What is Neck Theory?

Somewhere on Veeky Forums I saw some people talk about 'shooping' necks and that it would confirm neck theory... I can't find the meaning of it, can anyone help?

tell me which is more aesthetic.
now this, this is neck theory

the one on the right looks better

he is a massive wannabe alpha beta anyway

HIs entire body has been widened, not just his neck. Look at the ties, the lapels, the collars....It's an optical illusion.

Neck theory is just a meme. Getting a big body is the only thing that matters.

good luck going around preaching that


But doesn't it just look weird because you're making their necks deformed?
is the only one I can kind of understand but either way both look weird

idk but it's not going to help the facelets of Veeky Forums anyway

i dont see a thicc neck hete

what's wrong with being a facelet

>also what's a facelet
like pic related?

lile pic related


still no one tells what is neck theory.

Just another thing Veeky Forums focuses on to make themselves feel better about being social rejects. Some girls like baby faces and some don't.

apparently you can become a chad with a thicc neck, and they "prove" it by comparing a thicc neck with a thin neck you'll never see irl
basically bs

I can't believe some people actually care about that stuff. Poor guy

Is there a dictionary for all these damn terms what the fuck is a chad

Here's the same picture, but instead trying to keep the jaw the same size and only making the neck actually smaller.

this is the same as before, user

here's a star tho

so you become really attractive with a bigger neck

can you shop him too?

no. already has a thicc necc

he's hot af tho