Form check

Form check

Power Clean + Press 145lbs/65.8kg x 5

I did two sets before the recording. On my second rep, I lost slight balance and moved forward a bit, so ignore that.

Critique my form if there are any. Thanks.

Also, sorry for the vertical view. It didn't appear like that until I uploaded it on YouTube.

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From what I can tell from the video, you need to brace your glutes, core, and quads more to get a stronger base to push from. You;re gonna need it if you want to press over 185lbs. How's your grip width?

i watched his vids through and he has a 190 lbs x 1 OHP

Grip width is a little wider (inches) than shoulder width

Where do you even see that?

on the recommended vids

i think the focus for OP is the power clean

God damn this place has gone to shit. What the fuck are you doing with your feet? It's a half assed tippy toe jump. If you want to get power in the power clean your feet are going to leave the floor. You cant properly put yourself under the bar unless you do that, which becomes very apparent once you get past baby weight.

How do I know? I had the same problem. Obviously if you have a really strong pull you wont need to dip yourself under the bar but since this is a power clean, and if you ever plan on doing more olympic movements you must learn to put yourself under the bar correctly.

K. Tell that to the professionals Mr. "This place has gone to shit".

And while your pointing out "babby weight", let's see some of your footage of power clean and Press.

the fuck are you trying to say? KKs feet leave the floor, you hear the stomp when he puts himself under the bar? He's not just slamming his heels his feet totally leave the floor, even if its just a fraction of an inch. Your own video shows him doing it, watch the slow motion clip at the 50 second mark.

You clearly have no understanding of how to get yourself under a bar. Did you reply to me just to say "heh, i was pretending to be retarded gotcha good kid." Ill say it again, this place has gone to shit.

Next you're going to criticize this lifter for widening his stance for a power clean

So let's see how you do it. I'm waiting


I still don't understand. what are you trying to say? Why would I criticize that guy? Are you off your meds?

>avoids posting a video of himself power cleaning heavy weight

Sounds like you're the one that's on meds living in your fantasy

what does me posting a video have anything to do with you saying klokov does not take his feet off the floor, when he actually did in the video you provided? I guess you were agreeing with me but your autism is making it hard for you to communicate.

Yep, you're off your meds

Dude I seriously think you're fucking retarded, the other guy has been right every time.

Well other than when he said this place has gone to shit because somebody had bad form when he posted a form check, which is literally the whole point of posting one.


"he's been right every time"

It's not a requirement. He made the asinine claim that I'm using baby weight, so im asking if he can provide footage of him power cleaning heavy weight.

I see you're silent as a mouse now. Thanks for your "criticism" Dr. Autismo

Next time someone posts a footage of bench pressing, don't forget to tell them that they should always hip drive, even if the weight is light.

PS. Thanks for the dislike hater.


Why are you cleaning your presses? Not to be rude, but it doesn't look like you really know how to clean. I assume you aren't training for weightlifting or strongman, so why not use a rack? Just curious.

Cleans are a good exercise. Should people stop deadlifting if they're not a power lifter?

I use racks on other days