Face Gains

How do I make face gains?

Looks at these two. They would make anyone insecure. youtube.com/watch?v=enxzsD8ONlE&t=106s

I tried rope hangs, didn't work.

Seriously, what kind of exercises can one do to get a more aesthetic face?

Other urls found in this thread:


neck training
better haircut
growing a beard to hide your soft jawline

face gains will not help u get laid.

The way Sean O'Pry carries himself around, it's like he was designed to bully other people. The irony is that he's actually a pretty great guy, like all real Chads.


You have no idea how much face gains matter. When I was 22% bf at the end of my bulk no one noticed that my muscles were getting huge and I was stronger than ever. Now I'm at 13% bf and getting a lot of female attention, with one even saying she likes my strong jawline (it's not even that strong it just looks like it since I'm so lean). Low bf % and a stronger looking face will definitely help with girls.

you still have not gotten laid


>When I was 22% bf at the end of my bulk no one noticed that my muscles were getting huge and I was stronger than ever. Now I'm at 13%
Can you post before/after pictures? Slash out the eyes if it matters.

Truth. Boggles my mind how delusional some people are

Good on you coming to your senses. No male adult should ever go over 15% bodyfat. If you reach 15%, go down to 12% and up again.
Dirty bulking and walking around obese for years while lifting is pathetic. Afraid they'll be too weak, worried they'll look like shit when they cut

Good skin is very important.

My skin used to be really shit. Now after incorporating my own tested and tried (after a lot of experimentation) my skin looks really nice.

Pic related is my daily "stack."

Pretty sure men have had good skin before without needing to buy Mr. Goldstein's products

tongue posture. swallow in your mouth, when your tongue sticks to the roof of your mouth keep it there.

This is for people with bad skin genetics, like me and many others. It also keeps you aging badly.

Why is he ageing like he is?


What a faggot i swear

He is actually aging pretty poorly compared to many other male models. He actually got good looking with age when he started to mature, but that's also what is his downfall.

He is mostly aging because of excessive tanning. Use an SPF every day to protect yourself from the sun.

Pic related is him from before modelling.

I'd rather be a faggot with good skin than an ugly loser with shit skin.

Disgusting. Just wash your face.

Jesus Christ, Nessman is laid back and chill.


Gandy can't grow facial hair because he's been taking Propecia for ages.

Chew gum and train your neck, but face gains are all minor. You won't make a chad from an ogre.

Only people who can really make face gains are fat people who lose weight.

>Chew gum
What will this do?

Them jaw muscles, ecstasy is GOAT for losing weight and training your jaw, what with all the chewing and the fact that food turns to pastey mush in your mouth when you're on it.

>i don't have a tv
>are you a hippie?


How can someone be this delusional? No one cares about your bodyfat. Most people's faces don't really change much going from 25% to 10%.

A range of 3% is literally hell to try and work around if you're actually living life.

How autistic are people who believe in face gains like seriously.

Bigger jaw muscles, but again don't expect miracles.

Or you could become a competitive eater.

Just look at Matt Stonie's jaw before and after.

>ecstasy is GOAT training your jaw

Kill yourself

Are you mad because sub20% bf won't cure faceletism?

You're either retarded or trying to demotivate people spreading bullshit
Either way, end yourself

>because sub20% bf won't cure faceletism?
Actually, the difference from being at 20% and 10% can be quite extreme. It all depends on how much facial fat you carry. Some people have really lean faces at 20%, others need to diet down closer to 10%.

A lean face is usually much more attractive than a chubby one, with a few exceptions.

>Speaking the truth is demotivational

Yes you're right let's tell people they'll look like Piana by doing bodyweight training natty as not to demotivate them

20 to 10% for me is the difference between having hollow cheeks and a jawline that doesn't produce a double chin when I'm looking down.