
its simple, whenever you get hungry just go "nah" and dont eat

In addition to the squat plug get a mouth plug

Buy less food

losing weight can be addictive. In this case it wouldn't require discipline

be too lazy to get up and get food for two days
two days are the hump
once you break through you won't feel as hungry

Start smoking


WHAT you eat can have an effect on how hungry you feel.

Just as a personal example, I do 16/8 IF. When I eat anything sugary the day before, I always feel MUCH hungrier during the fasting period the next day.

eat low-cal veggies like celery, squash, or broccoli and drink water until you can't anymore so your stomach shuts the fuck up. bonus points for non-oil cooking methods like steamed, boiled, or raw.

Lmao I've always wondered how can I eat more. Like eating takes effort. You have to think of what you want to eat and either cook/prepare it, order it or buy it and it's hard to force yourself to do that when you aren't really that hungry. To not eat all you have to do is not eat.

You don't need to starve to eat well and lose weight. Hell you can like a pig if you want to only eat veggies. 10 cups of broccoli is only 250 calories. I'd like to see someone actually eat that many veggies and somehow tell me you're not full...

Instead of eating McDonald's and chipotle, grab some chicken breasts, broccoli, and rice and cook it into a clean meal. Portion it so that you're full after cleaning off your plate and see how many calories it is. It will be very small comparative to a similar volume of food and can taste delicious.

You may get hungry after a clean meal with no fats and oils, but you can supplement your hunger with healthy snacks like fruits and nuts. Chocolate covered even, just control your intake, as in don't eat more than 1 serving.

you need to neurologically reprogram yourself, chances are if ur asking this question you have an eating disorder or bad habits, go see a therapist or do neuro-linguistic programming

drink water; a lot of it

be poor.
no seriously, whenever I start getting low on money I don't even think about cheat meals

ECA stack, helps with weight loss but even better appetite suppressant

This x100,000,000

You seem to forget these fatties mostly eat ready made shit. Effort is something they think they know but don't.

Will power depends on adequate, quality sleep.

Thinking about my last week you are probably right. When I got bad sleep I came pretty close to fucking up my deficit.

Do your homework, listen to the right people, read the right books.

Uniroinically find a good thermogenic/fatburner supplement to give you extra energy and curb cravings when you are not eating.

Animal Cuts worked well for me.

Sadly water doesn't help me - it just makes my stomach angrier. Nothing but sheer willpower will do

Yeah, dude fatties have literally zero selfcontrol. Lost 8 kgs in a couple of months through using this crazy technique to quick weight loss.

whole food, plant based vegan diet


Just eats bags of broccoli every time you are hungry

- Oatmeal or eggs for breakfast
- Throw out any candy you might have lying around
- Get yourself a food scale or measuring cups so you can see just how much is in a serving
- Eat loads of protein and fiber
- Throw in a small amount of good fatty foods (avocado, peanut butter, etc.) to a meal to stay more satiated

>Not finding joy in restraint

Never gonna make it

EC stack. It absolutely kills my hunger. Also, intermittent fasting. It's pretty easy to not eat in the morning, so just don't have your first meal until noon.

These help for me at least. For instance today, ate some greek yogurt with banana and granola at noon (~500 cals), took a dose of EC stack at like 2pm, and then had to force myself to eat the rest of my 1,500 calories for the day at 7:30pm, about an 30 mins before my fasting cycle. Didn't actually make. I was only able to down about 1,300 cals before I felt like I was gunna throw up. I'm not a skelly either, 5'11 185. Pre cut weight was 205.

I'm 140lbs and got some visible fat

>i'm gonna cook this pasta ahead of time and portion it out to save time cause i'm always super busy
>sit down and eat the whole god damn thing
might as well fucking kill myself

Step 1: Don't Eat
Step 2: ????
Step 3: Lose Weight

Are you taking pictures? I like to look at my fat self whenever I feel like cheating

Hardest part is starting, just like lifting, women, or anything else

In order to shrink your stomach you need to stop filling it to the point of bursting.

easiest way to do this is eat 4 smaller meals a day instead of 3. After a while your stomach will shrink. First week or 2 is very tough, just warning you, but after that its stupid easy.

it's easier to go without food for a day or two, than to eat small portions

>start fasting
>body decides to stop producing heat

it's fucking 30 degrees everyday and i'm wearing a jumper while still freezing

I lost the weight a long time ago but I still have to CONSCIOUSLY limit my eating. even on a bulk. if I dont I can easily hit around 5 or 6 thousand kcals a day. clean bulking on 3500 kcals is okay though. i get about 2 huge meals a day and a lot of snacks in between

are you sure you are actually fat?
on which day of fasting the freezing starts?

totally this, i was chubby from as young as i can remember to about 15 and whenever i would try to lose weight i'd always be thinking about it like
>holy FUCK this is gonna be a nightmare, i must summon all my willpower from the deepest parts of myself to undertake this mighty task
but if you don't make such a big deal of it in your head and just think "eh, probably shouldn't", pretty quickly it stops being daunting and becomes much easier

For me, the best motivation is results. Find a way to track your caloric intake and track your weight.

I took a picture of the scale about once a week each time I weighed myself. I tracked my caloric intake everyday.

I got more and more motivated as time went on when I could visually see the weightloss.
Was I still hungry often? Yeah, pretty much all the time. But seeing results made me feel like it was worth it.

Posting pic to trigger the fatties.