what did he meaned by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


I hope you dont seriously think Arnold looks bad for his age?

Arnold's ideas on working out are pretty old school, and runs counter to a lot of modern ideas...but it's hard to argue when he looked like pic related, and contemporary wisdom is just fat powerlifters who look like shit

This. His "muscle shocking" methods are basically just ways of getting yourself to work harder--ie with more intensity.

Anyone got a gif or webm of that retarded face Arnold made while lifting that one time

When the muscle trembles. Stimulus to the muscle that it is not used to and must grow stronger to handle next time.

He stopped doing kickers and twisters.

You come into this gym again and I'll fucking rape you.

roid abusing chimp science. nothing more.

You have to shock it by injecting copious amount of steroids so your muscles won't know what going on

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if all the shit he said was just massive trolling. If you've watched pumping iron then you'd know he's kind of an asshole, and just to people he's competing against.




His skin is gross but his shoulders still look better than 99% of fit

Pumping Iron was scripted.

This. His forearms are massive too.

Nice job photoshopping Arnold's head on Chloe's body.

This was a post-surgery pic of Ahnold. He's in much better shape now


>posting post-heart surgery Arnold as proof of anything





he didnt mean litterally

People that think arnold looks bad in those pics need to be shot, not kidding.

Any pics after he got back in shape?

google "Arnold 2017"


"MUSCLE SHOCKING" is a legit technique, if you think about it

Let's say you get proficient at bench. You switch to dips, which you sucks at. So now when you work your chest your using an exercise with less weight for the same results, which means less fatigue for the same muscle stress

I think he just meant you should switch up excercises (IE bench, incline bench, decline bench, dips, etc) as well as rep schemes and rest time, so that your body doesn't get too used to a particular form of training.

Arnie hanging out with the average Veeky Forums poster

I dont think you understand, even with roids you need a good workout regimen, discipline and a lot of dedication to achieve his look.

>which you sucks at

He better be in shape. I really really need that Conan movie to be good.

He means doing anabolics

>steroids solve everything

ok buddy

>doing anabolics

It was a joke

no it wasn't

Shut up autist

His delts are still bigger then mine

People see roids and think taling half your weight in hgh. Old school lifters like arnold were definitely reserved in their use compared to juicers today.

Is that even happening?

He looks pretty good for a 70-year-old desu.

>Old school lifters like arnold were definitely reserved in their use compared to juicers today.

Lol. Arnold was famous for eating dbol like candy.

>pharmaceutical Dbol was the same as the shit we take now


That's the point. He at pharma grade dbol like candy and he was on gear since he was 14.

>tell the muscle it grew and got stronger naturally
>laugh and say 'nah i juiced up and saved myself time and frustration'
>muscle is shocked

reminder that arnie is vegan now


Nice, subtle

its only a given that he would look a bit saggy considering how huge he used to be, but if you look at the details he's actually in great shape

>Has a pigs vein in his heart

Go to Kroger's, get a gallon of milk



yfw last rep

But /fraud/ says orals don't work????

those sewer pipe veins my god

They do, they just have horrible effects on your liver, and lower bioavailability.

Plus they want to shill injectible steroids because it's both 100% bioavailable and it's cheaper to produce apparently.

I wanna explain this, I always try to whenever I see it come up. Pharma Dianabol was made in 5mg tabs. Arnold and co would use dosages between 150-200mg. When they referred to eating them like candy it's because it was so low dosed. As for the second point, this was taken alongside Test Cyp, EQ as well as experimental dosages of GH, as they didn't understand it's role in bodybuilding back then.

He also had Franco Columbo as a room mate, and they worked out together every.fuckin.day.

I would have loved to be a body builder in that era. I feel like theres too many distractions in this day and age.

>implying the steroids they took is anything compared to the IGF-1, HGH, androgenic mixtures, DNP, etc. that bodybuilders take now

>listening to a Veeky Forums general