He doesn't deep squat

>he doesn't deep squat

>Steve "SJW" Jobs
>on this board

He SJW'ed himself to death. Literally.

>He doesn't believe in curing his AIDS

It's so funny how Elon Musk is the opposite of Steve Jobs

>started out balding
>grey up in a 3rd world country
>when he got rich, hit the gym, fixed his balding
>somehow looks younger today than he did in the 90s
>actually producing products to better humanity

VS Steve who

>started out sexy as fauk
>grew up in Silicon Valley
>got rich, balded and went into Auschwitz mode
>aged 40 years in 10
>designed consumerist crap that rapes the Earth

i like this post

You know what the difference between them and you is? Elon and Steve both deep squatted.

He just squatted to deep.

Like, six feet under the ground deep,

>designed consumerist crap that rapes the Earth
Stole actually.
All of his most successful designs were stolen from someone else.
Most notably the iphone is a direct rip off of the DS.

But you gotta admit he did raise the bar. I feel like phone designs would be years behind without him hounding engineers with the omnipresent evil that is Steve Jobs autistic eye.

I thought he was floating somewhere along the Ganges river?

Idiot vegan and SJW have overlap, but are not the same.

I tried deep squatting and I swear it felt like I snapped my lower spine.

never deep squatting again

I don't want my knees to break.

I lowkey wish Elon Musk was the king of Earth, except that I wouldn't want him to have to deal with that many retards in his spare time

That's because you have shit mobility

never been an issue for anything else in my life

>expecting a dyel NEET virgin to have anything near decent mobility

But it's obviously an issue when you try to squat deep.

Pls tell me how to fix shit mobility user. I thought I was a permanent resident at snap city but after x-rays the doc said my spine was fine. It was most likely muscles near my spine.

I don't know what to do. I can't even max out on box jumps or my lower back hurts.

I need a proven guide. Limber 11 helps a lot but I need ways to increase my flexibility permanently.

There's a shit ton of mobility excercises, tips and info if you just google it. Try different stuff out, just don't squat heavy.