Rate how "in shape" I am out of 10

Rate how "in shape" I am out of 10
>about 150lbs
First two pics are relaxed and slightly slouched over, last pic is flexing

I'm also /k/ so being able to fight off attackers isn't a reason for working out, it's mostly for social reasons

I'm sorry user, but you're never going to be in shape.

I have plenty of muscle underneath but the problem is the fat right above it. Also sorry if this pic turns out sideways


If 5 is average skinny teenager then 4 because you are a skinny teenager that's 5 foot 6. Not average.

I hate to be mean, but if I had that body I would kill myself. You shouldn't tho


Post yours user
I'm not in great shape but I'm not in bad shape, right? Plus once I grow some more and start being active again my BMI will level out in no time

you've got bitch tits

Have you ever even worked out in your life

Yes that's why I don't look like boogie2988

If you continue this lifestyle you prob will

im sorry to break it to you user, but youre just not gonna make it.

>gun flexing
Burgerboi get ye gone

Muscle is supposed to easily show on someone your height, a 6" 2 skinny skeleton probably has more muscle then you

These are the people giving you advice on Veeky Forums

No I don't use Veeky Forums

yeah we can tell. cant believe nobodies told you to read the fucking sticky yet

Been there done that, I got my TDEE but it proved to difficult to count calories with things that don't have labels so I tried estimating and lost track after one week
This was a month ago

6'1 skinny skeleton reporting in. How am I doing?


your tit hair is my trigger

Zero. You are zero in shape. Read the sticky and welcome to fit!

Every day should be forearm day. Blast the fuck out of them and don't forget deadlifts or farmer walks

My hair grows pretty fast and I didn't feel like shaving at 2am for a bunch of guys on Veeky Forums.

I do deads twice a week. Getting close to 2 pl8 after only lifting for a few months. I've been looking for some good forearm exercises to do because my grip isn't keeping up with my strength gains.

t. ronnie from baywatch

I... think I've had enough internet for tonight.

Is it actually possible to recover from a body like this or are you fucked from too high levels of estrogen and cortisol surpressing test levels?

This. I also want to know

Fuck I think this has to be a meme, I don't come here enough though so I can't tell

I look fine in , and
this pic is just at a bad angle 70% of the people I interact with are worse off than me. I look decent enough and am perfectly healthy.

If y'all look so much better than post pics please

Why did you post in the first place when you are going to ignore everything everyone said and go on your own "I am fit, fuck you" tirade.

You're an ignorant fuck and should calmly off yourself for being so low IQ

Farmers walks
Static holds
Reverse curls
Pull ups
Wrist curls

see >

You're a faggot with tits!

You look like you're transitioning hahaha.

This is bait

What would you consider better for grip strength, barbell shrugs or dumbbell shrugs? Or is there not a difference?

There's no difference other than that dumbbells often don't go heavier than 100 lbs.

You are pretty much the definition of an unfit skinnyfat couchpotato. Cut until skele then a lean bulk and do a beginner program like ss with accesories until you hit 1/2/3/4

>americans think you're in shape just because you're not morbidly obese
You're a skinnyfat weak piece of shit. Go lift.

Can I suck on your breasts?

You look like shit. I'm just being honest.

You need to actually lift fucking weights.

you need to hard cut down to about 8% bodyfat (no muscle right now anyway so you dont have to worry about losing it) and then start a clean bulk from there

your body is disgusting


You could be a runner or swimmer, non competitive of course.

Shoulders are decent and chest is pretty good for noob gains.

Keep at it user

envious of ur chest and shoulder genetics, 6'3" lankelt with horrible insertions

2 and I'm being generous

Nothing about you says "in shape" other than that you're not obese


you don't even lift

you look like a flabby 20 year old who has never exercised in his life but is not fat/10

i look horrid and skinny as fuck, and i STILL look better

You are either underage or from r9k. Either way get back to your containment board on r9k.

If I'm 5'6 110lbs beginner I should be skipping the cut and just starting to bulk right? And then cut down once I hit 130ish or something?

didn't read the thread, are you 16? is that why you're so retarded?


It's possible, but it takes a lot of time and effort. Most probably wouldn't make it.

Sorry op, not trying to be mean but going to give it to you straight. You look like youve never worked out your entire life. There is literally nothing worse than your current body, except being fat or deformed. You are as unfit as possible without a genetic problem

>it's another pajeet with gyno thread

pls end summer

Dont be so harsh on yourself friend


Not joking

If you told me you lift, I wouldn't believe you.

No memeing you're not in great shape. You're chubby, and you claim to have muscle under the fat but based off of you having tiny arms we can tell that's not true

Same shit happens to me idk what to do about it other than shave it every second day



these are the guys giving you advice

I am out and this time I am not coming back. Good luck.

How do I become skinny like this?

r8 me

lifting for 2.5 months. previously 140lb 6' skelly
I looked like no lie

This is a blueboard, keep your shit on /b/

squeeze them tittays together for me

fits actually a fucking sham lmao

everyone in this thread is dyel

also you need to just go, youre the shitty posing kid who posted yesterday and yeah you are horrid and skinny as fuck and youre trying to show those paper thin traps off.

slow down, you're bulking too hard user.

too fat? I do feel like I have a gut some times.

nice tiddies, fuccboi

I don't even belong to this board (friendly neighbour from /pol/)i was looking for chad vs virgin memes but...seriously DYEL?
A bit disappointed and concerned on Veeky Forums...i dont think ive seen ITT people who can benchpress comfortably one plate.
Op i mean you don't look obese but you're far from fit if you don't work out.