How to achieve Griffith mode? (fashion model thin, but still a good, muscular frame, but not ultra cut or dehydrated)

How to achieve Griffith mode? (fashion model thin, but still a good, muscular frame, but not ultra cut or dehydrated)

Betray your friends.

Do nothing wrong.

get a good haircut and a perm if straight hair then get toned and master a sexy look in ur eyes

Bleach your hair white.
Drink the bleach too.

dont forget to put your grasses on

It would be srs fucking heaven sent glory if this faggot got fucked with IRL by police for pretending to be an e-thug on this forum. OP its people like you and immortal that absolutely ruin this piece of shit board with your countless garbage threads about your movie script made up bullshit.

Neither of you faggots even lift... can't you at least go back to polluting /v/ with this unfunny trash?

Cliffs: please blow your own fucking brains out so we don't have to see anymore of your posts. Srs.

Do what I did


what did you do

Betrayed my friends

You have to actually make some friends first, then sell your ass to an old man for a night, then kill your most of your friends.

Have a good face

>that stomach wound
geralt of rivia, everyone

If someone on /v/ saw a dude like griffith irl, he would probably call him a gay faggot or something. seriously no one irl would want to be griffith except in his eclipse form. hes a gay femboy that would be assfucked by super marine soldiers

its not griffith mode, too much muscles, too big frame

realistic griffith mode guide:
have small frame but still masculine one (no wide hips bullshit)
keep weight very low
griffith was 66kg at 178cm (i have the same exact measurements and my griffithmode is solid as fuck)
for exercise i do HEMA - lots of cardio and still keeps muscles strong, and its thematically related

my fitness journey began with reading berserk i wanted to be griffith

never been happier in my life

> Cardio
> too much muscles
> too big frame

Fucking feminist Veeky Forumsggot get the fuck out of here

>my griffithmode is solid as fuck
post pic



do it