Guys help me out I feel like shit

Guys help me out I feel like shit.

My girlfriend has slowly been getting fatter and fatter and its all been within about 2 years.

She started off with a decent body.
Small frame
Thick legs but no belly or love handles.

But now her belly has been starting to creep over her waistline, love handles are splurging out, butt is starting to sag.

I mentioned to her how I dislike her eating habits. She just eats crap all day and she went on the defensive. I've pleaded and begged her because I've seen my entire family go down the same road and I'm scared for her health. But she still refuses to listen.

So tonight I got into an argument and I called her disgusting and gross. Now I just feel like utter shit. I even told her that I can't see us having a future if this continues. We're stupidly young, only 20 and already she wants to just get fat and do nothing.

What the fuck do I do guys?

She's so sweet and caring, and I know all she wants is to be happy but this isn't the fucking way.

Continue trying to save the relationship while you start looking for a new girl to date if it doesnt work out

I can't properly evaluate the situation without pics

how much does she weigh now?

and how tall

Abandon ship. She will never change at this point. She will probably lose weight when you dump her and then gain it all back for the next guy. Doomed to be someone's heffer

No pics cuz 4chin and I don't even have a before pic anymore.


She used to be 115. It fucking kills me knowing she's gained that much fucking weight. She's only been living with my family for about 6 months.

(Asian so we stay with mommy til graduation)

>fat and asian

wtf does she eat

She's latina.

But even with that all she eats are fucking cupcakes/ sugary carbs/ chocolate milk. She rarely eats food. Id be somewhat fine if she was getting fat off rice and shit but its all just junk..

Show us before and after pics. Just crop out the face

Dude that's where you fucked up. I'm Hispanic and Mexican girls will always end up having the bodies of their mom's when they get older. Everytime I go the Hispanic grocery store all I see are fat Mexican moms. Never any that are in good. Shape. It's like their destiny to be adopt their mom's bodies. Mexican girls get lazy after they get a guy, I already know a few Mexican girls that are getting fatter as oppose to looking hot and skinny when they're younger

feel bad for you op

try to get her to just run with you every once in awhile and then work her up from there

omg please tell me she has big braps

does she have big braps?

I'm sorry user, but you got 2 options:

1. Tell her to either get in shape or it's over, give an ultimatum and stick to it

2. Dump her fat ass and bang someone hotter

If you're unhappy you shouldn't just stay in the relationship because you feel obligated to.


she looks white though

this is now a reverse progress thread


Damn, how big are those arms? Mirin'

At the gym give me a minute also checked.

And I know but she's too young for that shit. She's 19 and she's already acting like she can settle down and get fat what the hell

19 is a spinster in mexican years

What are you on about?



OP here.

Her braps aren't big.

newfag here

what are braps?

Yup. Like I said these are early signs that Mexican girls do when they're just going downhill. What does her mom look like? Is she the same size too? You said she was 5'0. Damn short and fat. Better not have any kids with her weak ass genes



You have to continue to improve yourself physically.

Workout, eat healthy, make yourself better looking, and flirt in front of her.

You'll be buff, she'll be fat, and you'll exchange glances and conversation with a sweet sweet betty right in front of her and she'll be all, "hey hey dat is my mayun girrrl!"

But you persist.

You need to let her know that her head is on the fucking chopping block and that being attractive to your partner is part of the deal. If you are willing to put in work so she can remain physically attracted to you, but she doesn't give a fuck about your boners because she likes cupcakes, let her know either directly or indirectly. You spout out the bullshit of "I just care 'bout her helf you guyz" but do you really want to be fucking some tub of shit that believes she doesn't have to maintain some level of attractiveness because she's got you hooked and she can do and look however she wants despite your feelings. You are 50% of this entire relationship.

What you are really asking is how do you let your girlfriend know that she's becoming a fat ass and you don't like it but you don't want to say anything that will hurt her feelings. It's like I said, make yourself better than her. Let her know that you have options and she doesn't. What, is she going to get fat and then find another guy? Or are you going to get leaner and meaner and better and find a better girl? She doesn't respect your needs and you need to stop catering to that bullshit.



Why do I like this? I'm not attracted, I'm appalled, but I still get some sort of satisfaction.

Is she starting to look like this? If so then she is taking the final stages of never going back. Mexican girls are like this

Two years? Holy shit how the fuck is it even possible to have a bulk this successful

God damn it guys, you always have to let them know the deal BEFORE they get fat.


And not yet. Her belly isn't that rounded but its getting there. I want her to cut it out but she fucking argues and I want to slap her.

It's too late man. Just move on

Are you living together? If yes literally just control her diet no junkfood,sweets, not even high calorie fruit. Good luck putting on mass on chicken breast veg and rice.

Why is Veeky Forums the best fucking board for weight gain fetishists like me? Girls gaining weight and becoming whales is hot as fuck


Time for an ultimatum, say you aren't attracted to her like this and she needs to lose weight to be healthy. Make sure you take control of her diet yourself. If she can't keep the diet dump her. I did this with a girl once, but she had always been fat. She lost about 15lbs and then couldn't stick to her diet and gained it back so I dumped her. If she really loves you she will stick to her diet for you.

user, she won't change unless she initiates the change herself. Shit habits only get bucked once someone breaks the positive feedback.

She feels good after eating too much, that is making her feel more happy than her physical state is making her unhappy. Habit loop formed, and there it will stay.

You can either dump her on the basis that you don't want to be with someone with such a lack of self discipline, in which case it may cause her to break the habit....or you can wait for her to have the inevitable medical issues which may cause her to break the habit.

She will be the only one who decides and who can decide, up to you if that's something you want to deal with or not.

If she is happy with being fat, and you arnt happy with her being fat and you are unwilling to accept it... sounds like you have a fundamental disagreement.

You cant decide for her, so you have to decide for yourself. Which do you want less?
a) do you want to move on and look for a new GF or
b) do you want to accept her without reservation.

If you chose (a) dont look back... dont whine if she is a supermodel in 2 years, dont regret the decision. Understand why you made it and be ready to live with it.

If you chose (b) you are GIVING UP the right to resent her weight, even in your head. WHen you look at her and feel bad STEP ON IT AND CRUSH IT DEAD. You cannot afford to let even a peep of that grow in your head.

You can support her if/when SHE chooses to lose it... not before. You are CHOOSING to be COMPLETELY FINE with it. No nagging... no whining... nothing!

Of course, her weight may affect your desire to do things with her and what you can do as a couple. Support her, take care of her. Let her come to the conclusion BY HERSELF if her weight is affecting her. IF you feel she is unhealthy to have a child... DO NOT get her pregnant. Really it is about BOTH of you owning her decision to get bigger and YOU living with your decision to accept it.

Alla that said, I would move on. Over half the human race is female.

2016 is a different girl. Literally... the piercing moved.

i'll contribute




that doesn't look like it at all, i'd smash both

her jaw is still defined in "fat" photo



That's a damn shame

Queen of braps

its the same girl

shes hot in both tho

I have some words from your girlfriend... Would you pass them on for me? Thanks bro.

>Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

Make a mfw face like you are thinking of her hurting when you say this because I am.

Appreciate it brah.

>This thread

Between shit like this, the absolute shitshows that are weddings (both the ceremony and the life after it) and horror stories about pushy grandmas /inlaws I am fairly certain I'd rather die alone and unloved than live with a woman

Not that it looks like I have a choice but still

Never get a ranch latina, almost as bad as a country Asian. White wash or direct import only.

t. latino

>She's so sweet and caring

Bull. Getting fat and disgusting is extremely disrespectful to you her BF.

You need to put her in a state of fear that she will lose you if she does not fix the problem.

Get a female friend to leave an ambiguous phone message and deny all knowledge. Lose interest in sex and don't buy her presents.

Carefully think things through. If you decide you can live with a blob, and all that entails for your sex life, eventual children, social status, health insurance premiums, and premature widowerhood, be a man, suck it up, and carry on.

If you don't, think out what you need to say to her, explain it to her as calmly as you can, and follow through with it, whether it's supporting her through an attempt to unfuck herself, or kicking her out.

Yeah, throw that sweet and caring shit out. Her behavior completely contradicts your analysis

Dude fucking bail. Right fucking now. I can 100% promise it's only gonna get worse. Trust me and the other beaner. If you want a Latina gf find one at the gym that knows what she's doing.

Talk to her, if it's a deal breaker tell her that. either she will get the message or youll move on and find a better gf

>bangmaid evolves into slampig

OP i was in the same situation as you
when i started dating my gf she was 100lbs, when we broke up she was 165lbs, i had The Talk™ with her and she was trully pissed and disapointed at me with "oh so you're telling me you only loved me because i was hot?"
i felt like the worst person in the world when i told her that i've never thought she was hot but she was always beautiful and a good person, now she was bitchy as fuck and ugly, and i wouldn't date a person just because i had a good experience with them before, it was lose weight and start being a good person again or we can't stay together
we broke up 6 months ago, she is stil arround 160lbs and i'm 202lbs, leaning out nice and fucking lots of hot girls, have a new job, i can actually save money now to move to a better place and my life could not be better

>I pleade and begged

All you gotta do is show her the door, if she's worth anything she will tough up and get in shape to keep you, if not than she's worthless as a woman so you have nothing to lose really

>i felt like the worst person in the world when i told her that i've never thought she was hot but she was always beautiful and a good person, now she was bitchy as fuck and ugly, and i wouldn't date a person just because i had a good experience with them before, it was lose weight and start being a good person again or we can't stay together
so basicly you broke up with her because she's no longer attractive. You don't deserve her in the first place then

>girl acquires the obesity
>man is concerned of the obesity
>man expresses concern
>it is the man's fault

perhaps if she wasn't a fucking sea cow she would've had a nice and quiet success instead of being a saccharine succubus. her loss, his gain.

Or he can do what he did, break up with her and find someone who respects themselves enough not to blow up.

There's your answer. Latinas are only good for a pump and dump while they're still hot. Don't marry one or you'll end up with a fat onion-shaped goblin.

Have you tried instigating a getting healthy challenge for the two of you? Say you've been thinking about taking your health to the next level and it'd be a fun project you can do together. Its easier when theres a support group and she wont feel like youre pressuring her into getting skinny. Take before pictures. Start buying only healthy foods (no temptation). And create little workouts the two of you can do together like going for a walk and it will build from there.

>not dating another bi guy so you can have intimacy without a girl's bullshit but still plow thots on the side
I feel so ascended

>Another stealth feederism fetish thread

I'm not gonna call you out OP, but only a pervert would use a SSBBW model for an OP post about his "girlfriend."

I'm not saying I don't believe you, I'm just saying I'd fuck the shit out of OP pic and i think you would, too.

>tfw other degenerates like me flock to these threads to post fat girl fap fuel

Feels pretty good desu.

>My girlfriend has slowly been getting fatter and fatter and its all been within about 2 years.
Fuck you, OP. You now triggered one of my deepest fears.
Besides loosing my dick in a terrible golfing accident…

dump her and run. Unless you want to be 30 yo and stuck with a fucking walrus for the rest of your life.