Are ellipicals just a meme or are they actually an effective 'cardio machine' for those who don't really like...

Are ellipicals just a meme or are they actually an effective 'cardio machine' for those who don't really like running/have weak knees/prefer swimming/etc but still want to burn fat?



if it gets your heart rate up, it's effective cardio

why not?
I have one, I don't see the problem with it. In fact I prefer an elliptical instead of a stationary bike, cause I'm sitting most of the day.

if you enjoy being bored out of your mind then yes. its similar muscle groups to running without the impact on your joints. I use it when I have achilles tendinitis or as surplus aerobic training, but it's super boring.

Sure. Just do it at a high setting

Disregard the calorie counter on it as it's highly inaccurate but yes, it'll do the job of keeping your heart rate elevated

its a fucking meme for old people,

get on that treadmill, set it to fastest mph, and dont get off until the mile counter says: 1.00

If I'm not a lazy fuck, I can go on an elliptical non stop for an hour at most. I prefer it simply for the fact that I can browse on my phone with no problems as opposed to running on a treadmill.

supposed to be a low impact more full body cardio, i think it all depends how you use it.

is it possible to be too tall for an elliptical? i never felt comfortable using one.

sprinting intervals you bitch
work that core

treadmill is not an adequate substitute for running.
and for cardio bunnies who rely on the treadmill it will make your ass disappear if traditional treadmill use is your main workout.

>bitches about old people
>acts like going 1 mile on a treadmill makes him hot shit

LMAO at this pompous little shit with his undeserved sense of accomplishment. calm down and go to bed, kid. men are talking.

>treadmill is not an adequate substitute for running

get a load of THIS retard.

I started on elliptical and switched over to a treadmill after about a month of use.

I found that I would pretty much be able to handle the same kind of workout between the two machines, but I think mentally ellipticals are easier and I have less trouble doing two miles on one vs a treadmill.

A treadmill is infinitely better.

running on a treadmill feels different than running outside
it's easy to fuck up your form on a treadmill and let your feet get dragged back by the belt
you wind up using your quads way more to pick up your feet instead of using your hamstrings and calves to push on each step like you would normally
running outside is far superior

I love walking but I hate treadmills. Is that weird?

How do you mean? I walk in a treadmill because it's easier to set a faster artificial pace that I can stick to than just trying to push myself to be faster. I guess it's laziness.

300 lb fat cunt here, its the best cardio for me

Treadmill gets me fucked up knees and feet, and thighs rub together so its uncomfortable, bike is too weak on heart because legs give out first. This is nice middle ground where i can feel a nice burn in my legs and i can get my heart rate up nicely

if you wanna get good at running far/for long, run outside. Running on a treadmill is like an elliptical. Moving for the sake of getting your heart pumping, not getting better at running.

Def thistbqh
I ran on a treadmill in the gym the other day for 3 miles at a 10 minute pace. Usually outside at a slower pace I'm gasping for air within a half mile and taking multiple breaks because my legs are so tired.

Thirding this. I used to run exclusively on the treadmill and could get a respectable pace and distance. Started running outside and I felt like a beginner again. Never fall for the treadmill meme, it's a waste of time and money if you buy one.

Would running the treadmill at an incline help offset how easy it is?

Nope. It isn't the intensity, it's the actual difference between running outside and on a treadmill. Different muscles, etc.

Treadmill is fine if running outside is impossible due to, say, weather. But only in those circumstances.

Stay away from 'elliptical' machines. You use them too much, they'll fuck up your walking and running stride because they lock you into a specific stride length that's almost guaranteed to not be natural for you. Run on a treadmill instead, or better yet run OUTSIDE.