Did antiperspirant stop working for you after being Veeky Forums?

Did antiperspirant stop working for you after being Veeky Forums?

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why would you use that shit? sweating is important

I think it did, not sure but I am using HEAVY dosages now just to keep my wageslavy jobbo. Even got two formal complaints. First one was with no deo, second one was with deo but it was a bit stale (4 hours old, even though the can says its 24 hours...)

so yea, it did stop working most likely. Very annoying.

But I wonder, is there any deo for males who have a lot of musk, but who dont want to stop it, instead just transform it into something less strong? I dont know, less invasive. Person who complained was a woman so...I dont know.

I like to wear grey shirts and now I have to wear black everyday. I tried a Thompson tee but it just incubates heat under.

Well I work at a local grocery store and work a sweat collecting shopping carts. One manager thinks I’m not wearing deodorant on purpose, the other just sees me as hardworking. Got complains from a customer, said I was leaving sweat on the shopping carts. Can’t help it, when it’s 90 degrees outside.

Yea no shit, what bothers me is that I am working in a hot factory as well, little airco. But everyone seems to be sweaty, but everyone else does not get complaints I think. Why do I get complaints? I almost see it as compliments that my musk is invasive and annoying enough to warrant such a response. Kinda feels nice.

But you know, the pheromones in your sweat, if you are high test are alluring to females. So I wonder, which deo could mask them, but not annihilate them. But just so that is appears "civilized", when in fact its not. Is there such a trickster chemical concoction deodorant?


Diffused peppermint oil.

I put backing soda and lemon juice right before I shower. Which helps mask some of the smell. Look for body wash or soap that has tea tree oil.

A friend told me eucalyptus oil on the armpit to give it that cool sensation.

never worked, I sweat like a pig, just accepted it

I couldnt even go for grocery shopping without sweating like some kind of fatass. but Pic saved my armpits.

i sweat from my entire body.
if im starting to get heated armpits are not the first place i notice stains.

No, mine still works. I do have to reapply after gym and shower though, even though it's supposed to be 48h and does work for 48h if I don't do sports.
You can sweat everywhere else. Armpits aren't even important for temperature control and the smell from it comes from bacteria that lives there, not from sweat itself. So I'd much rather sweat out from somewhere else.

does your guys fresh sweat stink?
mine doesn't at all, even been told by guy friend (no homo, why would he comment on that)
if it is old or accumulated yes it stinks, but i don't stink during the act of sweating and i sweat a LOT


My sweat doesn’t smell, I just sweat a lot. I literally can not sit down or all leave an ass mark.

Yes. I sweat like an absolute fucking beast since I started lifting.

Why does this happen? I can fucking feel the sweat dripping into my pits, down my back and even down my legs.

Before being fit and active I did sweat a bit but this is ridiculous.

I don't mind it much though because I don't really have bad body odour, thanks to my clean diet.


what kind of faggot are you? its called a.c.

Get some of pic related. Anywhere I apply it, no fucking sweat at all and I have hyperhidrosis. Good shit. Stings like a motherfucker the first time you use it so just be aware of that, you get used to it after a while though.

Get a prescription for Drysol for Hypercare. Both work amazing and have completely stopped my sweating.

We are all high test.

My bad real link here.

im far from a normie but definitely not too autistic to not use deodorant lol

i thought maybe there was a difference between eccrine sweat glands (basically just salty water sweat, all over body) and apocrine (oily opaque but odorless, found armpits, face, perianal and genitals), in terms of smell, but both are supposed to be odor less but maybe apocrine are more likely to be stunk up by bacteria due to being in dank warm crevices, or maybe it is not sweating frequently enough either.

you too are clearly thinking of when sweating is occuring at different times.
if working out or active obviously you sweat.
if you're at a formal work function, maybe you don't want to sweat.
lots of inbetween scenarios.
i usually just sweat cus fuck it.... except for ass and gooch sweat, i gotta try and control that

Well sweat is like urine in that its a product of your body; what you put in is what comes out.

If you have a shitty diet and eat unhealthily, you will have smelly sweat.

The majority of people on this board in particular probably eat very clean, so I imagine a lot of us don't stink that much when actually sweating.

Pretty much like how if you've been eating super shitty and then go to take a piss it can stink.

I had bad excessive pit sweating and this completely stopped it. You just have to use it once a week and you're solid.

shave your pits

Don't listen to this trixter here. It you shave your pits as a heavy sweater, you're risking razor burn, ingrown hairs, whatever

I sweat like a fucking pig because my city has absolute DOG shit public transport, just today it was 40c inside the bus at 8 fucking AM. Eastern Europe.

I work a nice office job but I always arrive digusting to it.

yes this

I sweat like a beast when I work out. I start with 30 min of running or other cardio... and by 10 minutes in, I'm pretty drenched. I can tell I'm notorious around the gym for this, because almost everyone brings it up when making small talk with me. "You sure push yourself hard!" etc etc.. I'm very good about wiping down the equipment when I'm done. Maybe I do push harder than most people in my gym... but I feel like most of them are just going through the motions without ever exerting themselves. What the fuck is the point?

But then again, I've seen huge guys in my gym sit there.... do a rep... gawk at cell phone for 5 minutes... do a rep.... cell phone 5 minutes... no sweating... yet I'm dyel. wtf.

unless you use a beard trimmer/hair clipper

i've always sweatted like a fucking pig and it only got worse with time
A few years ago i used to sweat only from the armpits. No problem, I learned how to hide that. 3 years ago my back started to sweat excessively, along with my neck and forehead.Shit is fucked, but at least i can wear a backback and hide it. Now i also have visible belly sweat stains and i don't know what the fuck to do anymore
And it doesn't even matter if it's cold or hot outside, i still sweat like a fucking pigt. Not even hoodies can hide my sweat stains anymore, i sweat through them

Don't use antiperspirant use deodorant

Antiperspirant is basically poison

Also stop eating onions and stinky food, garlic, spices, etc. Dairy especially, and meat. Not vegan shilling but those will make your BO much worse (and your cum)

If you stay hydrated and stay away from stink foods your sweat won't even smell. Stopped eating onions and meat and my sweat just kind of smells like a winter breeze or water, even after 24 hours of gym/working in a restaraunt/sleeping in that filth.

I sweat like a madman, literal puddles though when at work or gym. No smell no problem.

Tl;Dr use deodorant not anti persperant, drink water like it's your job, no onions, no meat, less dairy

OP said anti perspirant, not deodorant.
The former blocks sweating and will make it worse on the long run, making you smell like death without it.
Deodorant lets you sweat and covers the sent, which shouldn't be too foul if you stay away from anti perspirant.

>sweat at the slightest provocation
>at the gym, sweat at least a liter

I sweat so much that I have to sleep on a towel so I won't wake up in drenched sheets.

My sweat doesn't smell bad though. And I use deodorant, not anti perspirant.
Wearing polyester instead of cotton also helps, since the sweat evaporates instead of being absorbed into the textile.

>changing your entire diet just so random faggots won't smell you

This is the most beta shit I've ever heard.

You're not wrong, but i can't afford to get written up for sweating again

>Sweats so much
>Doesn't wear Anti-Perspirant

fucking kek

i'm not exactly a gmo truther or anti-vax, but have there been any long term studies done on the effects of using a product like this for the rest of your life? 'stings the first time' sounds scary as fuck.

Exactly. If your armpit sweat smells, you need to shave the hair and wash after. The smell will stop after that.

>I sweat so much that I have to sleep on a towel so I won't wake up in drenched sheets.
Man, you should get that checked out, that's literally a sign of various diseases such tuberculosis.

can you use it on your head or forehead?

i sweaty easily, but i can live with sweaty armpits. it's the sweaty forehead that bugs me the most

it never worked for me in the first place

Supposedly Sage, either the tea or in supplement form, will help with excessive sweating but it's not safe for long term use. Drinking turnip juice supposedly helps to reduce sweating too. I haven't tried either Can't confirm.

My issue is that my armpits sweat for no reason at all. The smell isn't horrible but it's very apparent in my shirts. Antiperspirants did fuck all for me.

Yeah. Growing your lats creates a larger cave of moisture.

Im 215 now and I sweat like a motherfucker, after a workout my shirt is fucking drenched, I can get probably a few ounces of water out of there.
I sweat whenever Iove and use my body for more than just standing, sitting or walking.

Its probably a chemical reaction. Sweating is natural and if you want to inhibit it in certain areas it will probably be a chemical thing

Wording this. Nothing beats this. Like shutting off a tap. It's clinical strength and all that supermarket grooming section shit have nothing on it.

mitchum works great for that

I used to sweat more when I was fat

I sweat an obscene amount. Fell for vegan meme though so don't smell that bad. I shower twice a day and use deodorant. Anti perspirant is nasty, I dont touch the stuff

I'm just have high testosterone.

antiperspirant, deodorant and all kinds of perfume is for virgins

Do you have an anxiety disorder?

Stick antiperspirant is literally 10x better than spray.
It's honestly night and day.
Also wear black or pure white shirts. Any colour is going to show sweat patches.

I use driclor and i still sweat a lot sometimes(i use it once or twice a week), am i doing something wrong?

I sweat a lot and never have much luck with antiperspirants. What I do currently is use prescription strength dove at nighttime/after showering, and stress control Degree in the morning. I also started looking into using witch hazel, some people recommend wiping your pits with it because it's antibacterial.

I also noticed that the sweat isn't as noticeable when I wear a tank top and a really loose shirt, the tank gets the armpit marks instead.

Bitches smell of perfume
Men smell of hot water, soap and theyr natural odor

I use those but i've been told that the aluminium in them causes cancer

Oh well, YOLO

Let's discuss which is the worst of all sweat spoits:

>1. Asscrack to balls
>2. Belly section right under pecs
>3. Back

If you think anyone likes you 'musk' you need to rethink. They are complaining because you stink of body odor and it disgusts them

who is that? looks like paul walker but the nose seems different

Doesn't everybody on this site?

>Use antiperspirant
>whole back is wet
Kill me

bacteria is what makes ur sweat stink. bacteria eats ur sweat then poops on u leaving u smelling like aids

except for some asian people

they sell pit soakers for women, you could probably use them and wouldn't be able to tell the difference