So, since fitness culture heavily revolves around masculinity...

So, since fitness culture heavily revolves around masculinity, what is Veeky Forums's opinion on the war against masculinity?

How do we combat this, and how do we get our message of heavy squats for no more than five reps to the general public?

Other urls found in this thread:

>How do we combat this

We don't.
Let people think whatever the fuck they want and do whatever they want. People can claim toxic masculinity as much as they want, but once you try to combat that sort of shit you'll just be reaffirming their stance.

Just lift, do manly shit, eat, sleep, live life. Don't let people belittle you because they're too weak to focus on self improvement and want to bring everyone else down.

/pol/ destroyed in a post


/pol/ is a shit board anyways desu

>being masculine
>getting mad about a nu male cuck tweet
choose one

Kinda ths. Tell them to shut the fuck up if they try to give you shit. They will be scared, these people are fucking useless pussies.

>tfw taking steps to combat toxic masculinity irl

Started doing it more after my touch with mental illness, having to go to a therapist and getting CBT recommended due to anxiety.

Toxic masculinity isn't to lift weights or watch action movies, it's the anger that resides in the hearts of so many guys due to the fact that we're not supposed to have feelings. Media tells us to be machines who "get the job done", but we're so much more than that. While some of us are more masculine, some of us are less. I, for one, don't enjoy watching combat sports. However, I fucking love action movies. And I love lifting weights sometimes and sometimes I love going for a jog at midnight. Sometimes I wear a suit and sometimes I wear a pink t-shirt. Sometimes I'm flirty as fuck getting all the ladies and sometimes I just need someone to cuddle.

Getting rid of toxic masculinity is not getting rid of masculinity. It's getting rid of toxic.

I'm not necessarily mad. I'm just worried for the future. Masculinity is supposed to be preserved from generation to generation. But we are failing to preserve Veeky Forumsness culture as a whole for our children.

>this child will grow to hate literally everything involved with fitness, sports, and anything that's masculine related

This isn't meant to turn into a /pol/ thread, mind you

Her child, she can choose how to raise it. Don't expect anyone to help her when her son has become a complete failure though. His gender studies degree, debt, and unemployment will not empower her as a woman. That's the beauty of this, HAES women die of heart attacks, gender study students will be unemployed and broke for the rest of their lives. Life eventually catches up and beat the shit of these losers. No need to be upset about them, just pity them.

>he's decided that he's transgendered
>kid is probably 2yo
how do you even explain to a kid what gender is what the fuck, i'm not even kidding i would report her to authorities for child abuse
i'm legitimately triggered

It's a fake post made by /pol/ users

Toxic masculinity is not the same as masculinity

This man gets it. Current culture and economic system encourages us to just be production machines which causes lots of mental problems

>just turn off your brain bro and they'll leave you alone XD

Do you really want more people crammed into your kike gym taking up your squat rack? Let them cuck themselves, better odds for us finding a mate.




Other than the normies who overlap, gym culture is starting to drastically drift away from mainstream culture.
The majority are lazy and fat and have no interest in what we believe to be a key component of life.
Fitphobia is rife, where muscular men must be psychotic steroid junkies, anyone exercising is obsessive, and eating right is malnourishment.
Society seems set on making this gap between us wider, and we may as well let them, it doesn't harm us to.

I'm sure you could also argue that gender expression in gym culture is also very different, with degrees of masculinity, hyper masculinity, and different femininities there, and gender norms within those. We just don't make tumblr blogs about how "cardio-fag" is our gender.

Fuck off retard

I'd be willing to believe that if it weren't for the thousands of articles about this exact thing happening everywhere

The 'infertility crisis' is fine, since the world is overpopulated anyway. Actually a nice evolutionary development, limiting population growth in a natural way.

The world is only overpopulated in the third world

Birth rates are plummeting in the first world while they're raising in Africa, India, and parts of Asia

Only posts even worth reading in this thread.

Let the future get fucked up by this nu-male, candyass society.

Hard times create strong men,
Strong men create good times,
Good times create weak men,
(^you are here^)
Weak men create hard times.

When the hard times get here, I'll know exactly where I stand. Can you say the same?

user when I had 4 years I used to take my father's shoes, my mother's shirt and similar things. When you are a kid you want to be like your parents. Stupid people wanting his kids to be special take these things too seriously. We shouldn't give a shit about them

>we are failing to preserve Veeky Forumsness culture
Lifting is more popular than ever before at the moment though, what the fuck are you on about

Birthrates are plummeting in the west but exploding in Africa and the middle east. So we'd better start importing millions of third world niggers right friend?

*tips fedora*

Who said that? I think everyone wants to stay in his land, with his family, his friends... africans, south americans and asians are so fucked in their homelands that end up being forced to migrate which is fantastic for capitalists who don't give a fuck about race or their countries, they just care about money. They are the ones to be blamed and they are usually those who create problems in third world countries. Not only jews do this, petrol businessmen from the arabic countries, tobacco lobbies, etc. Only the people like you and me are concerned about race issues, they just don't care
Yes it's those evil petroleum companies at the top of the pyramid.

You people are fucking retarded.
Hard times in the future created by these kikes and their useful idiots will NOT create strong men, because the men's testosterone levels in the future will be low as fuck. There will be no coming back from that.
We are the last ones that can save the world from the Jewry and their sick fucking plans of destroying the man.

We need a sudden end-of-the-fucking-world-tier SHTF to properly re-boot humanity.

>because the men's testosterone levels in the future will be low as fuck.

Ah, the perfect goy slave.

>We shouldn't give a shit about them

Yeah lets just turn a blind eye to how these virtue signaling people destroy their kid's lives and push for allowing SRS at a young age. It'll just disappear once people get sick of it, just like those crazy SJWs we said would disappear have now infiltrated the media and academia.

No, there has to be an actual pushback this time unless you want this abomination to become mainstream too.

Race has always been a topic in jewish culture but I don't think there's an agenda just concerning the supremacy of jewish blood but rather making the financier elite richer and ensuring their position in society. Of course there are lots of jews there by a matter of tradition.
Excuse my shitty english I am from Castile

Tfw I'm going the other way because I was raised by a doting single mother and have a feminine nurtured brain.

I'm not going to shut myself off, but I need emotional self control and stoicism.

Toxic femininity exists too.

Of course it is a problem user but if a bunch of internet dudes are the ones pushing them back, others will start defending them just for the shake of it. It has to be people around them like their parents and friends who will help

/pol/ is just the other side of the same coin.

Of course toxic femininity exists too, and it's the fucking worst.

Discovering your masculine self isn't a bad thing, being strong isn't a bad thing. Masculinity is a trait that many males and females have. Perhaps yours is underdeveloped due to your childhood and it's okay to see what it's all about.

you're retarded

I don't think it's about masculinity/feminity but being weak or strong no matter what's on your pants. I've known women with a stronger will than the majority of men and men who are whiny faggots who can't even tie their shoes by themselves

One of the huge problems is that people nowadays have no idea what masculinity means. Everyone decides on their own criteria for what masculinity is, which is why you see people like who conflate their life decisions with masculinity. Some other people associate moral values such as marital fidelity or national loyalty with masculinity, and others believe you aren't a man if you don't drive a luxury car, have a business suit, buy leather shoes, use this cologne... And you'll even see drag queens saying they're masculine because they're so brave and shit.
If you believe these people then masculinity is everything, and by consequence it's nothing.
But masculinity is one of the few concepts that can be found in any culture across the globe. The concept of loyalty changes, how marriage works depends on the society, but there's a quasi-universal culture of men across cultures. It's hardwired in us.
There's a book (The Way of Men, by Jack Donnovan) that tries to study this, in it the author sets up four tactical virtues that are the cross-cultural basis for masculinities. It's strength, mastery, courage and honor.
Find a man who's physically strong, masterful in his crafts, courageous in combat and personal situations, and who commands and gives respect, and no matter what he'll be masculine.
And if you want masculinity to remain intact in your culture, then be masculine, teach your sons to be masculine and, if given the chance, take a protégé in your workplace/gym/classroom and be an example of masculinity for him.
Don't fall for the narcissistic, self-serving rhetoric of people like They don't know what masculinity is and, if given the chance, they'll burn it to the ground in their circlejerk. Also stay away from feminism


> lol do nothing

This is not wisdom


Hopefully your're a shitskin.

Women can be strong (within their standards, of course) but being a woman has nothing to do with strength. Meanwhile it's one of the basic principles of masculinity, it's what you're meant to be if you're a man.
A woman who never was strong is just a regular woman, while a man who never enjoyed physical strength in his life is a failed man. And this isn't "toxic masculinity", masculinity isn't supposed to be easy or accessible. And men who feel bad about their lack of masculinity should feel bad, and they're called wimps because that's exactly what they are.
I can only think of a feel situations in which it's ok to be a weak man: being old or crippled, being a kid/teen who's still growing up and learning, or being weak but trying your fucking best to improve and get better.

Not all masculinity is toxic, but alot is.

Go back to Tumblr, or /leftypol/, or Reddit or wherever the fuck you’re from. Just stay away from here. You’re not welcome.

>once you try to combat that sort of shit you'll just be reaffirming their stance

I strongly disagree. No matter the ideology, by ignoring something you're letting the people pushing it operate unopposed. Where I'm from socialism and communism are unopposed while being centrist or right carries a stigma. The result is that the government and it's policies that affect everyday life are leftist. The opposition isn't reaffirmed in the least bit by being silenced and the voters intimidated. Same goes for official dictatorships where dissidents are jailed and killed.

And another thing, we can't just live our lives and not care about what's happening around us. Society is a system that we live in. If it collapses then so do we, and if it changes then so do our daily lives.
For example you can live your life and ignore all the mass immigration. Eventually the immigrants will establish their own culture in your society. Forget alcohol and pounding sluts. Life just got crappier.

As long as a political party caters to a group or issue, you can't talk about it without involving politics.

My parents are Nigerians who immigrated to the US and there's nothing you can do about it fag :)

No, this is up to you. I have my own life
>our message
What message? Lift heavy things to look good? People already know that user, they're just lazy and insecure.
Being a man means not going on nepalese yak exchange forums to ask user about how to be less of a bitch. You're a man when other people want to be around you of their own accord.

'toxic masculinity/femininity' are created as idenitites through which to process undesirable behaviour. This is another liberal invention to create further reliance on the state and to encourage more animosity between the working classes in order to compartmentalise and create an easy target to channel into, that very inertia and ennui that is created in late capitalism.
Masculinity on a macro level refers to demographic qualities, which are nonsense used only for political power. Masculinity on an interpersonal level refers to one's own perceived excellence by others in the male gender performance. Same goes for femininity. 'Toxic' or no, all this does is reinforce restricting roles for the sake of the greater society, and ultimately (Christian) morality. When the cultural hegemon talks of masculinity, it desires you to act within a traditional mindest of a disposable, self-flaggelating male. When it talks of toxic masculinity, it's to make you give up your anger towards the heavily commodified and dissonant consumerist culture that we are faced with - that of infinite desire and ultimate scarcity. It's all oppression to prevent you from seizing action.

Why didn't you stay in your country and try to improve it.

>Implying I waste my time with Nu-male opinions

Let they be the beta cucks they want to be. They are Nu-males for a reason

>I identify as a cardio-fag
Top kek

There's nothing innately wrong with starting such conversations on the internet, I'd say it easier to organize here than in a real world community. The only problem with internet dudes doing the pushback is that pol will shit any movement up with extreme racism because subtlety is completely lost on them and they don't understand that, even if they have some valid points, opening a dialogue with Jewish conspiracy theories will immediately turn everyone against them to the point where it destroys their own movement.

Because I was born in the US? What exactly are you doing to improve your country?

non-refugee African immigrants tend to be alright, strong family unit, usually decently educated, want their children to do well academically etc. in the UK it tends to be the Caribbean-origin guys raised by single mums that cause lots of the issues

I can't blame your parents for wanting to move to a superior white country. But I'd rather you went back.

Low test Pussy

I never got the weak men strong men mentality

Unless you are in the top 1% you are not a "strong" man, you are part of the plebs and you're just another useless soul to walk this earth

Umm, sweetie. America is a hispanic owned country now.

Sure it is Jose

Well said. No one is saying you can't be overly masculine, they are saying to quit being an asshole just because "lol u pussy me mad me want sex"

Is that why things have taken a turn for the worst Pedro?

you just can't care about this stuff. This whole identity nonsense didn't exist before social media exploded and now everyone is pressured into being unique and totally different.

just don't care what other people think of you, as long as you're not being a huge douche. Unironically be yourself, reveal your style to people as you get to know them.

There is nothing less masculine than having to prove or justify your own masculinity.

With this mentality you let society become weak and feminized. As long as it's a closed system this is a-ok. Chads get all the girls above 7/10 and cucks are politically correct and get nowhere in their lives. When you introduce another more masculine culture though, society is fucked. This is what's happening in Sweden and a lot of other Eurocuck countries. Submissive men can't do anything about dominant invaders.

So suffering from toxic masculinity is only possible if you're insecure about your masculinity.

>You don't watch sports you're such a pussy.
Wow, I'm so hurt in my masculinity

>You don't even weigh 200lbs? What are you a girl.
Damn, how am I ever going to recover from that one.

>You like [non-typically masculine activity or piece of media]. You're such a fag hahaha
Ouch. Gonna lose sleep over that one.

Grow the fuck up and stop being a pussy. If you don't care what other people say, toxic masculinity is a non-issue.

>natural way.
Well if you consider the things Jews do natural.


Actually the exact opposite of this post

Ignore it for the most part. People are attracted to masculinity no matter how hard sjw try to push the idea of toxic masculinity.

Don't forget for all their screaming otherwise tumblrinas are just as big a slut for chad's dick as stacy is, if not more so, because I'm sure this shit develops from not getting any. Like the female version of incels and betafags.

>How do we combat this
Calling masculinity toxic is mascuphobic, and it shames naturally masculine people to conform to the gender roles of others.

Stuff like that, just talk like that.

how are you today, mr Peterson?

trips speak the truth

>our message of heavy squats for no more than five reps to the general public


>mocking cycling
>mocking slim denim

There is no "eat on masculinity ". You're a delusional kid who spends too much time on Veeky Forums if you actually believe that b.s.. what's considered "masculine" can vary wildly from culture to culture anyways. Masculinity has no true definition other than what the society your in makes it out to be. By definition it is nothing but an intangible made up concept, yet you're so worked up and threatened over your imaginary concept. It's not like it's yours , you didn't create the idea; society did, and society will continue to mold it as time passes
>wahhhh change
Well if you don't like it you can always go live in a different society with different views of masculinity then


yeah, man, it's just a social construct. "panta rhei", bro, so go with the flow. haha. wow. why do you even care. just find a better society :^)

>if you don't like it just leave

Check out this cuck. Western masculinity is what built 99% of western civilization. We're not the ones who need to leave.

Also, I hate how calling this girl retarded is considered /pol/. I found the pic on some random martial arts forum after a Google search. Lots of normies because it seems to be a pretty big forum, yet they were all saying to arrest the mom. There were also other pro-Trump topics on their board. I found pic related in a thread where someone was shilling "What the Health!"

Female detected

Donovan is a fag, fags by definition can't be masculine.

Hard times create strong men because there is an acknowledgement that weak men created hard times and so men adapt to become strong. People have been acknowledging that low test is a problem and so many have been doing what they can to correct the issue

>be reaffirming their stance
do people in this thread actually believe this bullshit? If i disagree then they win? are you canadian?

Also, sitting by idly and hoping it will die out is a pretty shit method of doing anything, youre leaving everything up to chance and other peoples decision

>hurr durr /pol/ is the other side of tha coin
you must be damaged if you think this, centrists logic never really follows through

>be apathetic about issues larger than your pathetic little life goy

>Media tells us to be machines who "get the job done", but we're so much more than tha
god what are you, a fucking woman? youre soft as shit if you can let """""media"""""" tell you how to be

Being a man isnt about suppressing emotions, its about controlling your emotions. You dont suppress them, but you dont have emotional outburts like women and cause a scene, you find a healthy outlet or way for you to express them. Why do you think everybody on here lifts away their feels and then comes to feel threads to talk out their emotions with spme locker room talk?

Boggles my mind how youre dumb enough ti believe this "show your feminine side guise XD" rhetoric

neck yourself, numale faggot

>Just lift, do manly shit, eat, sleep, live life.

This is the only thing to do. In a world where everything is politicized and everyone wants to have the hot take and sum everything up with a tweet, the best thing to do is just be a living example that self improvement is the the only guaranteed way affect change one person at a time.

Sort yourself out, carry the torch.

MGTOWs and feminists won't reproduce and disappear in 1 generation. problem solved.

>tfw getting perfect examples of toxic masculinity

Thank you for showing exactly what it is about. Getting rid of toxic masculinity is not making every guy a numale transexual, it's just literally not telling each other to kill themselves just because they have feelings.

It's literally just letting yourself be you.

>didnt read my post
>the post
>cant handle banter

confirmed nu-male and/or woman

Toxic masculinity is pussy numales who don't know what to do with all their pent up energy. They plant their flag on some worthless cause and let that consume them rather than try to improve themselves they jockey for position in their new tribe. Gamers, feminists, PUA's, incels, political bloggers/pundits. They're all invested in bullshit and they're all angry as fuck and spew venom.

that's actually mild bullying, coming from a place where you would expect such thing. I actually like that as a form of reality check. Letting yourself to be affected by an anonymous post on Veeky Forums just means you're weak cunt.

i'd tell you to kill yourself but trannies have a 50% suicide rate anyway

That's very bad advice

>he thinks that a woman wouldn't also tell him to kill himself for being a humongous faggot