
Someone post a routine, along with their body, that worked for them.
I'm tired of doing a fuckton of volume and getting mentally fucked. I'm burned out as fuck right now and need a change.
Also how the fuck do my love handles go away? My wide fucking hips and my lower stomach fat make me want to neck myself. I have a suspicion it's low test. Any ways to get this up?
Is my overtraining having a effect on my test levels, making it harder for me to see changes?

Other urls found in this thread:

>5'8, 125
I also recently started not being a anorexic skelly fag and eating 2400 calories a day (no fucking junk food though). Is this enough?

Go heavy 5x5 on every single lift you do for a week. You aren't low test, your bodyfat% is just higher than you want it to be

1. height?
2. weight?
3. routine?
4. kcals/day?

>Any ways to get this up?

exercise, supplementation. excessive exercise will increase your shbg levels though, bringing down test. add 500kcal to your result

disregard this thread. I'm posting a better pic and better explaination


new thread

>post a routine, along with their body, that worked for them.

SS. I know I'm a little bit fat right now, but it's crazy the amount of strength I have gained in the last month and a half. Specially with squats.
After I cut I think I will look very muscular and lean. I plan on keep on bulking for 4 months, and then cut for 2 months, and then start a lean bulk again.

PPL for 2 years natty

In times where i have low motivation, i just do a short compound lifts routine 3 days a week.
When i'm in gym rat mode i go up to 5 times and add more isos.
I think compounds lifts are 80-90% of the magic (together with nutrition).

tis im afraid=

mirin hard, looking lean as fuaaaaark
routine? sorry if it's a hassle, thanks for the answer tho!

Goal body. This you?

same, goal body.
Why wouldn't this be him, it's Veeky Forums, people don't tell lies here, r-right?

OP better pic
Do i have potiential? Can I make it or should I roid?

That was after my cut, at 11%bf according to caliper.
I have a bit more % now, but a very interesting fact is, that my appetite was killing me when i started raising my kcal again. I ate >3000kcal per day in the cleanest brofood ever + lots of veggies and i still went to bed hungry.

Since then i have more empathy for fat people, because if your brain makes you hungry like a motherfucker, there is nothing you can do. It fogs your mind completly.

Routine when i do more volume is push/pull/legs and a full body type program when im more lazy. Nothing special

Stats? Age, height, weight, how long you been lifting?

Yes its me after my cut, but i was actually really small there. It looks nice because of the light (that was even without a pump), but when i visit my family for christmas they asked me if i still lift (lol). Natural bodybuilding is a joke. You can be either lean and thin or built and chubby.

Gonna go to bed now tho so cant talk anymore. Have a good day


you pose like a retard.

5x5 compounds til you stall, then 3x5.

Keep higher reps on accessory lifts.

Progressive overload on both and keep track of it in a pad.

Recommend Fierce 5 routine or GSLP with plugins.

again shitty posing. Stop trying to tense up your traps they're skinny.

didn't finish post. entirely achievable natty. The dude actually pays attention and does compound lifts in the lower rep range and higher rep accessory/isolation work.

It's almost as if people have been advocating this since the 70's, who'd have thought.

>pic related