legs, arms and a cardio day.
Would this be sufficient for muscle progression over time (i.e. like 9 months)? I don't really care much for core but I do hanging leg raises after every session.
Pls respond.

to add, if you want to keep your knees healthy just buy a pair of knee sleeves. SLEEVES not WRAPS. sleeves are for injury prevention and everyone should be using them when squatting.

wraps are used for powerlifting to get more bounce so you can lift more weight.

>Bench 170 1x5 with a little struggle
>Can't bench 175 for shit


This may be a strange question but how do I get more thickness? I only seem to grow broader when I lift. My frame is pretty large while my arm really lack volume.

so wait, pure intensity on a cut? should i cut out assistances and first set lasts and just do pure 5/3/1?

>tfw lifts are dropping and cut is stalling

have i been memeing myself into doing everything wrong?

Stand facing a wall with your toes just an inch away from the wall. Squat as low as you can without touching the wall. Raise your arms above your head for added difficulty. Practice you squat form like this and soon you will have perfect form

shit form or you probably lose tightness and proper shoulder poosition when unracking heavy weight. it happens to pretty much everyone at some point. lower the pins and if you can't have a spotter to help you unrack it.

if you're growing you're growing. do more arm work if you want your arms to grow?

Okay thanks for the helpful responses. I will definitely look into the knee sleeves. So if you think it is safe if i watch out for a straight back and not carving in my knees then I just have to think of a way to convince the trainer of that standpoint. he told me that you shouldn't deadlift until half a year in and that OHP is completely unsafe... From his standpoint he doesn't want to deal with me fucking my shit up and blaming him. But i want to take the responsibility myself and just start to learn the fucking big compounds. At the same time don't want to get kicked out of the gym or some shit like that. Should I just try to teach it to myself even if he doesn't want me to or what?

i just tried that, at a certain point i just fall backwards, where do i go wrong? My nose touches the wall but i guess the weight of my butt and legs thats behind my heels pulls me backwards.

I'm currently 170 at 6'1". I'm not total skelly mode, but i'm pretty narrow. I'm wondering if I gain perhaps 10 to 20 pounds could I start to cut afterwards?

the only two things you have to worry about when doing squats is that the bar stays over the center of your foot and that you don't do a good morning from the bottom which is basically raising your ass very high before raising your chest. youtube some videos of it to see how it looks like and avoid it. your ass and chest should rise together.

if you do those two things your body will naturally know how to get up from the bottom.

your trainer sounds like an idiot. most PTs are either shitty on purpose so they can keep you as a client for much longer or they have no idea what they are talking about.

ditch him and read some books or watch online tutorials from people who know what they are talking about like. you should find everything you need be it weightlifting or olympic lifting on these two channels with great tutorials.


go on a proper beginner program and start doing compounds asap. just prioritize form above all else. better to do more reps and sets at lower weight then go as heavy as you can and do reps with shit form.

a good thing at first is to record every set and watch it while you rest and check what you did wrong and right and fix those problems if there were any.

some decent proven programs from the top of my head

for beginners
>starting strength (pure strength)
>candito linear (strength/control)
>28 free beginner (strength with some minor hypertrophy)

for intermediate
>candito 6w (strength/hypertrophy)
>28 free intermediate (strength/hyper)
>the journey
>531 suns (strength/hyper)

for beginner it doesn't really matter. you can start with SS and then once you stall 3 times switch to candito linear and wait until you stall again before switching to intermediate.

for intermediate all are good and you can switch between them when you get bored of one.

If I scream with all my might after every set, but there's nobody in the gym to hear me, Am I really lifting?

Always ALWAYS tailor your workout to your goal. If you want to be big and lean you need volume, regardless of your calorie intake. Don't listen to the cucks here who cling to their "m-m-muh 2plate bench" and refuse to do volume

doctor told me i couldnt do squats or deadlifts because of lower back issues. is there any way to train my leg and glutes without hitting my lower back?

can you do lunges?

>try to watch something new
>put it on
>within 10-15min I lose interest
>go back to shitposting
How do I break out of this cycle guys...

Depends on BF %/BMI but 210 at 6'3" looks good. Ive got a buddy, 6'5" 225 around 14% that looks good

i think not because it uses the hamstrings, and hamstrings pull on the lower back

maybe try bicycling. uphill on hardest gear will make your legs cry

iphone 5S/SE gang

bought the SE because it's perfectly sized and is aesthetic
had a huawei p7 lite prior to that but shit was too big to carry in pockets

Same thing. Of course you can still get big, just use heavier weight since there's no bar/mobility in play

Thats why my smith machine bench is 225 and free weight 205

3x5 what? bench?

genetics. I bench and DL well but I cant squat at all. My back wasnt made for it. My bro has the same thing and he's been lifting 8 years

enough for hypertrophy? i like to ride a bike a lot. Maybe if i did short bursts of high speed could be leg excersise?

machines suck and will create major imbalances mostly due to your stabilizer muscles not working fully because you are locked in a motion with them.. dbs are far superior if you have access to them. and looking good is just having some muscle and being at low bf.depending what your starting point is that should be obtainable in a 2 years at most.

Can anyone recommend me some basic meal prep recipes that are healthy and easy to cook? I want a balance of starch, protein, and veggies.

I don't care if it's just brown rice, chicken, and a veggie every day, I just want to not eat like shit anymore.

Yes. You don't need the perfect diet even. Just an OK diet will do. Calorie reduction and high protein

Farmer walks

Have a body goal in mind, bulk, then see what you should do.

increase resistance on a cycle machine?

Buying a gram scale helps. I get bulk chicken, veggies, rice, and fruit from costco and measure it out/cook it all on sunday.

Quinoa is surprisingly delicious too.

yeah just do a couple of sprints (uphill preferably) from deadstop and also lots of uphill cycling and your legs will grow steadily. long distances are fine but do more sprints and uphills if you want big legs.

Womens racerback gym shirts fit better than mens. Do i need to back off chest day?

The SE is the only iphone that fits in this crevice in my car when I drive. Perfect personal phone

>if you want big legs
that includes the glutes too?
can i do it with a bycicle instead of running, because of my lower back issues the doctor doesnt let me jog

i don't think bicycle builds glutes much. mostly quads and to some degree calves when you uphill

i have no idea what exercises you could do for glutes with a bad back. hip thrusts and donkey kicks are probably out of the question? swimming?

I'd guess to put your dumbbells on if you finished your set and don't want to re-reack/put the on the floor


probably that, but too complicated.

Im supposed to to fix my lower back with these stretches im making but i dont think they are workign

What seasonings and such do you use, though? I can stomach my meals being a bit bland but my cooking IQ is shit and I know there has to be a way to make things taste good while still being moderately healthy