Why is it that some men look pregnant while others look like massive blobs of skin...

Why is it that some men look pregnant while others look like massive blobs of skin? What's making most of the fat protrude from their stomach like pic related?

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its called "visceral fat" these guys have fat inside the abdomen surrounding the organs which is why they look pregnant.

Fat repartition is genetic, i know that much.
Or rather i read it somewhere on the internet long ago

Sedentary + shit diet.

This is what I have. Feelsbadman. I can flex and my abs show, but all the visceral fat pushes it out.

> Cheeseburgers

how is that formed? I tried to search it on google but I get a lot of misinformation from BS health websites that recommend methods such as using ice to burn belly fat.

could it have something to do with soda consumption? I have a very fat friend who only drinks water and he doesn't have this kind of stomach.

>Fat repartition

perhaps you read something close one of these?




Fat distribution and probably test levels causing untrained men to have different muscle mass.

My father who is fairly active, doesn't train, is 50sth and eats like shit has skinny arms, skinny legs and a huge belly. My brother and I have the same look naturally.

I also can't carry much muscle despite training hard but at least eating better and training means that my arms to belly ratio is way better.

Meanwhile I have overweight friends who are completely untrained and yet they carry little fat on their belly and more on their arms, ass, hips etc.

Friggoff that's my goal body

what does this shape look like with muscle on it? I'm sure I've seen what you're describing somewhere before but with a heavy amount of muscle on top instead of fat.

Also, I've seen this shape in some gorillas with the protruding stomach

Maybe there's an answer in the way they live that we could learn from.


Pants have a bit to do with it too. They want to wear pants that are too small and the belly bulges over the belt. Once I started wearing pants at the correct spot and of the correct size AND lost a bit of weight it doesn't look like this anymore.

That's the famous "beer belly". Drinking carbonated beverages in excess cause your stomach to look massively bloated. If you get fat from other sources of calories it's going to look more evenly distributed.

does the bloating go away if a person stops drinking soda? it seems like the gas trapped inside would need to be drained somehow for deflation.

Hormones effect fat distribution. Male's, due to their testosterone levels, typically store the majority of fat on their stomach, because it doesn't impede movement (although fat in general will fuck with your dexterity). Females, however, tend to store fat on their hips and ass. Men with abnormally high levels of estrogen will exhibit this as well, which contributes to that "pear shape" that effeminate males can sometimes have (narrow shoulders, broad hips).

Depends where you store your fat. When I was overweight I stored all my weight on my stomach and some on my ass. I was fat as fuck and had zero man tits, just an huge gut.

randy put a shirt on

his condition was also caused by heavy steroid use though, it wasnt exclusively fat that caused his abdomen to take on that shape.

M8...you described my physique to a T.
My brother has his fat distributed on his arms so he looks better without lifting anything heavier than a mouse. Of course it's fatceps, but still

It's a cruel fate.

I've got a gut like that and I don't drink soda at all, I think it's just certain guys' fat distribution.

I wonder what you'd look like with

It comes down to your genetic fat distribution.

Bump for sympathy