Karl Marx

Karl Marx

Evil or just naive?

naive, thougheven the smartest well meaning human is naive


Neither is historical category. GTFO with your bait. He's probably the most successful philosopher/political theorist ever, measured by impact.

Good boy. He should've listened to Bakunin tho.

another in a long line of perfidious g*rman civilization ruiners

Marx was the one who was right but the retarded Soviets and Chinese can't into late capitalism and had to blow their wad and fuck it up and Marx gets the blame for it. Anarchist approach to communism is essentially what caused the fuck ups we saw over the last century.



>plan calls for capitalism to run its course in order to set society up for the proper transition to socialism
>every retard that thinks he's following your works skips all that and instead goes straight to state-controlled economies and ends up killing millions of its own people
We'll never know because every retarded ideologue that gains a little bit of power immediately throws him out the window. China opening up its markets is ironically the most economically Marxist thing a commie country has done yet.

You posted the wrong image

>his whole concept caused millions of people to starve to death

He deliberate starved three of his four children to death in order that he could speak time at the library writing Das Kapital rather than getting a real job.

He's evil.

He was probably a psychopath.

except for the fact that capitalism has ceased to actually develop most of the world, and serves only to enrich several countries at the expense of the vast majority. If china never built a state planned economy they would be a backwards, semi feudal shithole.

you're an idiot. one of the children died from convulsions, another from bronchitis.

Just Jewish.

>serves only to enrich several countries
You mean serves to only enrich several individuals.


Honestly i think he's probably a lot more intelligent and experienced than you are OP.

No you foolish fascist they died of capitalism.

>except for the fact that capitalism has ceased to actually develop most of the world,
t. retard
Im really sure the people of Singapore (useless rock with no natural resources) is really kicking themselves for not copying Venezuela (most oil in the world)

Where? The developing countries most connected with global capitalism are the ones experiencing the most economic growth and rising standards of living.

Most of the world will never reach the standard of living we have in the US as long as they are in debt to international finance institutions. Their economic growth is dependent on the influx of foreign capital. Once their natural resources are depleted they will experience economic crisis.

Hes right up there with Napoleon on the humanist mount rushmore

Only if their leadership is stupid and don't encourage the diversification of their economy like Venezuela or if they engage in economic nationalism like Argentina. If they instead follow the example of Korea (subsaharan African tier poor in the 1960s), they'd be fine.

At the very fucking least the man was the most gifted writer in his generation, and basically began the idea of looking at history through financial terms rather then the long series of ethic's essays it was previously, hence why Marxist history is still prominent and popular.

Guy even softened up towards religion at the very end. So no, guy wasn't evil.

Based Deng and NEP with Chinese characteristics.

N Emperor Pooh.

If the ROK had to spend as much money as NK on their military, they wouldn't have had the finance capital to successfully industrialize and modernize. Their success is largely due to having the US as their protector.

I doubt RoK would even be as strong as it is today without DPRK necessitating US military and financial backing of RoK. The model of the RoK is be a somewhat industrialized country that becomes a puppet state of the USA during the Cold War that is of strategic importance because you hard holding a neighboring USSR backs communist state at bay.

American capitalism always comes to save the day. God bless America.

RoK wouldn't even exist if the US didn't intervene in their civil war. I think comparing their success to most countries in Africa which only recently ascended from colonialism is unfair. Unlike RoK, most African countries didn't have a superpower to build infrastructure out of military necessity. Another factor is the political instability also connected to their breaks from colonialism, and interference with their political development during the cold war.

ROK military spending is more than triple than the DPRK. Their spending as a percent of gdp is much lower because of good economic policy.

At this point that's true but for a while they had the advantage of relying on the US for military protection, similar to Japan in comparison with China.

As someone who fled the soviet union.

Yes he was malevolent. His entire ideology is based on acquiring power.

>His entire ideology is based on acquiring power.
So you're saying communism is the most existential and least spooky ideology?


Singapore isn't a totally free market society, and Venezuela isn't totally socialist.

Marxism-Leninism did, and it's an interpretation by Lenin. Stalinism caused more though.

Venezuela is welfare statist, not actually socialist. Their economy is not based on labor or workers owning the means of production, it's based on natural resource extraction. Welfare states actually have their roots in modern monarchies as a way to stay in power. The Monarch claims ownership over natural resources, then uses the wealth generated from said resources to keep citizens complacent.

The welfare state is the oldest con game in the world. First you assert ownership over natural resources and then you give some of it to your subjects flamboyantly.

Everything about Marx makes more sense when you realize that everything he wrote was about mid 19th century England. There were worker strikes before him, there were labour organizations before him, and there were attempts at socialism before him. His main claim to fame is typifying the entirety of history and civilization as one in which many are exploited by few.