Alphas do not exist

Looks like chad does not exist

Other urls found in this thread:

> fat as fuck
> technically an actor

Cope: The Video


>let's see what the left has to say about social hierarchies
>"they don't exist!"
>"we're all equal!"
>"superior and inferior are all social constructs that takes away from all of out equality!"

I want to be surprised, but I'm not.

Alpha = Good Looking

>shit jaw (lighting tricks, go watch his videos)
>uneven droopy eyes
>blond (feminine) hair
>crooked nose
>monkey ears
>creepy face

>betas saying alphas dont exist

I hate that faggot's soft serve ice cream looking hair.

who is this semen demon

lolno. alpha is 100% about status, and nothing else. the alpha is generally the one male in a tribe or group of animals that is shown deference. in exchange for more mating opportunities, and a larger share of food, they are required to act as protection from outsiders (predators or other males). in order for an alpha to lose their position, another male has to overtake them and either beat them into total submission, kill them, or exile them. tall, strong, aggressive men are seen as alpha because they are, generally, the most capable of having the strength and courage needed to face off against challengers. in modern days, we buy and negotiate rather than forage, so sufficient proof of resources and protection can convince a woman of a man's worth.
if you observe ape communities, they even have a prostitution economy. if the alpha is gone, or there for whatever reason isn't a definitive alpha, the females will fuck both. generally, a situation where one male isnt the dominant one, the males develop the habit of offering gifts of food in exchange for sex.


Alphas exist in human society but only to a certain group.

Mind posting some examples?

Genuinely curious

Lol at this stupid video.

look at the people at the forefront of success and innovation in any field.
those are the alphas.

The guy in your group who has the most money.


Adam has the concept of alphas all wrong.

Alphas are confident, intelligent, and suave, being physically fit and able to adapt to any situation, while also being natural leaders.

His idea that "alphas" are bro dudes who are dumb meatheads stems from insecurity

"Just bee urself the video."

More cringe.

>Looks like everything we know about hierarchiesis wrong because this dude Adam said some stuff

Please stop shilling your post-modern garbage in Veeky Forums

Seriously where did the deluge of /leftypol/-tier shit ceom from today?

>his subjective version of what it means to be alpha is wrong because I have my own subjective version of what it means to be alpha

This. When I was a socially awkward beta I thought that alpha dudes were brodude douchebags that had nothing between the ears. It wasn't until I forced myself out of my comfort zone and learned how to not be a beta sperglord by making friends with ACTUAL alpha males that I learned how to be one, and discovered that the typical brodude is an insecure beta bitch. They just try to mask it with over the top bravado and stereotypical masculinity. Actual alphas don't need to prove their masculinity or anything, people can just naturally tell by the way they carry themselves.

Stop existing.

I'm not sure I believe in alpha males amongst the homosapiens, however, I know for a fact that there are men and boys.

Men are by nature strong and confident, through decision making they learn and are constantly being formed by their enviroment. The human mind is however fragile and nature is something we have over time managed to override and rewire through propoganda, poor education and "entertainment".

What most people call the difference between alpha and beta, I refer to as man and boy. If you wish to remain a boy, watch silly college humor videos all day and play cawadoody. Here's the interesting part. All men were once boys and the differentiator is this.

Choice. When I myself was a boy, I practiced childish things, thought as a child, delighted in childishness but becoming a man wasn't puberty. It was a choice to put aside my childish self and advance to the next rung. Manhood.

You'll not get very far if you allow others (this video) to feed you information you yourself are too lazy to verify. Did any of you actually check to see if there was any validity to these statements.

Stay strong brothers.

I like how he references a study about RELATIONSHIPS claiming that beta males are the 'alphas of love'.

>implying alpha males want to commit to a single woman, when they could get the same, if not more, from multiple women

Handing over your sexual freedom to a single woman can't ever be considered alpha.

This video reeks of' just be yourself'. Alpha males did, and still do exist. It's the same reason why men in general have it a lot more difficult passing on their genes compared to women. Women don't want to mate with beta males, but will settle if required.

Explain to me how I'm wrong

>He only argues against wolves and monkeys for most of the video
>He paints his alpha acting as too self-conscious

>Handing over your sexual freedom to a single woman can't ever be considered alpha.

I disagree. For the purposes of procreation it absolutely makes sense to limit yourself to one woman. Having sex on the side is just irrational hedonism. You're risking something lasting (relationship/marriage with children) for something fleeting (temporary pleasure, no children) if you cheat. It's reckless stupidity. If you can tie down a quality woman it makes sense to play fair.

that shit is one of the only pseudoscience gay shit he says in order to do the

Sound like being emotionally unstable is what you would've consider alpha. What you both are arguing about is literally missing the point of being alpha.