Is Batman a crossfitter

He needs agility, strength and speed in addition to martial arts skills.

He clearly works for asthetics too

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Naw, he's lifting for explosive strength which makes you look big as well. Also,
>benching with bumpers

I have never seen a crossfit workout that includes bench. I have never been to a crossfit gym thought, so I'm not qualified to say it doesn't happen.

His shit was all snapped up in TDKR, you may be on to something OP.

comic book are written by fat men in their early 40s who have never worked out a day in their life

For a more realistic crime fightin gperspective, it makes more sense for Bruce to have a build similar to Nightwing. Strong but agile enough to bounce around the city. His gadgets + MA know how allow for him to make up for the inability to grapple down a thug.

Bodybuilding muscles wouldn't make any sense as they function more for looks and hamper endurance.

I think it's mostly once in a lifetime, god-tier genetics. The dude is super explosive but also has cardio for days.

A "realistic, " depiction of Batman, would entail him have a physique similar to Scott Adkins.

what the fuck kind of weights is that in the bottom of the first panel? they look like barrels

Bodyweight training would be the most realistic if he needs functional strength and flexibility

Didn't see much cardio if any at all but when he fought Superman later on, he wasn't the one who gassed out first.

who wants to see him running up some stairs?

Is Batman natty? As a billionaire he can have access to all kinds of crazy experimental shit, to fight crime you need to leave humanity behind.

Very likely he isn't. He has to be on steroids at least for the recovery, considering he's an insomniac and doesn't get much rest

>tfw batman can bench 3pl8 and you're not even at .75pl8

No way he hasn't injected some bat DNA or testosterone compounds Fox cooked up for him.

He lifts for Gotham.
You lift for girls.

he gets myostatin inhibitors

He does a lot of Oly lifting and gymnastics but not in the stupid way crossfitters do it. More for explosive strength


Anyone have the one of Batman benching behind the rack?

>at the gym
>this brooding alphachad has been going hard nonstop at the weight machine for hours
>weird butler standing nearby, always ready to give him a towel and some water
>you just want to finish your workout and go home
>every other machine is broken
Would you interrupt him?

Fuck that shit


6 plate lmao

This is how the average Crossfitter looks like

if it's your job to be jacked enough to grapple superpowered freaks you'd probably take bat-steroids

i mean what, is the IPF going to fine him?

>functional strength
this meme again

major barbell movements ARE functional. they are functional by design. you can't get strong with a bunch of different barbell movements without having any of that carry over to the rest of your life. You think a guy that can bench 315 couldn't do a push-up around a normal body weight? you think a guy that can squat 405 doesn't have a great deal of leg strength?

fucking retards on this board, man

that guy did powerlifting

What kind of exercise is he even doing there? Some weird variation of tricep extension?

holy shit memes have truly gone full circle, the SS sperg is being labeled a crossfit physique

I figured he was more like Alex Viada, that hybrid training guy.

so this is the power of the craft of detecting

Why buy two sets of plates, maybe he's a thrifty billionaire.

A physique like jujimufu makes the most sense.

Pic related is your average crossfitter

I'd tell him to stop boo-hooing about his dead parents, man up, and get some shit done.

You don't read much Batman do you?

>telling a psycho with a dead parent trauma to man up

ya m8

And is exactly how every Crossfitter looks like

Surely crossfitters are fine specimens of humanity that are fighting the fundamental inertia in the exercise industry?

I think Batman's routine is more like strongman + gymnastics + martial arts
The aesthetics part is just Wayne chad genetics and gymnastics
crossfit hasn't even been around yet


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:

Deadlift: 1.5x body weight
Bench press: 1x body weight
Clean (read "power clean" translated from Crossfit to normal because squat clean was not specified): 0.75x body weight

Why would he be? To give baddies a fair fight?

Did batman roid?

He tried venom once

His training regimen was written by a sedentary nerd's idea of how an elite athlete trains. Pic related. But basically, yes, in real life, a person who wants to be Batman would have to train in a variety of ways.

Comic books are written and illustrated by dyels who don't know what real exercises (or equipment) even look like.

In the comics, no (or at least, not as far as I know) but if someone wanted to be a real life batman? They would need to be filled with more testosterone than a bull shark's nutsack.