Everyone at work talking about who they think would be secretly a serial killer in the office

>everyone at work talking about who they think would be secretly a serial killer in the office
>literally everyone says me

Time to prove them right


>tfw I was the "creepy" kid

you could most likely fuck any female that named you





>be medfag
>on night shift
>nurses start chatting with female doctors , you know the typical night hospital gossip sessions
>be the only male working on that shift in that floor, literally alone with 6 females
>"why is user so weird"
>"why doesn't user drink alcohol"
>"why does user never go to our parties"
>"why does user never talks with anyone"
Bitches were talking shit about me and i was in the next room, i heard everything until i moved to another floor to get coffee and didn't get back until shift was over, i bet they kept talking worse shit about me, i hate being an intern, i just want this to be over.

well, why don't you drink alcohol, go to their parties, or talk with anyone?




you are intriguing them bro
right now you are that silent mysterious type
they talk about you because you are interesting to talk about and try to figure out
just dont start talking to anyone or they will quickly figure out you are autistic

they just mirin', user

probably trying to get your attention since it sounds like you've been blowing them off

>tfw I was the cringey kid

Literally this

If your first assumption in every social interaction is "people will hate me, I shouldn't interact with them" then naturally people will think
>He never talks, he must be weird

This doesn't mean start gabbing like an idiot, literally 90% of a conversation is staying quiet, paying attention to what someone else says, and responding with NORMAL sentences that are extensions of what they're saying.

90% of what you need to say in any conversation is some combination of
>"I know what you mean *personal anecdote*"
>"That's really cool"
>"That really sucks"
That's literally all you have to do. It's not even fucking hard, you guys just never do it and never listen so you stick your foot in your mouth whenever you try to talk.

just be yourself ;)

>silent mysterious type
This does not exist. The closest I've ever gotten to it or seen people get to it is staying quiet for most of a conversation until you have something good to say and whatever you say is usually magnified by how quiet you've been until that point.

Awkwardly standing around not talking to people and just doing your thing doesn't impress anyone, it's specifically what makes them think that you ARE an autist

ofc you look like an autist if you not attractive but if you look good you can pull it off easy
people might still dislike you because thay think you think you are too good for them but if you are attractive they will not think you are autismo

>This does not exist
yes it does, you just need MM tier aesthetics (preferably trending towards DOM) to pull it off

Well yeah but that's true for generally anything. It's really not worth it though, if you're ugly it alienates you and if you're attractive then you're not talking to anyone so you're actually just alienating yourself and in both cases your life still sucks while you're doing it.

You can't actively try to be the "Silent mysterious type", it has to happen on its own and it's next to impossible to do. Even when it does happen, it can only work in one particular circle, it can't extend throughout your entire circle or you alienate EVERYBODY, which makes it a pointless thing.

Actively trying to be the silent mysterious type is like a jacked person going to the gym to NOT work out. It's a complete fucking waste and everyone around you will think you're weird for doing so even if they think so in a "That's odd" way rather than an "Ew, gross" way.


>have great facial structure and shitty ottermode
>people in college think I'm mysterious silent type and try to engage
>people at work think I'm mysterious silent type and try to engage
>they don't realize I'm just an autistic socially inept retard
>acquaintances and family always baffled that I don't have a girlfriend
>realize the hypocrisy that if I was fat and ugly no one would question my lack of friends/relationships
>keep lifting for no reason

Is there even a point if you're socially retarded lads?

>just be yourself and some girl will come to like you

>dress well
>look good
>be in shape
and you get away with being a social retard

until they know you

>tfw showing someone NileRed's YouTube channel (it's the equivalent of a cooking channel for chemistry)
>top video in the sidebar is his "how to make chloroform" video
>now friend thinks I'm a rapist

user! What the hell. You're so damn hard on yourself.

I wish I you lived near me so that I could show you that everything you think is wrong with you is actually just in your head, that none of your self-percieved flaws exist

>I wish I you lived near me so that I could show you
no homo

Not him, but being socially retarded is not a choice or even an insecurity it's just the inability to socialize normally. Unless you're super comfortable with someone nothing will help

FEAR stands for false evidence appearing real

What happens if you talk to someone? Have you ever seen someone approach someone and get punched? No

I asked out a girl in an uber, she said yes. The day before the girl said no and I just kept listening to music

Inability to carry conversation lol it's literally autism. I know there's some autists on here with 0 friends and I feel for them but even I have a couple guy friends, but females are so much harder to communicate with.

Do you deal with deaths oftenly?

how do i make guy friends? all my friends are girls. i dont know about sports or normie stuff

>always joke to coworkers about shooting up the place
>go into detail about who I'd kill first and how I'd do it
>discuss my extremely long fantasies about executing my coworkers with them
>"Oh you're so funny user haha"

Yea, me too. It comes in handy sometimes tho, being able to smell periods has helped me throughout my ex-creep life extensively.

Are you a guy or a girl? I'm a fucking sperg and guys just talk to me, I just graduated high school and I made most my friends in classes. I'm a skinny lanklet but I'm not bad looking from face. Guys mostly talk about other girls and, I guess if your'e Veeky Forums they talk about that too. In social situations just laugh at other guys jokes, guys feed off of that and it makes them feel good. There isn't really "becoming friends" with guys, if you talked a couple times you can start saying what's up and slowly get closer.