TFW found out about Nsun's 531 routine

>TFW found out about Nsun's 531 routine

>TFW finally making gains after doing shitty 5x5 routines and even PPL for a while

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I'm currently doing PHUL, have been for a few months now. Would nsun's be better for aesthetics?

I don't know but I love doing the routine and also my strength progress is great even while I'm cutting right now. Try giving it a shot.

Not OP but when I switched to nsuns from PPL I was actually making progress and my chest seemed a bit bigger after a couple of weeks.


>starting up, make up a routine with a laudry list of excersises and isolations
>garbage progress and stall a few times later on

>pick up PHUL
>make okay gainz but progress is still slow

>switch to c6w and cuckols 3x int for bench and try to focus primarily on compound lifts
>finally make progress

eric was right, although it's not bulgarian which he is doing/recommends, you need a greater focus.

Just switched to it a couple days ago from some shitty Upper/Lower split I was doing because I wasn't making much progress. It's a lot of fucking sets and I feel a little guilty hogging the shit out of the equipment at my gym but I like it so far.

Doing that many sets has let me fix my garbage bench form

it really is magical, isn't it?

nsuns volume/intensity is whack, lifts stalled on it after only a month or two and actually started regressing

I'm googling 5/3/1 but all I'm getting is variations of it and a lot fitness jargon I understand (like FPL) when people are describing sets. Can someone give me a link or just explain what is 5/3/1 fundamentally??

What is this meme routine? Please red pill me

I don't understand*

ignore the cossfit thing

>Can someone give me a link or just explain what is 5/3/1 fundamentally??

Try torrenting the 531 book by jim wendler. In essence it's basically a really popular program with many different variants and it's used by beginners all the way to advanced, you calculate the lifts you're doing off your Squat, bench, deadlift and OHP max and using a formula to get the amounts you're lifting. You also choose your own accessories for it to compliement where you feel like you're weak in (in nsuns specifically it has A LOT of pressing, so you want to be doing a shit ton of rows and chinups and facepulls).

It's a great program that's enjoyable to do and people have had a lot of success with it.

I like the look of it. Gonna give it a shot for 4 weeks.

It truly is a GOAT program. Crying wishing I did this instead of fucking 5x5 strongmemelifts or the 4 months i wasted on fucking PPL

Please respond, I need exactly your input
I asked for a program in /plg/ and was told to do c6w squat/dl and cuckols bench
1) cuckols is 4 week, candito is 5 or 6. What do you do for the 5th (or 6th if applicable) week for bench? start cuckols anew, having the upper/lower cycles be asynchronous? Or the 5th (and 6th) bench sets are from c6w and then you go start c6w and cuckols bench simultaneously from week 1 for the second cycle?
2) which cuckols 3x int bench? High or med? I was thinking med
3) Do you OHP? What days? Rep ranges?
4) what other accessories (rows, chinups, curls, dips) do you do? reps/sets? Which days?
5) do you do any conditioning/cardio? which days?
6) What DL variation for c6w? I was thinking block pulls
Please respond bb
Thanks in advance


Can confirm. Did Starting Meme and ICF then some PPL but the gains on nsuns have been insane.

1.) On the next weeks you can just rerun it which i have done/will do or take a deload week if you want. Just try to see them as 2 seperate things.
2.) med
3.) I do ohp. What i do is i take the accessories from c6w upper and do them on the days i bench so just use canditos set rep schemes (which is x12, x12, x10, x8).
How i specifically ran those 2 programs however is that i would do day 2 bench when i squated and dled and didn't use the recommened days on c6w and just kept my days the same. so i would do bench/c6w upper on monday, squat/dl and then bench and kept upper accessories light on wenesday(i only did 3 sets of face pulls and lateral raises), bench/c6w upper (i also liked to so cgbp after the amrap) on friday, and lower saturday. try to keep upper accessories light on day 2 bench. i ran it like this because i could only go to the gym 4 times a week max, if you can go 5 then go ahead, told you this to help you get an idea.
4.) use c6w upper accessories second bench day take it light
5.) i dont really do cardio that much but i wouldn't do it on rest days or before a lower session. i used to do the rowing machine and walked after lifting for like 20-30 mins, low intensity stuff like that should be fine most of the time.
6.) depends which point in the lift you have trouble. i usually have trouble at the bottom so i did snatch grip dl for my first cycle and got 5 reps on the test, second cycle which im currently doing i am trying defecit dl. if you have trouble at the top portion rdl and block pulls would help

is the "dumbbell press" on mondays dumbbell shoulder press, incline dumbbell press or flat dumbbell press?

Not sure, it's your own choice of accessories anyways. So you can just pick whatever you like, the only important part is the t1/t2 lifts.

Press implies overhead. Dumbell press, unless otherwise specified, means the OHP analog.
Sorry man 3) got really confusing. Can you lay down week 1?
Thanks for the detailed reply.

>Press implies overhead. Dumbell press, unless otherwise specified, means the OHP analog.

No it doesn't, rippetoe.

ohp just take candito rep ranges
i only did it twice a week on the first and third bench day
i didnt do it on the second bench day because it was supposed to be taken light. the only accessories i did for the second bench day were lateral raises and face pulls for 3 sets.

the way i ran both of them and kept it to 4 days a week was squating and dling on the second day, i would first squat and dl then bench, although you have to do this you can go 5 days a week if you want.

Ok so it's
C6w sq/DL 1
Nuckols bench 1 + OHP
Nuckols bench 2 + c6w sq/DL 2 (no OHP)
Nuckols bench 3 + OHP

>No it doesn't, rippetoe
1) rip says press MEANS overhead, I said IMPLIES.
2) If you see press somewhere workout related, no context, what do you interpret it as?

>2) If you see press somewhere workout related, no context, what do you interpret it as?

I ask what it means. It should almost always be specified because it can be one way or the other, and I've heard people quite often refer to "dumbbell press" as being a benchpress, on a flat bench, with dumbbells.


I have been here for years on and off though.

Staryed nsuns 531 and made more progress on bench (+40 lbs) on ohp (+15 lbs) int he past few months than on the past year of fucking about.

i did
monday cuckols+c6w upper accessories
wen c6w squat/dl+ cuckols and light accessories
fri cuckols bench+c6w upper accessories
sat c6w squat/dl

but that works too. do you only plan on doing ohp? you should really do the back work as well.


Yeah, I only omitted it to make it extra readable
It should look like
C6w sq/DL 1, calf raises
Nuckols bench 1 + OHP, back, arms
C6w squat + Nuckols bench 2 + c6w DL 2, calf raises, no OHP, curls
Nuckols bench 3 + OHP, back, arms

As for which day is which both are pretty similar. My week is LUxFxUx, yours is UxFxULx. The great part is that you thought of saving time spent by naming the light bench day in a leg day where it won't impact performance, that's pretty fucking brilliant.

Thanks user, if you don't have a gf I hope you get one and if you do I hope she blows you


yw user
