Ethereum CTO created a multisig wallet that everyone can destroy all funds inside

Ethereum CTO created a multisig wallet that everyone can destroy all funds inside

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pretty valuable

Just sold 100k.

something about the physical appearance of this guy creeps me out, but I'm not sure what.

it was a TOKEN BURN you fucking morons.
t-they would never "destroy" ETH accidentally
ETH is unhackable!!!!
Vitalik is a boy genius autismo brainiac!!

Mass shooter looking mofo

Gavin Wood has lost all credibility in my opinion. He's almost as incompetent as Stephan Tual

Misleading OP, and I say this as someone who is a BTC maximalist.

Gavin has not been part of the Eth team for some time.

Nevertheless, the event is a further indication that the eth community is way too cavalier with their software design. If this results in another hardfork, I hope that some of you eth-heads will see the light how more tech doesn't mean better tech.

Weev warned you people back when Ethereum was 0.15 bitcoin. Get the hell out while you can, solidity is an absolutely garbage language.

The king of shitcoins is going to join all its shitcoin peasants

Its his faggy pink lips that doesnt match his face

>solidity is an absolutely garbage language.
it's straight-up incredible how bad of a language it is. It's what you'd get if you took a 14 year old, spent a week filling his head with all sorts of unrelated concepts from various modern languages, and then designed a new language based solely on whatever he's able to recall a month later.

was it actually gavin this time?

the first parity issue was "accidently" introduced by someone else by looking for the change on github.

hair looks 30 years older than he is, and his nose doesn't match his other semi-feminine facial features

but don't take my word for it:
>Solidity/EVM is by far the worst programming environment I have ever encountered. It would be impossible to write even toy programs correctly in this language, yet it is literally called "Solidity" and used to program a financial system that manages hundreds of millions of dollars.

yeah it's not great, but it doesn't matter, its just a layer over the bytecode ethereum actually uses, instances like this will be instrumental in a new safer language being introduced and pushed as the default

don't worry they'll just hard fork it

THey'll just hard fuck it.

his hair looks like pubes


Looks like a mugshot from the registered sex offender database