
what are odds that he's obese again within a year?

Veeky Forums did you lie to me ? He was supposed to die on the table !


?? Again? This disgusting motherfucker is like 500 pounds. He'll STILL be obese in a year even if he does awesome (which he won't).

Based Boogz, king of Veeky Forums. How soon until he has six pack abs?

:) I really hope boogie pulls through, loses weight starts actually eating correctly(with an occasional cheat once here and there), and starts lifting. He's adding at least 10-15, if not 20 years to his life. Everyone deserves a chance, even you user, you who wishes everyone would die, who calls everyone a faggot, who says they lift and give advice they've learnt through the internet. i want you to succeed too. We'll all make it


Boogie is 5'10". He'd have to cut down all the way below 210 pounds to no longer be considered obese. Bear in mind that he's 500 pounds now so that alone would be a massive accomplishment, one he is unlikely to ever achieve even if he does succeed in shedding a couple hundred pounds.

BMI and the whole underweight/normal/overweight/obese terminology is a bit of a borked system when you're an American-tier lardass like Boogie. You hit obese at ~200 pounds and then proceed to balloon up to 3 times that, to the point where you make lighter people who are still considered obese look skinny next to you, but are still classed as "obese" just like them.

It's why we have the term "morbidly obese" but it's very nebulously defined. What we really need in order to capture the full extent of boogie's girth is some kind of hierarchy from obese to hamgalaxy.

Go back please.

he's 5'8, I asked him myself

I had dinner with boogie at cravecon last year and I can tell you he's closer to 5'4" his weight made his spine lean forward

Fuck y'all, I'm getting gastric sleeve this month.

I never had a chance to eat normal, I weighed dam near 350lbs by the time I was 13. My mom would just stick a bunch of food in front of me and leave to go out. I never had a chance and God dam angry about it.

I have failed dieting more times then most of you even though about starting. I finally found a way to eat right and broke all my food addiction, but I eventually cave due to all the hunger hormones driving me fucking insane. No matter how much progress I make, the physical hunger never goes away, and it fucks me up every time.

So fuck that, I'm cutting the shit that out.

Diets don't work. Permanent lifestyle changes do.

Did what? Waddled into an operating theater.

Wow, so proud. What a brave and hard working man.

you'll still feel the same hunger pangs, idiot.

just do lyle mcdonald's flexible dieting pdf

Legit question, how come stomach stapling is more common than lipo? Is it only because it's to force a behavior change?

I figured that resetting your body's daily intake requirements via lipo would be enough (go from needing 3000/day to 1500/day) and be better than permanently shrinking your stomach, I mean like wtf what if some CEO invites you to a $500 per course meal and you can only eat like 10 bites, that would be fucking gay

I thought he was getting lipo and a sleeve. I didn't realize he's only gonna lose weight by starving himself. He's probably never gonna lose weight.

Did he finally masturbated to death?

if dubs boogie fails to lose weight

I feel for you man. You've got more issues than just food. I hope you are able to lose the weight and find peace.

Wow he has pretty eyes, never noticed that.

I'm really looking forward to seeing my dick again.

One step at a time guys :)

I didn't mind the guy before, but this surgery business is making me jelly as fuck. He's playing it up like it's some incredible feat that requires all this courage and stamina and strength of character and his followers are all fighting to slobber his knob and shower him with praise for essentially having to:

> Drive to hospital
> Take a nap
> Then do literally nothing and lose HUNDREDS of pounds in ~6 months, changing your life for the better

...and then he has the balls to make a video about how HARD it all is, and how he wishes he could do the """easy""" thing and exercise, and how it's so much more TOUGH TO DO then the """easy""" way, i.e. what everyone else does to eek out ~2lbs of gains a month over YEARS of work:

> For at least an hour 3+ times a week you have to get dressed, drive to the gym, stretch, lift, and shower
> Need to research routines and keep track of proper form
> Have to calculate macros, keep a food log, examine the nutrition of everything you eat
> Have to pay for gym dues, gas, extra food, protein powder/supplements, workout gear if any
> Need to learn how to cook and do it regularly, 7+ times a week, to save money and follow the macros
> Always thinking about where your next meal is coming from, need to find time to squeeze in cooking, eating, and gym
> ................................congrats! You gained _one_ pound of muscle! The next pound will be twice is hard because you are getting closer and closer to your max genetic potential!
> Now remember, you have to do all of this non-stop for the rest of your life or the gains will wither away

Keep at it, I'm rooting for you.

[spoiler]I love your content. I know it's your business but as someone who comes to this board a lot, I really don't think you're doing yourself any favors coming here until the dust has settled. You got enough weights to lift and you don't need this one just yet.[/spoiler]

dont fuck this up please

I will destroy you.

What is a disorder?

You are one dumb motherfucker. Just eat less.

You want to chop off healthy organs because you don't have the balls to just eat less, holy shit

no thats one of ours, newfag

Can you imagine beating boogie with a baseball bat

>No matter how much progress I make, the physical hunger never goes away, and it fucks me up every time.

It does go away though, you just have to stick with it for about 3 months.

Source: personal experience

Shhh let him blame the world for failing him. He's too sensitive.

As boogie's wife's good mulatto friend I can verify he is 5'0 at most.