Could I get big with a routine consisting of weighted pull ups, weighted dips and instead of squats...

Could I get big with a routine consisting of weighted pull ups, weighted dips and instead of squats, cycling on a single speed bike with weights in a rucksack, doing hill climbs n sprints n shit?

Why would you do that?
It sounds beyond retarded. If you think that is an effective exxercise for leg strength and size, then why dont you apply that to the upper body too? and do punches, jump ropes and rowing with wrist weight?

Also, pull ups and dips doesnt cover the whole upper body well enough.

>weighted pull ups, weighted dips

Sure, this will put on mass.

>cycling on a single speed bike with weights in a rucksack, doing hill climbs n sprints n shit?

This will not (after some initial gains). Speed cyclists have huge legs because they squat and deadlift heavily.

You got a pic giving an idea of the leg gains I could expect? Why would the gains stop if I progressively added weight?

how the fuck do you progressively add weight to a rucksack? you can not fit 150 kg into a rucksack

>Cycling with a rucksack

What about the incline of a steep ass hill combined with the weight in the rucksack that and sprinting

Kill yourself you anime watching faggot

what a silly thread

well go try it, sprinting up a hill on a bike with 80kg in your pack even then its endurance training you will not get big from it

What sort of leg gains could I expect?

not him, but not enough to make it worth it. nobody ever got big legs from doing low-cadence drills on a bike. just squat, trap-bar deadlift, or leg press like an actual track cyclist

for the last 18month i drive to work with my bike (30km a day) and i made noticable leg gains.

ask me how i know that you still have small legs

addendum: i'll try and explain why

i've got some data from a ride a while back. there's a hill about 30km away from me where there's a 600m hill interval with a gradient that peaks at >23%. it took 300W at 50rpm in my emergency gear to even get up it. it's not all that easy. but think about what this involves: literally hundreds of reps

if you tried to reduce "hundreds of reps" to "dozens", your cadence would be about 10rpm. you wouldn't even be stable or fast enough to get up the fucking hill, supposing that your body could take the stress. you would crash

you could go up a shallower hill, but going up a steep hill with your own bodyweight is similar to going up a shallow hill with a pack

I guess you're right man, I'll just do my squats and deadlifts and leave the bike for cardio

I have and always will get better leg pumps doing sprints than high rep or low rep squats. Do whatever you want and eat right, this fitness routine will get you in shape probably better than your average shitty lifter if you do it religiously.

>arguably the greatest road sprinter in history
>legs like a dyel

i was referring to running sprints, i don't know anything about bikes except i know how to ride one lol

Put weights in a backpack and walk up a hill or stairs, it's like doing short lunges but less repetitive

Cycling definitely gives you bigger thighs and glutes my dude


relying on sprinting only for a leg pump will creates imbalances and hamstring dominance and plantar dominance so you should also include squats to balance your legs and ankle joint